Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC032603-1 Detail

Title: Standardization of USOCs across regions
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC032603-1 Crossover
Ordering UNE-P
Originator: Pardee, Carla
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Paxton, Mallory
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Today Qwest requires CLECs to use different USOCs for ordering certain features depending on the territory in which the features are ordered. For example, Qwest requires different USOCs for ordering hunt,ing, speed dial 8 and speed dial 30 depending on whether they are ordered in the western or central regions. AT&T requests that Qwest simplify this ordering process by requiring use of only one standard USOC for features ordered across all regions. By simplifying this process, Qwest would streamline the process and eliminate various opportunities for error, which would benefit both Qwest and the CLEC community.

Expected Deliverable:

3rd quarter 2003.

Date Action Description
3/26/2003 CR Received 
3/27/2003 CR Acknowledged and entered in database 
4/1/2003 LWTC to schedule Clarification Meeting for 4/3/03 
4/3/2003 Carla requested to reschedule Clarification Meeting for week of 4/7/03. I have reserved tentative dates of 4/10 and 4/11 for clarification meeting. Carla and I will confirm date on 4/8/03 
4/8/2003 Carla confirmed to hold Clarification meeting on 4/10/03. 
4/10/2003 Held CLEC Clarification Call 
4/16/2003 April CMP Minutes will be posted to the Project Meeting section of the database 
5/14/2003 Sent response to CLEC via email and posted to database on 5/13 
5/21/2003 May CMP Meeting Minutes posted to database. CLEC community agreed to not deny this CR but to cross over to Systems for the Hunting / IMA part and open an Action Item to gather additional usocs to have reviewed. 
6/5/2003 Changed to closed as AI052103-2 is open to gather additional usoc information to potentially streamline. Agreed to not open a Systems CR until we gather additional information on usocs to potentially streamline. 
7/27/2009 Status Changed Status changed to Crossover 

Project Meetings

05/21/03 May CMP Meeting - Mallory Paxton – Qwest reviewed the analysis that was done on both speed dial and hunting usocs. Mallory advised Qwest is denying this request due to it being economically infeasible. Qwest does suggest a systems CR be opened to request the changes to the hunting usocs be done in IMA. Mallory explained the LSR forms provide enough detail that the system could determine what hunting usoc is needed based on how you fill out the forms. Some products have been standardized by OBF and the LSR forms reflect the details necessary. Carla- ATT thanked Mallory for her investigation and explaination.

The CLECs requested that instead of denying this request we cross it over to systems to work the hunting request as a Systems CR. An Action Item will also be opened to gather and track other products / usocs that could be streamlined. A notification will go out requesting the CLECs to send ‘usocs in need of streamlining’ and ‘top problem usocs’ to cmacy@qwest.com. A meeting will then be scheduled to review the list and determine next steps. Additional CRs may be opened to address items on the list. Bonnie Johnson suggested that Qwest also make a recommendation identifying which usocs could be combined. Call Forwarding / Busy / DA is one example.

4/16/03 April CMP Meeting - PC032603-1 Standardization of USOCs across regions

Carla Pardee – ATT presented this CR to the CLEC Community. Carla explained that on the Clarification Call discussion took place how it may be helpful to identify specific USOCs that ATT would like standardized. She provided Hunting and Speed dial 8 and 30 as the USOCs she would like included in the scope of this CR. Lynn Powers – Tel West added that many CLECs support this CR. Having multiple USOCs is an expense for the CLECs.

Clarification Meeting 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. April 10, 2003 1-877-572-8687 3393947#

PC032603-1 Standardization of USOCs across regions Attendees Anthony Washington – Qwest Carla Pardee – ATT Dusti Bastian – Qwest Anne Robberson – Qwest Laurel Neher – Qwest Cindy Macy – Qwest

Meeting Agenda:

1.0 Introduction of Attendees Attendees introduced

2.0 Review Requested (Description of) Change Carla reviewed the CR. Carla explained today there are several features that required different USOCs to be used based on what region and/or switch you are ordering out of. Carla provided examples for Hunting and Speed Dial. The hunting requires HTG for Central and HSO for Western. The Speed Dial requires E8C for Central and ESL for Western. The LSR form / IMA asks you to put the USOC on the LSR. Carla explained this CR is similar to the Call Forwarding Simplification CR. Qwest asked Carla if this request is just for Feature USOCs or Class of Service and Line USOCs also? Discussion took place regarding the USOCs are assigned and provided by Telcordia. Qwest has multiple systems by Region and those systems are set up to require different USOCs. This is driven from when there was a Pacific Northwester Bell, Mountain Bell and Northwestern Bell. Qwest also explained that this request is very large and it may be helpful if Carla was able to identify a set of USOCs that are causing ATT the most trouble. Carla advised she would provide the most critical USOCs and limit the scope of the CR. Carla will provide at the April CMP meeting examples of specific USOCs that she would like to have 1 USOC per feature across the Region.

3.0 Confirm Areas & Products Impacted Qwest asked about the products impacted and Carla advised UNE P. Qwest explained that these USOCs are also used in other product lines such as Retail and Resale. If a change was made to these USOCs it may impact other product lines also.

4.0 Confirm Right Personnel Involved Yes

5.0 Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation Carla would like specific USOCs to have 1 USOC per feature across the Region. USOCs include (as provided at the April CMP Meeting): Hunting, Speed Dial 8, Speed Dial 30

6.0 Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests None

7.0 Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) Carla will present this CR at the April CMP Meeting Qwest will provide our response at the May CMP Meeting

CenturyLink Response

May 14, 2003

For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at the May 21, 2003 CMP Meeting

Carla Pardee AT&T

SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response – CR # PC032603-1 Standardization of USOCs Across Regions

This is Qwest’s response to AT&T’s Change Request CR PC032603-1 requesting the standardization of the following six USOCs across regions: 1. E8C and ESL (8-Number Speed Calling) 2. E3D and ESF (30-Number Speed Calling) 3. HSO and HTG (Series Hunting)

In evaluating this request, Qwest considered both the technological and the financial impacts of the requested change, and we looked at the two products, Hunting and Speed Calling separately.

The Hunting USOCs are used for billing only—not for provisioning—so Qwest’s network systems would not be impacted by the standardization of these USOCs. The Level of Effort to implement this change for Hunting would be approximately 16,000 hours.

The Speed Calling USOCs are provisioning USOCs and would require changes to Qwest’s network systems as well as the product and process changes needed to implement the Hunting change. The Level of Effort to implement the change for Speed Calling, which reflects the additional costs of network changes, would be approximately 17,000 hours.

This request is denied because it is economically not feasible.

However, Qwest would like to address the difficulty CLECs have in ordering Hunting. Qwest respectfully recommends that AT&T open a Systems CR to have Qwest use the hunting fields on the LSOG 7 HGI form to populate the USOCs on the service order, rather than requiring the CLECs to provide these USOCs in the FEATURE field of the product-specific form. (This would be a solution similar to the solution currently under development for IMA Release 14.0 for blocking USOCs). If AT&T prefers, Qwest can open this CR on their behalf.


Mallory Paxton Senior Process Analyst Qwest Services Corporation

Information Current as of 1/11/2021