Wholesale: Products & Services

Floor/Rack Space Lease


Floor / Rack Space Lease service provides for space within an CenturyLink central office or other premises that house telecommunications equipment.

CenturyLink is committed to meeting your needs and serves as a single point-of-contact for ordering, provisioning and billing. CenturyLink has years of experience installing, maintaining, and cross-connecting facilities.

Using Floor / Rack Space Lease service from CenturyLink, you may:

  • Lower capital costs by using existing facilities.
  • Get to market quickly by using existing real estate for network expansion.

Features & Benefits

  • Shortened time to market - allows you to quickly expand network using existing real estate.
  • Lower capital expenditures - reduces cost to market.
  • Minimum space requirements - allows you to lease in rack space increments.
  • Multiple connection levels available (Voice/DS0, DS1, DS3, Optical, and Ethernet) - meets your current and future needs.
  • Broad geographic coverage - allows you to expand your market in CenturyLink territories.

Product Details

Floor / Rack Space Lease service from CenturyLink provides space within a CenturyLink central office, or other CenturyLink premises that house telecommunications facilities, through a contractual arrangement. The Floor / Rack Space Lease allows you to locate equipment in this space and interconnect with CenturyLink. Environmental support systems such as lighting, heating and air conditioning specific to the central office are included with the lease service.

CenturyLink offers three types of Floor / Rack Space Lease arrangements (where available):

  • Secured Floor Space Lease - This lease arrangement provides an enclosed space specifically allocated to a particular service provider. It may be an enclosed area or a portion of a larger fenced off area designated for leasing customers. CenturyLink requires that both the floor space and the secured enclosure be ordered.
  • Unsecured Floor Space Lease - This lease arrangement provides floor space without a security enclosure. The leasing customer's equipment is housed in an area designated for them. There is a minimum space requirement of 10 feet.
  • Unsecured Rack Space Lease - This lease arrangement provides a specified number of equipment racks.

Business Applications

  • Floor / Rack Space Lease is designed to meet your space requirements for equipment such as Point-of-Presence (POPs) and routers or modem pools. A seamless network also becomes a reality as you connect other CenturyLink products and services directly to your equipment located in the same CenturyLink premises.
  • Interexchange Carriers (IXCs) may establish POPs in the CenturyLink central office.
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may locate their routers and modem pools in the CenturyLink central office.

Last Update: July 21, 2017