This LSNP-Form XSD Package contains Request and Response Changes on 4/6/2016 Added complex types and simple types. 1: Namespace changed from to 2: LRN, RESID, BTRL Elements deleted from LSNP_SVC_DET Complex Type. 3: JR Element sequence got changed which is added under CCEA Element 4: LINE_RESTRICT_GRP Complex Type reference removed from SVC_INFO Complex type. 5: LPIC Element moved from LINE_RESTRICT_GRP complex type to SVC_INFO complex type. 6: BLOCK_GRP complex type moved from LINE_RESTRICT_GRP complex type to SVC_INFO complex type. 7: CTI_GRP Complex Type reference added under SVC_INFO Complex Type Changes on 6/2/2016 1: In LSNP form moved JR field as the first field in LSNP_SVC_DET/SVC_INFO section 2: CTI_GRP removed from LSNP_SVC_DET/SVC_INFO section in LSNP form. 3: Updated CABCONNTYP and CABCONN fields as repeatable in FACILITY_CONFIG_GRP section of LSNP form. This schema is developed to support LSOG 2Q14