Editing nondesign trouble reports

After you find the trouble report you want, you can edit it, cancel it, or change the appointment time. Specifically, you can revise the Problem Information and the Cancel Person Information. Remember that you can edit only open/active trouble reports, but you can edit trouble reports whose commitment time has passed. You can view closed trouble reports for a day after they've been closed, but you can't edit them.

  1. Find the trouble report you want to edit.

The Maintain Non Design Report window displays the trouble report.

  1. If the commitment time has passed, follow these guidelines. Otherwise, continue with this procedure.

  2. Revise the trouble report as appropriate.

  3. Click Submit.

A message indicates that your edit has been submitted. You can check on the status of your edit by viewing the transaction history. When the edit has been completed, you can view the edited trouble report by finding it once again.

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