Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC030204-2 Detail

Title: Qwest will red line and provide the changes made to the SGAT, Amendments and Negotiation Template in its Process notices.
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC030204-2 Denied
Originator: Johnson, Bonnie
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Williams, Susan
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Eschelon requested and Qwest implemented a red line process to notify CLECs of changes to documents and/or PCATs. However, Qwest does not use this red line method or any method to identify changes it is making on SGAT, Amendment or Negotiation Template process notices. Eschelon asks that Qwest red line and provide CLECs with the changes being made in these documents. A CLEC should not have to do a comparison of documents to identify the process changes Qwest is making in the Qwest notices. A CLEC is required to do a comparison to determine the changes that have been made because Qwest does not provide a record of the changes.

Expected Deliverable:

Qwest will send a red line attachment of changes along with the Process Notification for the SGAT, Amendment and Negotiation Template.

Date Action Description
3/2/2004 CR Submitted 
3/3/2004 CR Acknowledged 
3/5/2004 Contacted CLEC to schedule Clarification call 
3/17/2004 March CMP meeting notes will be posted to the project meeting section 
4/21/2004 April CMP meeting notes will be posted to the project meeting section 

Project Meetings

April 21, 2004 CMP Meeting notes: Cindy Macy – Qwest reviewed the response for this CR. Cindy advised that Bonnie and I have been passing emails on this CR. Bonnie Johnson explained that Eschelon is just asking for the document to be attached to the notification or linked. We are not asking to change the process. Cindy advised that this CR is being denied as these documents are outside of the scope of CMP. The notices that are sent for SGAT, Amendments and Negotiation Templates are non CMP notices. Cindy clarified the difference between a CMP and non CMP notice. CMP notices have a Level 1-4 associated to them. Liz Balvin – MCI advised that the request is to make a process change to the notification process which is part of CMP. Cindy clarified that there are two parts to this CR. There is the request to link the notice to the documents and to also produce these documents in redlined format. Jarby Blackmun – Qwest advised there would be issues with space limitation on sender and receiver’s mailbox if we attached the SGAT to the notice. Bonnie advised she did not ask for redlined versions of the Amendments and Negotiation Templates, even though she thinks they should be produced. Bonnie advised she just wants to have the redlined SGAT linked to the notification so they do not have to search a website for the document. Bonnie advised that she will use the right process to ask for further assistance on the other documents. Cindy agreed that she would hold an internal meeting to determine if we can provide a link to the redlined version of the SGAT. Kit Thomte – Qwest advised that this CR will stay in denied status, but we will open an action item on the linking question. This CR will move to Denied Status.

March 17, 2004 CMP Meeting notes: Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon advised that we held a clarification call on Monday. Bonnie worked with Neil Houston during the call to show him on the website what she was requesting. She believes Qwest understands what Eschelon is requesting. Bonnie explained that they are not requesting for Qwest to change the process, just to attach either the redlined document (SGAT, Amendments and Negotiations Templates) to the notices or to provide a direct link to the document. Bonnie explained they just want access to the document so they know what is being changed. Currently there is a link to a web site, and then you have to search for the document on the web site. Bonnie would like the notice to have a direct link to the document, in redlined version. This CR will move to Presented Status.

PC030204-2 Redline SGAT, Amendments and Negotiation Templates

Clarification Call March 15, 2004 3:00 – 4:00

In attendance: Neil Houston – Qwest Cindy Pierson – Qwest Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon Cindy Macy – Qwest Kim Isaacs – Eschelon

Cindy Macy – Qwest opened the call and reviewed the agenda.

Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon reviewed the CR. Bonnie explained that they are having some degree of difficulty when reading the notices to determine what has changed to the SGATs, Amendments and Negotiations Templates. Bonnie would like to have a redlined version linked to each notice when changes are made to these documents. Currently a link is provided but it is to a web site and then you have to look for the right document. Bonnie would like the documents linked, just like the PCATs are linked to the notices. Bonnie explained she does not want to change the process; she just wants access to the documents that are changing. Bonnie stepped through the path to the documents, and explained how she would like that changed.

Cindy Pierson – Qwest asked if the documents are on the document web site, does this make it part of the CMP process. Bonnie advised that it doesn’t have to be part of CMP. Level 1 notices do not have comment cycles.

Cindy Macy – Qwest verified that these are changes to the state level documents, not to individual CLEC documents. Bonnie agreed and advised she is not asking to change the process; she just needs to understand what has changed.

The team agreed that they understand the request. Next steps are for Bonnie to present the CR at the March CMP meeting, and for Qwest to provide a response at the April CMP meeting.

CenturyLink Response

April 14, 2004

For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at the April 21, 2004 CMP Meeting

Bonnie Johnson Eschelon

SUBJECT: Change Request Response – CR #PC030204-2 ‘Provide Redline SGAT, Negotiation Template and Amendments in its Process notices’

This letter is in response to Eschelon’s Change Request (CR) PC030204-2. This CR requests that Qwest provide redlined versions of its SGAT, Negotiation Template and Amendments in its Process notices.

Qwest denies this CR on the basis that it is outside the scope of the Change Management Process as SGAT, Negotiation Template and Amendment documents do not fall within CMP.

The CLEC community currently has multiple avenues to provide input to the Amendment documents. These documents are then migrated into the SGATs. In addition, Qwest already provides redline versions of the SGAT documents via a link from the Wholesale web site.


Qwest Communications

Information Current as of 1/11/2021