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Module 2: Product Description

Query Services

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Local Number Portability
          ASR Ordering Requirements
Orders are required to initiate Global Title Translations in CenturyLink's STPs to activate the LNP Database Query Service.
  • For IXC, CLEC, and capable WSP customers, an ASR is required to order LNP Database Query Service.
  • For ILECs, an ECAN form needs to be completed by the appropriate Service Manager to order LNP Database Query Service.
For IXC, CLEC, and WSP customers, an Access Service Request (ASR) is required to order Options Activation, which initiates Global Title Translations to allow service providers to launch LNP queries to CenturyLink's LRN databases.

The following fields are not all required to process a service request, but they are required to complete Options Activation:

  • CSL - Customer Switch Location: The 11-character customer switch CLLI code associated with the point codes that are being activated.
  • SSPC - Service Signaling Point Code: Identifies the point code to be activated on the link.
  • PCU - Point Code Use: B = Number Portability.
  • SSPC Type - Identifies the type of signaling point related to the SSPC. For LNP, must be equal to "S," which equals SSP.
  • PCACT - Point Code Activity: Identifies the link set translations required for point codes in the SSPC field. N = Establish Point Code (if new link set), A = Add Point Code (if existing link set).
Only one ASR per link set is required per LATA per CSL. The Network Signaling Management Center (NSMC) then translates the point code(s) to all link sets in the LATA based on one service request. An ASR is not required per Two-Six Code (TSC). Multiple point codes can be activated on a single ASR, but all of the point codes activated must be associated with the same CSL.
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