Following up on nondesign trouble reports

To follow up on a nondesign trouble report that you've submitted, you must first find it so that you can view, edit, or cancel it or change the appointment time. You can view the last 50 trouble reports you or your colleagues submitted. You can view closed trouble reports for a day after they've been closed, but you can't edit, cancel, or reschedule them.

  1. Click the NON DESIGN tab.

  2. In the Maintain Trouble Report window, search for the trouble report by specifying either search criteria or the trouble ticket ID.

The Maintain Non Design Report window displays the trouble report you selected. (All times shown in the window are Mountain time.)

From this window you can edit or cancel open/active trouble reports or change the appointment time. (You can view closed trouble reports for a day after they've been closed, but you can't edit, cancel, or reschedule them.)

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