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Open Product/Process CR PC010715-1 Detail

Title: Technical Publication 77351, CenturyLink Engineering Standards – General Equipment Requirements
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC010715-1 Completed
Technical Publications
Originator: Olave, Jesse
Originator Company Name: CenturyLink
Owner: Olave, Jesse
CR PM: Lorence, Susan

Description Of Change

Legacy Qwest Technical Publication 77351 is being updated to reflect the new company name of CenturyLink and to incorporate various legacy company standards into a single document. This document will also provide additional clarification to existing standards.

Redlined Tech Pub Chapters to be submitted separately.

Date Action Description
1/9/2015 CR Acknowledged CR Acknowledged. 
1/7/2015 CR Submitted CR Submitted. 
1/12/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number CMPR.MEET.01.12.15.F.13105.CR_TP77351_MonthlyCMP_Mtg. Ad hoc meeting scheduled to review proposed changes to TP chapters following January CMP monthly meeting. 
1/14/2015 Info Requested from CLEC Question from Kim Isaacs, Integra, why CenturyLink believes TP 77351 applies to CLECs. 
1/15/2015 Info Sent to CLEC CenturyLink response sent to Integra that relays TP 77351 is referenced in several PCATs and to insure CLECs are aware of requirements for all telecommunications equipment service providers. 
1/21/2015 Status Changed Status changed to Presented. 
1/21/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting CR was presented during the monthly Product Process call. Subsequent to regular monthly CMP call, CenturyLInk SMEs reviewed planned updates to TP 77351, specifically Chapters 2, 3 and Section A of Chapter 6. Meeting minutes pending. 
1/26/2015 Status Changed Status changed to Evaluation. 
1/26/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.MEET.01.26.15.F.13144.CMP_AdHoc_Mtg_CR__TP77351. 
2/3/2015 General Meeting Held Ad hoc meeting held to review remaining TP77351 redlined Chapters. 
2/17/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number NETW.TECH.02.17.15.F.12955.TP_77351_Iss_H_Eng_Strds. 
2/16/2015 Status Changed Status changed to Development. 
2/18/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the February ProdProc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D in the Distribution Package. 
3/18/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the March ProdProc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D in the Distribution Package. 
4/3/2015 Status Changed Status changed to CLEC Test. 
3/19/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number NETW.TECH.03.19.15.F.13281.FNL_TP_77351_Iss_H_Eng_St. 
4/15/2015 Status Changed Status changed to Completed. 
4/15/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the April ProdProc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D in the Distribution Package. 

Project Meetings

4/15/15 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this CR is in CLEC Test as of April 3, 2015. Mark said that last month CenturyLink shared a cross reference matrix that was developed that provides the list of changes that were made to TP 77351 that is anticipated will have an impact on the upcoming TP 77350 changes. We checked on the status of changes to TP 77350 and it still appears the new CMP CR will be issued by late April which would mean ad hoc meetings would likely begin in mid May. Mark asked if there were any objections to moving this TP 77351 CR to a Completed status. There were none.

3/18/15 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the initial notification associated with the Technical Publication (TP) 77351 updates was sent on February 17, 2015. The final notice and CenturyLink response to CLEC comments will be sent March 19, 2015 with a planned effective date of April 3, 2015. Mark said based on an Action Item taken during Ad Hoc calls in January and February 2015, Jesse Olave – CenturyLink developed a matrix that is included in the CMP package. The matrix provides the list of changes that were made to TP 77351 that is anticipated will have a direct impact on upcoming changes to be made to TP 77350. The matrix will also be posted to the Document Review Archive site associated with distribution of the final notice. Mark said many of the changes to TP 77351, which is associated with engineering requirements, will not be duplicated in TP 77350, which is associated with installation requirements. The matrix only reflects the planned updates to TP 77350 that are a direct result of updates to TP 77351; it is not an all inclusive list of the planned updates. Mark said the CR associated with the changes to TP 77350 will likely be issued in late April and ad hoc meetings are expected to begin in May.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked for clarification of the references in the matrix where it states “No reference in current 77350” and whether it means that they would be added?

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated we will get an answer from Jesse Olave and the response would be included in the meeting minutes Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that it looked as if the TP 77350 column was the existing language that is going to be changed to match TP 77351.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated that was correct.

NOTE – CMP CALL FOLLOWUP: After following up with Jesse Olave – CenturyLink, he confirmed that the same changes as occurred in TP 77351 will be made to 77350. The column in the matrix is what is in existence currently.

Kim Isaacs – Integra thanked the team that put the matrix together.

2/18/15 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this CR was presented by Jesse Olave - CenturyLink in January and an ad hoc call occurred following the regular monthly CMP meeting. On February 3, a second ad hoc meeting occurred to complete the review of the remaining TP 77351 chapters. Mark said the Meeting minutes are posted to the CMP CR and an updated copy of the CR is posted the Wholesale calendar for today’s meeting. Based on discussion in the ad hoc call, there were some updates made to the TP. A 45 day level 4 CMP notification was distributed February 17, 2015 with planned effective date of April 3, 2015. Mark said we are following up on Action Items specifically the question as to when TP 77350 will be ready for CLEC review and how can we make that review more effective now that TP 77351 has been reviewed. He relayed Jesse Olave is developing a matrix to compare the differences between the two TPs.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if CenturyLink would know the TP 77350 timeline next month.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said it should be available by next month.

02-03-15 Ad Hoc Meeting

Attendees: Victor Gaither – Time Warner Cable Kim Isaacs – Integra Bonnie Johnson – Minnesota Department of Commerce Laurie Roberson – Integra Jesse Olave – CenturyLink Diana Unser – CenturyLink Mark Coyne – CenturyLink John Hansen – CenturyLink Susan Williams – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink relayed the purpose of the call is for attendees to review planned updates to Technical Publication (TP) 77351. She said that we got through approximately one third of the TP updates on the last call and hoped to complete the remaining chapter review on the call today.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said we left off on TP 77351 Chapter 6A. The call began with the review of zip file 3. He proposed reviewing each section, relaying that he would focus on the changes that provided more detail or where there was a change to the TP that would impact customers. He said he would skip the minor and grammatical changes.

Chapter 6B Auxiliary Framing - Low Type Jesse Olave – CenturyLink then reviewed the following sections in Section 6. Section 6B.4.1 – Added a Note to the Exhibit to provide more detail for the engineers.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked what the implications were for a (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS)[delete CUSTOMER]CLEC. She asked if existing cages would be grandfathered.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said it was likely that 95% of the changes in the TP did not change the standard but only provided more detail. Jesse said the revisions did not change requirements for what was currently built.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said if customers were in a line up, then customers must match what was currently built. If they were in their own cage, that was not the case.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said if there was a virtual collo, we must follow the standard that was there. Kim asked if there (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS)[WAS GOING TO BE [delete WERE] retroactive work.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said as long as there is not a service hazard, then no change was required to existing space but if the space was reclaimed or there was a hazard, that would be different. Diane said most of the updates were to make the document more understandable or to provide a quick reference. She said a safety hazard is always addressed as soon as it is identified.

Section 6B.7 - Added a new bullet for clarification.

Section 6B.2-E2-2G - Added a new exhibit to clarify the existing standard. Jesse Olave – CenturyLink asked if there were any other question on 6B. There were none.

Chapter 6C Auxiliary Framing - High Type Jesse Olave – CenturyLink relayed that the Table of Contents appears like it has all changed but it was simply to add hyperlinks.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if Jesse had investigated the other Tech Pubs that referenced TP 77351 and how they are impacted. Kim said she was concerned that the cites (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) [TO TP 77351] IN THE OTHER TECH PUBS were not accurate any longer. Diana Unser – CenturyLink said Jeff Bostow – CenturyLink did not yet have a specific date as to when he will be ready for review. Diana said TP 77355 (Grounding - Central Office and Remote Electronic Equipment Environments) and 77385 (Power Equipment and Engineering Standards) have both been updated. She said these other Tech Pubs feed TP 77350 which will be the last one for updates.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said there are specific (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) SECTION NUMBER references[delete TO] IN these other Tech Pubs in TP 77351. She is concerned they will be out of synch.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said not necessarily. The Section numbers were purposely not changed to keep them in synch due to references from other documents. CenturyLink does not want to renumber everything. Diana said it made the most sense internally to make the engineering updates and then determine updates to other documents.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she thought that TP 77351 (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS)SECTIONS had been rearranged which COULD [delete WOULD]could be a problem FOR THE OTHER TECH PUBS THAT REFER TO TP 77351. It made the most sense to her to review the changes to the TP simultaneously since TP 77350 is the one referenced in their ICAs.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said that Jeff Bostow – CenturyLink had been working with him concurrently to insure TP 77350 was in synch with this one. Jesse said he thought TP 77350 would soon follow.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said that was why Jeff Bostow – CenturyLink was involved to insure TP 77351 changes were incorporated in TP 77350, e.g., clarifications and numbering updates. The previous documents TP 77355 and TP 77385 tie back to TP 77350 similar to TP 77351. Diana reiterated that Jeff Bostow – CenturyLink had been involved in all of the other TP updates and that TP 77350 should be following soon.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said it would be much easier and nice for (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in bold or caps) [delete CUSTOMERS] CLECs to see how TP 77351 impacts TP 77350 since TP 77350 is the document referenced in their ICAs.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said we have noted Kim’s point that it would have been easier for (2/2/15 Updates received from Integra in bold or caps) [delete CUSTOMERS] CLECs to do these simultaneously. Susan suggested CenturyLink SMEs will meet internally to see how the review of TP 77350 can be expedited based on the other related TP updates.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said that would be very helpful since TP 77350 is so large and that this singular approach is not very efficient.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink then reviewed the remaining changes in Chapter 6C. Section 6C.3 – Added a Note to contact Real Estate for any new ceiling racks to evaluate structural integrity.

Section 6C.5 – Added clarification for cable rack sizing and support. Jesse said the remaining exhibits are the same.

Chapter 6D Rolling Ladders Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this chapter is not one that applies as much. He said a general note was added about rolling ladders. CenturyLink is migrating away from using these ladders. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 6E Earthquake and Disaster Bracing Jesse Olave – CenturyLink then provided information associated with the changes made in this chapter. Section 6E.1 – The reference to use Telcordia for zone rating is the only one retained.

Section 6E.2.2 – Added clarification to provide additional information for existing standards.

Section 6E.3.2 – Added a Figure to show what the standard means. Jesse said there are no changes to the remaining exhibits and said that concludes the changes to 6E. He asked if there were any questions. There were none. Chapter 6F Cable Distribution Systems For Conventional Floor Supported Systems Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said a new Section 6F.3 was added to provide information from CenturyLink internal documents that goes into more detail around engineering requirements and guidelines for internal and external engineers. He asked if there were any questions. There were none. Chapter 6G Fiber Protection System (FPS) - Cable Distribution for Fiber Optic Cable Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said in this Section, CenturyLink did move information around. Fiber Cable information was moved to Chapter 3 and Chapter 10 which left the Chapter 6G to be Fiber Protection.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the information moved intact or was the wording changed. Kim asked if the changes had practical impacts.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the wording and formatting was changed to be more logical and to provide more organization to the content. He said the intent of the content remained the same.

Section 6G.7 – This Section was moved to 6A and 6B. Section 6G.2 – Information was added and the organization of the information was modified to improve the flow. Section 6G.2.1 – Added some bullets to provide more clarification on what is allowed. Section 6G.2.7 – Added this new section to provide a reference for the engineers. Section 6G.10 and 6G.11 – Two sections were removed that do not apply. Jesse asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 7 Frame and Aisle Lighting Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this Chapter was divided into three sections: Section A - Fluorescent Type Lighting, Section B - Appliance Outlets And Miscellaneous Conduit and Section C Emergency Lighting. He said the Table of Contents was updated to provide hyperlinks allowing access to the Figures but the overall intent was to clarify the differences between the types of lighting.

Section 7A.4 – This information was previously in internal documentation and the intent was to make it available to engineers. Some updates were formatting and rebranding. Jesse asked if there were any questions.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if Jesse would identify a practical change.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said he would identify any practical changes to CLECs.

Section 7B – The information that was added was to provide clarification and more detail to existing standards. Jesse asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Section 7C – This section provides more detail and definition on what it is and the existing standards. Some heading information was removed but detail information was retained and clarification was added.

Chapter 8 Internal Network and Operations Support Systems Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this Chapter is related to CenturyLink internal operational support. The various sections provide the requirements for alarming and support in the CenturyLink network.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said when CLECs see “OSS”, they think of functional applications like ordering. Kim asked if CenturyLink would identify this is internal and could Jesse remove the ‘and” to make it clear that it was not functional system related.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink and Diana Unser – CenturyLink said they were OK to remove the “and” in the Chapter title. Jesse asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 9 Alarms and Operational Support Systems Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this Chapter is also related to CenturyLink internal operational support. He said the grammatical changes that were made do not change the intent of the content. Jesse referenced the change from CO to network facility that has occurred throughout the TP.

Chapter 10 Wire, Cable and Fiber Cable Requirements Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said a new section was added to reference Fiber Cable requirements. The information came from Chapter 6G. Jesse reviewed the various sections. He identified that some content was removed since it was no longer valid. He said some content was added to refer back to TP 77385.

Section 10.4 – The majority of information was in Section 6G so is showing here as all being added new. Jesse said that CenturyLink believed it was a better fit here. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 11 Network Facility Equipment Building Environment Requirements Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section is associated with equipment building and NEBS requirements. He said the intent remains the same but more detail was added for various sections of GR63 and GR1089. Additional detail was provided to identify where information comes from.

Section 11.3 – The temperature changes in this section reflect the NEBS requirements

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the maximum rate of temperature change was correct.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said he would check.

NOTE: Per review by Jesse Olave after the Ad hoc call, this has been reviewed and has been determined to be accurate and matches what is outlined in GR63. No changes will be necessary to this statement or values associated with this section. Section 11.4 – This section was added as a new section on its own.

Sections 11.5 through 11.11 – The majority of this information remains the same. It is consistent with what was previously published and has the same intent. Jesse said the map in Figure J-1 related to EARTHQUAKE ZONING MAP was changed to reflect the continental United States vs. the 14 state Legacy Qwest region. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 12 General Interaction Requirements Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the information that was added is intended to guide engineers during equipment removal. There were also rebranding changes made. The Table A that was removed was the same table as in Chapter 11. Other updates were to include clarification for the engineers.

Chapter 13 Raised Floors Environments Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the information in this chapter is new to provide engineers with guidance for this environment and provided a review of the various sections.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the raised floor the standard for legacy Qwest states.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said no. For new environments, this might be a better solution but it is not considered the standard. Jesse said the grounding requirements in this chapter were reviewed by Curtis Ashton – CenturyLink and coincide with the requirements in TP 77355. Jesse said these requirements are mainly for the National side of CenturyLink. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Chapter 14 Acronyms/Glossary Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there were minor changes to add new definitions or provide more information.

Chapter 15 References Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said information was updated to provide more current release references for the various documents that are listed.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink asked if there were any overall questions about the review. There were none.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said the next steps are to send the meeting minutes out and to follow-up on any Action Items that were identified during the calls. Once Jesse makes the agreed upon updates to the TP, a level 4 CMP notification will be sent for the 14 state region that follows the normal CMP review and comment cycle. Susan said a separate notification will be sent for the remaining CenturyLink states that will have the same planned effective date as the CMP notice. The CenturyLink SME team will follow-up with Jeff Bostow, CenturyLink owner of TP 77350, to determine when his TP will be available for review and find the best approach to identify changes in his document that were already discussed here. Susan asked if there were any questions. There were none. She thanked everyone for their participation and feedback.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM Mountain Time.

01/21/2015 Ad Hoc Meeting minutes (following CMP monthly meeting) Attendees: Randee Ryan – Comcast Kim Isaacs – Integra Laurie Roberson – Integra Liz Tierney – Megapath Victor Gaither – Time Warner Cable Jesse Olave – CenturyLink Diana Unser – CenturyLink Mark Coyne – CenturyLink John Hansen – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink suggested that we start walking through each redlined chapter of TP 77351 that was posted to the Wholesale calendar.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there are lots of changes redlined in these Technical Publication (TP) updates however the majority of the changes are clarifications and adding additional detail to the information that was already there.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she had an overall question first – what was the CLEC implication to changing the wording from “Central office” to “network facility”.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there are no implications. The intent is to use a more general term vs. a central office environment.

Technical Publication 77351, Chapter 2. Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said reviewed the redline updates where additional information and clarifying information was added. Jesse said in Table 2.1, EQUIPMENT AISLE SPACING, some requirements were changed and reviewed those changes however Jesse said the absolute minimum requirements in this instance remains the same.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink and Jesse Olave – CenturyLink pointed to the specific points that were added that impact spacing requirements.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked when customers are adding equipment to a collocation, are these the standards that should be used?

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said yes. There are still the same limitations on a variety of requirements but it is part of the form that customers have to fill out to add additional equipment to an existing space.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said what if adding equipment to an existing space, have the standards changed so that equipment could not be added without re-engineering?

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said it depends on what is added but it could prompt CenturyLink to go to Real Estate for a reevaluation of what is being requested and what currently exists in the space. Diana said the goal is for both customer equipment and CenturyLink equipment continues to work as it should.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the intent of this section of the document has not changed but it is to provide more details as to the engineering requirements.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said CenturyLink would follow the same process and decision criteria for an existing space and the additional details are to have the engineer made the good decisions.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink asked if there were additional questions and said if something comes up he could definitely review an area again.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections and 2.2.4. Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section was updated to provide additional information. Some of the content was only available internally before and was added to assist in engineering decisions.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections 2.5.1 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section was updated to change the minimum size of the door to be more the size of a normal door.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections 2.5.3 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section was not changed but was updated to provide more detail and to provide options available.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections 2.5.5 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section was updated to provide additional information.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if there were changes or was it only to provide more detail.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said that is correct. The intent has not changed but more detail is being added.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said this update should not impact them since they are already meeting the standards.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said correct but it should help customer engineers also so they don’t have to ask as many questions.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections 2.7.6 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said this section is new but it is consistent with TP 77385. He asked if there were any other questions on Chapter 2. There were none.

Technical Publication 77351, Chapter 3 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there are a lot of redlines in this chapter because it was reorganized, more definitions and detail was added format changes were made.

Technical Publication 77351, Sections 3.2 and 3.3 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the specific requirements in these sections have not changed. References are now more generic and some subsections were added to provide more detail.

Technical Publication 77351, Section 3.4 Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said new subsections were added to provide additional detail to internal and external engineers. Some information was previously internal and is being added here. Jesse said some of this information used to be in Section 6.G but has been pulled up in the Tech Pub as a better fit here.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said some of the information was in Chapter 6 and some was internal information. She asked if she looked at Chapter 6, would was moved be clear?

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said yes but some of the wording was updated during the move but it should still be clear.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said also more Figures were added to help everyone.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink reviewed the additional subsections that were added or moved. He asked if there were any questions.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if in Section, was there a new sentence about the POI and manhole and asked about the closest manhole and splice cases.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said there is a separate TP for this. Diana said manhole Zero is typically very crowded and it is not recommended for everything. It cannot support a lot of splice cases due to space requirements.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said the statement that it was not used as a POI was a concern since some are.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said they would revisit this wording but that the TP was to set the standard and some sites may not meet the standard but for those a letter of deviation is required like today.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said a letter of deviation may delay the process and this is a blanket statement.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said they would revisit the wording in Section, bullet item 2, last sentence and would work with Regulatory Compliance to see if clarification is required. He asked if there were any more questions for Chapter 3. There were none. Jesse recommended skipping a review of Chapter 4 which has few changes and relates to TP 77385. He also recommended skipping Chapter 5 since the update that was made did not impact Legacy Q and the Chapter relates to TP 77355.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the changes in Chapter 4 and 5 then synch up with the current TPs?

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said yes they do. The TP author for the two TPs reviewed the chapters to insure they were in synch. Technical Publication 77351, Chapter 6, Section A Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there are a lot of redlines but they relate to formatting changes to be able to hyperlink to the Table of Contents. Changes were made to rebrand the document to CenturyLink. Jesse said a new Section 6A.2.3 was added to include criteria about cable racks that does not exist in Legacy Q.

Kim Isaacs – Integra had a question about the first added sentence in Section 6A.1 that states “Any material referenced throughout the chapter refers to currently approved CenturyLink material.” Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said CenturyLink only orders CenturyLink approved material so the statement is included to state that specifically for the engineers.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said that made sense.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said there was an update to Section 6A.4.1, Table 2 which was really a correction. He reviewed the updates through Section 6A.7 relaying that additional direction, clarifying information and recommendations were added for the engineers. Jesse said a lot of the information was previously in 6G but was moved here. Jesse said most of Section 6A.8 was eliminated. He said the majority of the information in Section 6A.9 is the same but is now organized differently. He said Section 6A.9.1.A and Section 6A.9.1.B were broken out to address Cable Hole for floors and walls separately.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if there were significant changes in this area.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said it was mostly a clarification of standards and the additional of more details. The intent of these sections did not change.

Laurie Roberson – Integra identified a typo is Section 6A.9.2 in the first bullet.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said for Section 6A.9.3 there were some minor changes to use Project Number instead of Order number and to also add a “Fire Assembly Number or Engineering Judgement Number” and “Responsible Party Contact Information”. This information is now required to provide who is responsible. Jesse said all of the remaining exhibits in this section did not change but some new exhibits were added for clarification. The exhibits were updated to allow a hyperlink to them. Jesse asked if there were any questions on Chapter 6A. There were none.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we have made it through two of the five TP files and proposed another call to review the remaining three.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said Chapter 2 had the most actual changes so a two hour call should allow the remaining chapters to be reviewed. He said Chapters 10-12 and 14, 15 had minimal changes. He said Chapter 13 is a new chapter on Raised Floor environments for engineers.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked the group if they would prefer a two hour call or two one hour calls.

Randee Ryan – Comcast said they would prefer one two hour call.

All agreed a two hour call would be preferred.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink proposed the date of February 3 and that was what participants agreed upon.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said there was an Action Item that the CenturyLink SME team would review the other TPs to see how these TP 77351 updates impacted them.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink confirmed that action item and said CenturyLink appreciated the feedback. He said 77350 was already being looked at 77353 and 77385 were already reviewed and are line.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM Mountain Time.

01/21/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said Jesse Olave - CenturyLink would be presenting this CR but relayed that at the conclusion of the CMP meeting, Jesse would review the redline chapters which were available on the CMP monthly meeting calendar entry.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink described the Tech Pub and advised that the document was being updated to reflect the new company name of CenturyLink and to incorporate various legacy company standards into a single document. Jesse said the intent of the document had not changed but updates would provide additional detail and clarification to existing standards to make it more user-friendly. He stated that the published Version G was the baseline and some of the chapters were rearranged and that some content was moved between chapters.

Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that this TP does not apply to CLECs and does not appear in their ICA, but rather applies to suppliers and engineers. She asked if the changes being made would impact TPs that are included in their ICA. Kim said she was interested in knowing the changes the CLECs would have to make based on these TP changes and if it applied to new collocations or if CenturyLink would use the changes to monitor compliance issues to existing collocations. Kim said she understood that the TP said existing environments would be grandfathered but asked how would that be managed.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said the requirements relay to how equipment is deployed to be NEBS level 3 compliant and said that the intent of this TP had not changed with the previous version, but that it provided more detail and CenturyLink was making provisions to supply more cooling, for example, via aisle spacing. The existing environments that complied with the previous TP version were not impacted. He said if there were exceptions to the existing environments, those would need to continue to grow as required.

Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that is the problem. Kim wanted to know when the TPs in their ICA would be updated so that she will know as a CLEC what those standards would be. Kim said this is not a TP that CLECs would reference.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink stated that the TP was accessible and CLECs could refer to it.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said it was not what governed their ICA terms. CLECs would defer to the TPs in their ICA and that this TP would not be the governing document and that she was concerned they would be out of sync which was a problem.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if the concern was that updates to this document would result in necessary changes to other documents mentioned in the ICA.

Kim Isaacs – Integra confirmed and stated that she didn’t know which updates to TP 77351 would affect them.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated we would take an action item and follow up.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said he was not familiar with the ICA process.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said any updates to the current ICA would require an amendment and gave an example of TP 77350 which was in their ICA.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink stated that the author of TP 77350 was making corresponding updates to TP 77351 and that CLECs would see those updates soon.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if there was any concern with holding off on the changes to TP 77351 until TP 77350 was available so they can compare the changes in both.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink said he understood the concern but holding off on the changes to TP 77351 would impact the timing of when other CenturyLink regions would use this document.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink said TP 77351 is basic engineering for regulated spaces and is a predecessor to TP 77350 which refers to installation. Because of that, TP 77351 has to be updated first and may trigger an update TP 77350. Diana said CLECs should ask if they have any questions based on what is currently done.

Kim Isaacs – Integra recommended that CenturyLink identify what changes in TP 77351 would impact them.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink proposed that when CenturyLink reviewed the TP 77351 updates, that the SME team would identify what might lead to a future update of the other TPs.

Diana Unser – CenturyLink yes they could. Diana reiterated that the majority of updates to TP 77351 were clarifications; there were not a lot of changes.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said that would work but said since the document was so large, more than one call would be necessary. Kim asked if content had been moved without redlining since large sections were added but it was difficult to find the related deletion.

Jesse Olave – CenturyLink stated that some moves were made but since the document was so large, there are deletions in one chapter that were added to a different chapter. Jesse said that did not happen often but he could identify those sections during the review.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated that we would follow this approach during the review. He asked if everyone was OK with that approach.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she was not 100% comfortable but was OK to move forward for now.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021