Maintaining User Profile Details

Using the User Profile option, you can view your default profile details. You can also add or modify user profile details.


Using the User Profile option, you can:


To view User Profile Details

In the CEMR-MTG toolbar, click the Profile button.  

The User Profile window appears, displaying your default user profile details.


To add User Profile Details

  1. In the CEMR-MTG toolbar, click the Profile button.  

    The User Profile window appears, displaying your default user profile details.

  2. Enter the user profile details you want to add, such as Email.

  3. Click the Submit button to add the user profile details.

    The updated user profile details will be applied the next time you log in to the application.


To modify User Profile Details

  1. In the CEMR-MTG toolbar, click the Profile button.

    The User Profile window appears, displaying your default user profile details such as password, phone, e-mail and fax.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. Modify the details.

  2. Click the Submit button.

    A message ‘User profile successfully updated', appears.

The updated user profile details will be applied the next time you log in to the application.

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Field Descriptions

Error Messages