Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC012703-2 Detail

Title: DATA Migration Process
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC012703-2 Completed
Pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning UNE Line Sharing & Line Splitting
Originator: Berard, John
Originator Company Name: Covad
Owner: Soderlund, Crystal
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Covad requests that Qwest develop and document a Data Migration process with minimal or no disruption of service. This migration process should be from CLEC to CLEC, CLEC to ILEC, ILEC to CLEC and apply to all data services including but not limited to second line, line sharing, loop splitting, and line splitting.

Expected Deliverable

As soon as possible.

Date Action Description
1/27/2003 CR Submitted by Covad 
1/27/2003 CR acknowledged by P/P CMP Manager 
1/31/2003 Contacted customer to schedule Clarification Meeting 
2/3/2003 Clarification Meeting scheduled for 2/5/03 1:00 - 2:00 MDT. 
2/5/2003 Held Clarification Meeting. John Berard agreed this CR does not include second line, or loop splitting. 
2/11/2003 Sent Clarification Meeting notes to Covad, and posted to the database 
2/19/2003 February CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database. Status of CR changed to presented. 
3/19/2003 March CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database. 
4/16/2003 April CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
5/21/2003 May CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
6/2/2003 Set up CLEC Review Meeting to review the logistics and content of the Data Migrations PCAT for Thursday June 12 
6/12/2003 Held CLEC Meeting to review PCAT updates. Covad agreed to review each scenerio in more detail and review the LSOG for LSR issuance instructions. Covad will advise Qwest of any further issues at the June CMP Meeting. Qwest agreed to change the scenerio document from a search engine link to a link within the PCAT. 
6/18/2003 June P/P CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
7/1/2003 John reviewed the scenario document and advised he would like the following 2 scenarios added: - ILEC Voice migrated to CLEC Voice/DLEC DSL (linesplit) - CLEC Voice/DLEC DSL (Linesplit) migrated to ILEC Voice/DLEC DSL (Lineshare). Crystal will review the request and provide information at July CMP. 
7/16/2003 July P/P CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
8/20/2003 August CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
9/17/2003 Sep CMP meeting notes will be posted to the database 
4/15/2009 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April CMP Meeting - See Attachment N in the Distribution Package 
4/21/2009 Status Changed Status changed to Completed - CR placed in a Closed status in errror 

Project Meetings

September 17, 2003 CMP Meeting Minutes Linda Miles – Qwest advised that last month this CR moved to CLEC Test. The scenarios requested and comments received are included in the documentation. Covad agreed to close this CR.

August 20, 2003 CMP Meeting Minutes Crystal Soderlund-Qwest advised the scenarios are available as direct links in the document. This is more user friendly. Crystal advised she also added one additional scenario that wasn’t requested before. The document is available on the web. The CLECs agreed to move this CR to CLEC test.

July 16, 2003 CMP Meeting Minutes Crystal Soderlund – Qwest advised that Qwest has agreed to change the PCAT to include a direct link to the scenarios within the PCAT. Crystal thanked the CLECs for reviewing the scenarios and providing additional input. Two additional scenarios were received that are not in the matrix. These scenarios are in the LSOG. Crystal advised she will add the scenarios to the matrix and put the direct link into the PCAT. This should be available to review for comment by the end of July via the Notification process. This CR should move to CLEC Test next month.

June 18, 2003 CMP Meeting Minutes Crystal – Qwest advised we had a further clarification call scheduled with the CLECs last week and Qwest agreed to update the document as a direct hyperlink. John Berard-Covad agreed to go through each scenario and determine if any are missing. John will send to Cindy Macy any additional scenarios that he would like added to the document. Qwest requested the CLECs to have this review done by Wednesday June 25. Covad agreed that would be acceptable.

PC012703-2 Data Migrations

Ad Hoc CLEC Input Meeting June 12, 2003 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 1-877-572-8687 3393947#

In Attendance: Chad Warner – MCI Jeremy Mead – Covad John Berard – Covad Kit Thomte – Qwest Stephanie Prull – McLeod Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon Donna Osborne Miller – ATT Susan Lorence – Qwest Sharon Van Meter – ATT Crystal Soderlund– Qwest Cindy Macy – Qwest Eric Yohe – Qwest Linda Miles – Qwest Dave Hahn – Qwest Russell Urevig – Qwest Monica Manning – Qwest Deb Smith – Qwest Hiedi Moreland – Qwest Mike Johnson – Qwest

Cindy Macy – Qwest opened the call and explained the purpose of this call was to review the updates that have been made to the Migration and Conversion PCAT as a result of PC012703-1. The team reviewed the updates to make sure we understood the logistics of accessing the updated scenarios and also be able to ask questions about the content of the scenarios.

Crystal Soderlund – Qwest advised the team how to access the Migration and Conversion PCAT via the Wholesale Web Site. The team reviewed the document and Crystal pointed out the blue link that would take you to the search engine where you could open the scenario document.

John Berard - Covad asked why does this link take us to another search engine where there are multiple documents to select from? There is a list of 340 documents or exhibits. John questioned why this document is not part of the PCAT and advised it looks like a testimony document as it says Declaration in the title. Covad explained they are not comfortable with the accuracy of the document if it is outside of the PCAT. Crystal advised this document was identified to her by another CLEC and it contains the information Qwest used to roll out the product. Covad requested the document to be included in the PCAT as part of the PCAT and not be viewed via a separate search engine. Crystal agreed she would make a direct link to this document within the PCAT.

Cindy Macy – Qwest asked the CLECs if the content of the PCAT was adequate? Does the PCAT contain all the scenarios and is there enough detail on each scenario? John Berard – Covad explained they have begun looking at the scenarios but have not gone through each one yet. Crystal explained within the PCAT there is a link to the LSOG. The LSOG gives you direction on how to fill out the LSR/forms for the product you are offering. Cindy Macy – Qwest asked if there were any exceptions to the rule for ordering these products in the LSOG? If so those exception may need to be put in the PCAT.

Crystal Soderlund – Qwest agreed to make direct links to the scenario document in the PCAT. John Berard – Covad agreed to review the scenarios and let us know at the June CMP meeting if there are any scenarios that he is missing. If any CLEC reviews the document and has identified missing scenarios please send them to cmacy@qwest.com.

May 21, 2003 - CMP Meeting Minutes Crystal Soderlund – Qwest advised she has responded to the comments that came in. Crystal clarified the procedures and added additional details based on the comments. The Migrations PCAT is a ‘general and procedural’ PCAT, opposed to a product specific PCAT. Within this PCAT Crystal has added links that will bring you to more detailed documents that provide many different product scenarios for Migrations. This approach was taken as it would be very cumbersome to include all of the scenarios in the Migrations PCAT. Links are commonly used through out the PCATs. This link is a little different than other links though. The link initially brought you to another list of documents that you then needed to access to view. Crystal has changed it so the links will take you to the actual document, instead of a list of documents.

Covad asked what these documents were and if they fall under the same rules as PCATs, or are they owned by a group outside of CMP/Wholesale? Cindy Macy – Qwest agreed she would check on this item.

Covad expressed their concern that the level of detail for Data Migrations is not the same as Voice Migrations. Crystal asked for Covad to review the scenarios provided and let us know what scenerio is missing and we will then document the missing scenerio. Crystal explained the scenerios identify the type of LSR to submit, and then you have to go to the LSOG to get information on how to submit the LSR.

Cindy Macy – Qwest agreed to schedule a meeting to review the Migrations PCAT: logistics on how to get to the document and the content of the document will be reviewed. The Service Manager should also be invited.

April 16, 2003 - CMP Meeting PC012703-2: Data Migration Process

Crystal Soderlund – Qwest advised this process will be available on April 17, 2003. Qwest has issued updates to theMigrations PCAT. A url for two separate job aides on the web is provided. We have implemented an internal process to tie the two orders together. Mike Zulevic asked if this process includes Line Sharing and Line Splitting. Crystal advised yes. Cindy Macy – Qwest asked Crystal if this was done using a Level 1 Notification. Crystal advised yes. Qwest confirmed with the CLECs that it was okay to issue this as a Level 1 so the process is available for use asap. Mike Zulevic advised Level 1 is okay. If he has any questions on the document he will be able to get those answered since the CR is still open.

March 19, 2003 - CMP Meeting Cindy Macy Qwest reported the team met again on March 18 to clarify the Loop Splitting impacts to the CR. The differences between Loop Splitting, Line Sharing and Line Splitting were discussed. Agreement was reached that this CR will address multiple order situations as that is what causes the line to be down, opposed to a lift and lay move. Qwest is working to develop the process to tie multiple orders together to limit the amount of down time. Qwest also agreed to review the Data Migrations process and make it more clear, using the Voice Migrations process as an example. Mike Zulevic requested Qwest provide clarity on the steps to perform the Data Migration.

February 19, 2003 - CMP Meeting

Mike Zulevic–Covad presented this CR and explained the process associated with moving data line customers is not documented and causes confusion. Covad explained when data lines are converted the lines go down and the customer looses data that is being transmitted. Covad would like this process documented on the web site. Brett Fesler–Qwest asked if Loop Splitting was included with this CR. Zulevic agreed to discuss this with John Berard and let us know. Qwest agreed to continue working on the CR without Loop Splitting. If Loop Splitting is added we will meet again to clarify.

Comment from Mike Zulevic: I did discuss excluding loop splitting from the migrations CR with John Berard. Although loop splitting is not as critical for Covad right now as line sharing and splitting, it could be in time. It will still need to be documented, in my opinion, as there could well be migrations between a loop splitting service and a line sharing or splitting service where the same cable pair will be reused and possibly the same common area plitter. If Qwest wishes to have a seperate CR opened just for loop splitting, I think we would agree to do so, if it would make things easier for you in moving forward more quickly with the other migrations scenarios. Let me now if this would help.

Clarification Meeting CR PC012703-2 Data Migrations February 5, 2003 1-877-572-8687 3393947#

Attendees Name/Company: John Berard – Covad Crystal Soderlund – Qwest Brett Fesler – Qwest Deb Smith – Qwest Eric Yohe – Qwest Hiedi Moreland – Qwest (covered via notes) Linda Sanchez-Steinke – Qwest Cindy Macy - Qwest

Meeting Agenda:

1.0 - Introduction of Attendees Attendance was noted

2.0 - Review Requested (Description of) Change The group reviewed the CR Description in detail. The group clarified the products/services impacted and discussed the scope of the CR. The group determined the differences between this CR (PC012703-2 Data Migrations) and CR PC012703-4 Coordinated Hot Cuts for Data Migration. The key difference is this CR PC012703-2 is requesting a Process improvement and CR PC012703-4 CHC for Data Migrations is requesting a Product offering.

Brett asked John to clarify what a Data Migration order/service includes? John advised it would apply to an existing Line Sharing Order on an end users line. If the end user wants to go to another 3rd party voice provider but keeps the data with Covad, this would be a change to the Line Splitting account.

Deb Smith clarified Line Splitting is for UNE P POTS and Line Sharing is for Retail POTS.

John said this CR is requesting to minimize the amount of time the line goes down when doing a conversion from one provider to another on the data line. Cindy asked John to clarify the amount of time the lines have been down and how often this is happening. John advised the volume of this product offering has potential for increasing. John didn’t have a specific expectation of an acceptable down time during a cut over. CR PC012703-4 is for a CHC that would designate a specific cut over time.

Brett asked if we were able to build the process so there was no down time would there not be a need for CR PC012703-4. John advised potentially that CR would not be necessary if there was not any down time for the customer who is migrating.

The group discussed how this process works today. Crystal advised when going from Line Sharing to Line Splitting today a LSR is submitted to migrate the Line Share to UNE-P. At the same time the Service is migrated the Line Share is removed. The 2nd order is placed to make UNE-P. The LSR is submitted by the CLEC asking for Line Split to be added to the account. Because 2 orders are created the data line portion can be down for a period of time.

This CR applies to when there are 2 orders. On UBL DLEC to DLEC conversions there is only one order so this CR would not apply to one order situations. DLEC to DLEC is a ‘lift and lay’ process.

Crystal clarified that CLEC to CLEC UBL Migrations are available today and there is a PCAT in place. Because this is already in place, the reference to ‘second line’ in this CR does not apply. The group verified Loop Splitting is a Facility Based Provider service (existing UBL adding a splitter to a new provider). This scenerio does not fit within this CR either. John advised it is okay to remove Loop Splitting. John advised he will confer with Mike Zulevic to make final determination.

3.0 - Confirm Areas & Products Impacted Line Splitting and Line Sharing

4.0 - Confirm Right Personnel Involved All agreed the correct personnel are involved

5.0 - Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation John said this CR is requesting to minimize the amount of time the line goes down when doing a conversion from one provider to another on the data line.

6.0 - Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests CR PC012703-4 Coordinated Hot Cut on Data Migrations

7.0 - Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) Covad will present this CR to the CLEC Community at the February CMP Meeting Qwest will work to determine our response to this CR and have an initial response due March 12.

CenturyLink Response

For Review by the CLEC Community and Discussion at the March 19, 2003 CMP Meeting

March 11, 2003

Covad Communications John Berard

SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response – CR #PC012703-2 Data Migrations

This letter is in response to Covad Communications Change Request (CR) PC012703-2. This CR requests that Qwest reduce the CLEC down time during a Data Migration Order, and to clarify external documentation.

Qwest accepts this CR and is currently investigating and reviewing: ? Ways to internally tie the orders together to decrease the down time of the data portion of the loop ? External documentation for potential updates (LSOG and PCAT)

In addition, Qwest will schedule a subsequent clarification call with Covad to discuss the Loop Splitting product and the impacts to this CR.

Qwest requests this CR be placed in Evaluation Status and will provide an update at the April CMP Meeting.


Crystal Soderlund

cc: Linda Miles

Information Current as of 1/11/2021