Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC030606-1 Detail

Title: Qwest contacting CLECs customers to confirm access
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC030606-1 Withdrawn
Maintenance/Repair/Provisioning POTS, Non-Design
Originator: Baird, Laura
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Baird, Laura
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn

Description Of Change

Qwest would like permission to contact the end user to confirm access arrangements when required for repair and service orders prior to the field technician going out to the premises

Date Action Description
3/6/2006 CR Submitted 
3/8/2006 CR Acknowledged 
3/15/2006 CR Presented in the March Prod/Proc CMP Meeting 
3/15/2006 Status changed to Evaluation 
4/19/2006 Discussed in the March ProdProc CMP Meeting 
4/19/2006 Status changed to Withdrawn 

Project Meetings

4/19/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR was discussed at the March CMP Meeting and stated that Qwest would like to withdraw the request. Georganne Weidenbach-Qwest stated that based on CLEC comments and further Qwest analysis, Qwest made a decision that the CLEC volume, of no access misses was very small and that Qwest would like to withdraw the CR. Georganne noted that Qwest may pursue this later if the volumes rose. There were no objections to the withdrawal request. This CR moves to Withdrawn Status.

3/15/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Laura Baird-Qwest stated that Qwest would like permission to contact the end user to confirm access arrangements when required for repair and service orders prior to the field technician going out to the premises. Laura provided an example of a situation of when we would contact the end user.

Kim Isaacs -Eshelon stated that they cannot grant (Comment to minutes from Eschelon 3/24/06 Qwest permission to contact our end users. She said that the SGAT clearly states that the CLECs are the single point of contact to gain access. She said that the Interconnect Agreement (ICA) and the Arizona SGAT language is clear that any change to the CLEC as the single point of contact would have to be negotiated. She said that this request is in violation of the ICA and object to the CR. Kim said that if Qwest would amend the CR to stated that it would contact the CLEC, they would work with Qwest on that change.

Laura Baird-Qwest stated that often times the can be reached number provided is not always a successful contact.

Kim Isaacs-Eschelon said that the implementation contact should be aware of what is happening. She said that they have seen examples of the Qwest technicians making disparaging remarks to their customers.

Laura Baird-Qwest said that the script would be very specific.

(Comments to Minutes received from Eschelon 3/24/06 - Kim Isaacs – Eschelon stated that they have too many examples of Qwest making disparaging remarks to grant Qwest this permission.

Jill Martain-Qwest asked if any other CLECs had any input on this request.

There were no comments.

Jill Martain-Qwest said that we would have internal discussions on how we want to proceed with this CR

Information Current as of 1/11/2021