Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC031203-2X Detail

Title: Resolve Disconnect of Account Number (Cross Over from SCR031203 02)
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC031203-2X Completed
Originator: Osborne-Miller, Donna
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Pent, Anne
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn

Description Of Change

When a CLEC migrates a multi-line account and then sometime later the customer requests to disconnect the main number, this must be supported through system or operation. Disconnecting the BTN on a Muliline account means that a new Account Number may have to be assigned and these rules must be known. One of the remaining numbers may have to attain BTN status with Directory Listing treatment applied to it.

Date Action Description
3/21/2007 Additional Information Process Solution Accepted by AT&T 
3/21/2007 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the March Product/Process CMP Meeting - See Attachment C in the Product/Process Distribution Package 
4/18/2007 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April CMP Meeting - See Attachment C in the P/P Distribution Package 
4/18/2007 Status Changed Status changed to Development 
5/16/2007 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May CMP Meeting - See Attachment C in the Distribution Package 
6/5/2007 Status Changed Status changed to CLEC Test 
5/25/2007 Communicator Issued PROS.05.25.07.F.04711.FNL_MigrationsConvV33.0 
5/14/2007 Communicator Issued PROS.05.14.07.F.04675.MigrationsConversionsV33 
6/22/2007 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June Product/Process CMP Meeting - See Attachment C in the Distribution Package 
6/25/2007 Status Changed Status changed to Completed - See E-mail From AT&T 6/22/07 (Project Meeting Minutes) 

Project Meetings

6/22/07 E-mail From AT&T Hi Lynn, I joined the call late… sorry about that. I checked Leo Dimitriatis and he concurs that it is OK to close this CR. Thanks very much for all of your assistance with this. Kathy

- From: Stecklein, Lynn [mailto:Lynn.Stecklein@qwest.com] Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 1:49 PM To: LEE, KATHY T, ATTCORP Subject: Question on PC031203-2X Resolve Disconnect of Account Number

Hi Kathy, I believe you missed the discussion in the June Product/Process CMP Meeting on SCR031203-2X Resolve Disconnect of Account Number. Here is what was discussed: PC031203-2X Resolve Disconnect of Account Number (Cross Over from SCR031203-02)

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was a crossover from Systems and was implemented on 6/4/07. Mark asked if AT&T was ok to close.

No one from AT&T was on the bridge.

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that we would work offline with AT&T.

I wanted to check with you to determine if this CR can be closed. I have attached a copy of the CR.


Lynn Stecklein

Qwest Wholesale CMP

-- 6/20/07 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was a crossover from Systems and was implemented on 6/4/07. Mark asked if AT&T was ok to close. No one from AT&T was on the bridge. Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that we would work offline with AT&T.

5/16/07 Systems CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was crossed over from Systems and is scheduled for implementation on June 4th. Mark then noted that the Level 2 Notice would be going out on May 14th. Mark asked if there were any questions or comments. There were none.

-- 4/18/07 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was a crossover from Systems and was discussed in the March CMP Meeting.

Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that a notification will be sent to update the documentation.

3/21/07 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this Systems CR was submitted by AT&T and will be crossed over to a Product/Process CR.

Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that this System CR, as Mark said, was submitted by AT&T requesting a solution for when a CLEC migrates a multi-line account and then sometime later their customer requests to disconnect the main number. AT&T stated that disconnecting the BTN on a multi-line account means that a new account number may have to be assigned and that they did not know what the rules were for when this happened. Lynn said that during the requirements review for this CR it was determined that this request can be accommodated with a Process change instead of a System change. She said that a clarification call was held with AT&T and other CLECs on March 1 to communicate the process solution. Lynn said that during that meeting, Qwest stated that when a customer has a multi-line account and the main BTN is being removed from the account, the customer has the option of using specific fields (i.e. NAN) to select what remaining TN they would like to use as the new BTN. If no notification is received from the CLEC then the next logic line number will be assigned as the new BTN. Lynn stated that AT&T agreed that this process would work for them and stated that they preferred this to a system change. She said that that this process is documented in various PCATs and updates will be made for this CR.

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that the system CR will be closed and will cross over to a Product and Process CR.

3/1/07 Additional Clarification Meeting

SCR031203-02 Resolve Disconnect of Account Number

Attendees: Chris Terrell-AT&T, Kathi Lee-AT&T, Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T, Kim Isaacs-Eschelon, Anne Pent-Qwest, Lynn Stecklein-Qwest

Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that the purpose of this meeting was to communicate a solution for this change request that would require no system work. If everyone agreed with this solution we would cross this CR over to a Product/Process CR.

Anne Pent-Qwest cited the example of a 5 line account with the main billing TN (BTN) being removed from the account. Anne said that you have the option of using the NAN field on selecting what remaining TN you would like to use as the new BTN.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T reviewed the scenario of a 5 line account and 4 TNs are being left behind and belong to Qwest. Leo said that they would have the option of choosing the BTN.

Anne Pent-Qwest stated that we would take the next logic line number if no notification is received from the CLEC. She said that the TNs on the CSR may not be sequential.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T said that the next logic line number would then become the BTN and asked if the account would be updated with the 4 remaining TNs.

Anne Pent-Qwest stated that happens prior to completion.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T said that after the migration occurs, they will see the newly assigned BTN. He said that this is a good scenario.

Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked what happens to the listing associated with the old BTN.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that we don’t make the listing change. She said that the FOC on a ported number has a remarks section to indicate if the listing is to be changed.

Kim Isaacs-Eschelon said that with a Resale or QPP account, you have 1 CSR with the Main Listing and the other number on another CSR with no listing. Kim asked if the listing would apply to the BTN. Kim also asked if the phone book would have a different listing.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that they would.

Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked if a new account number could be requested as non- published.

Anne Pent-Qwest said no and that the customer would have to make a change.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T asked if the listings still belonged to Qwest in the scenario discussed above with the 4 remaining TNs.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that the listings do belong to Qwest. She said that the decision was made not to assume and that the end user would have to call Qwest to make a change.

Chris Terrell-AT&T said that she understood that Qwest would use the next logical number on the CSR for the new BTN. She asked how the customer would know.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T said that after the BTN was migrated the BCN will have that information and the customer can look at the CSR and that the rules will be reflected in the CSR. He asked how Qwest would handle the scenario where you have 5 lines migrating to AT&T on one order and the customer wants to disconnect the TN that happens to be the BTN.

Anne Pent-Qwest stated that you can designate if the customer has a preference for the main line or the next number to be the BTN and this information will be on the FOC.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T asked about listing treatment with using the next logical number.

Anne Pent-Qwest stated since you own the account in this instance the listing would have to ‘O’ and ‘I’ ‘d for the remaining TN.

Chris Terrell-AT&T asked if this was done on a disconnect order.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that this would be done on a partial C order with an ACT of ‘C’.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T said that on the change order for the account they could include the listing. He also said that if they don’t use the FOC, they will assume that Qwest has used the next logical line number and that no listing treatment is applicable.

Chris Terrell-AT&T asked if Qwest would do anything with the listing for the TN.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that if the main TN is disconnected the listing will stay the same.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T stated that they do support this solution. He said that Verizon Business uses the next logical number and automatically assigns the main listing when a BTN is disconnected.

Anne Pent-Qwest said that is what we will do and said that if you want a change to let us know.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T said that with this solution there are no changes for AT&T except to let their operations people know.

Chris Terrell-AT&T said that the ‘NAN’ field is a good thing and that they would prefer to let Qwest know what they prefer.

Leo Dimitriatis-AT&T asked if this process was documented.

Anne Pent-Qwest stated that this process is documented in various PCATs and will be updated with the Product/Process CR.

Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that this CR will be discussed in the March Product/Process CMP Meeting on March 21, 2007.

10/31/06 Additional Clarification Meeting

Chris Terrel - AT&T, Kathy Lee - AT&T, Leo Dimitriatis - AT&T, Chuck Anderson - Qwest, Anne Pent - Qwest, Lynn Stecklein - Qwest Communications

Lynn Stecklein - Qwest stated that the purpose of this meeting is to further clarify this change request.

Chuck Anderson - Qwest asked if this request was associated with a migration request on a number that is a BTN that is disconnected between the time the conversion happens.

Leo Dimitriatis - AT&T stated there are 2 cases - the 1st is when a customer wants to disconnect the BTN that has a WTN. Leo asked what the process is for the WTN and how to obtain the WTN housing. He said that 2nd scenario is when you migrate a multi-line account with a WTN and BTN and the BTN migrates to Qwest and the WTN belongs to AT&T.

Chris Terrell - AT&T asked what if you have one BTN with multiple WTNs on the account - what is the BTN to WTN status.

Chuck Anderson - Qwest stated that he needed to investigate the WTN with the next highest sequence.

Leo Dimitriatis- AT&T asked what the CLEC needs to do when the BTN has been elevated. He said that they need to know what happens to the remaining WTNs and which WTN is elevated to BTN.

Chuck Anderson - Qwest said that we just need to figure out the notification or disclosure process when the BTN has been taken off the account and which WTN becomes the BTN.

Leo Dimitriatis - AT&T asked what happens if you have 1 BTN and 1 main listing.

Chuck Anderson - Qwest stated that we need to talk with the Listing SME. He said that this may not require system work and would just be a process change.

Chris Terrel - AT&T stated that they would prefer an enhancement without system work.

2/16/05 Systems CMP Meeting - IMA 18.0 Candidate Discussion

Chris Terrell-AT&T stated that they would like to leave this CR open and is a medium priority for AT&T.

7/22/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest would distribute the ballot on July 27th, it is due back to Qwest on July 30th, and Qwest would email the initial prioritization list to the CLECs on August 3rd. There were no questions.

Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T stated this was low for AT&T.

8/21/03 CMP Systems Meeting

Phyllis Burt/AT&T stated that AT&T’s interest was moderate.

4/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T reviewed the description of change. John Gallegos/Qwest stated that the LOE is 1700 to 2800 hours for this request. The status will be changed to presented.

4/3/03 Clarification Meeting Introduction of Attendees Phyllis Burt - AT&T, Donna Osborne-Miller - AT&T, Curt Anderson- Qwest, Berkley Loggie - Qwest, Joan Pfeffer - Qwest, Shon Heiger, John Gallegos - Qwest, Mark Early

Review Requested Description of Change When a CLEC migrates a multi-line account and then sometime later the customer requests to disconnect the main number, this must be supported through system or operation. Disconnecting the BTN on a Muliline account means that a new Account Number may have to be assigned and these rules must be known. One of the remaining numbers may have to attain BTN status with Directory Listing treatment applied to it.

Confirm Areas & Products Impacted UNE-P Pots, IMA Common

Confirm Right Personnel Involved All appropriate personnel were involved in the clarification call.

Identify/Confirm CLECs Expectation When a BTN has been disconnected, one of the remaining TNs will have to be the BTN.

Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests NA

Establish Action Plan This change request was a walk on in the March CMP Systems Meeting and will be presented in the April Meeting by AT&T.

4/1/03 Clarification Meeting Customer not present, meeting rescheduled.

3/20/03 CMP Systems Meeting Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T presented the CR. Phyllis Burt/AT&T said that she was not real familiar with this CR but thought that the description of change was self explanatory. If you lose the main number how do you get a new main listing. It currently doesn’t allow us to do a new main listing. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said that they have run into this with EDI. The answer is that when you migrate the BTN, regardless if you identified the new BTN you want, Qwest says that it’s an optional field. It is automatically processed as non-published. We have no say of what it should be and if the customer wants it any different they have to call Qwest Retail. Liz Balvin/WorldCom said that it sounds like the request is for after the fact. Connie Winston/Qwest noted that Qwest will schedule the clarification call and that this CR will be eligible for the 15.0 release Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T suggested that AT&T send out the information regarding the clarification call to the other CLECs.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021