Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC041306-1CM Detail

Title: Eliminate duplicate work associated to Event Notification
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC041306-1CM Completed
Originator: McArthur, Ellen
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: McArthur, Ellen
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn

Description Of Change

Qwest would like to eliminate the duplicate work that is being performed when Event Notifications are submitted by eliminating the need for an escalation ticket to be created. An external website is now available to review all Event Notifications.

In the external CMP document titled Qwest Wholesale Change Management Process Document the following changes are being requested under 12.9 Communications.


When Call Center Database and IT Trouble Tickets are open regarding the same trouble, the IT and WSD organizations will communicate as follows. The WSD Tier 2 Process Specialists will be informed of the status of IT Trouble Tickets through ITWSHD system Event Notifications. Additionally, WSD Tier 2 has direct contact with the ITWSHD as a participant on the Resolution Team, as necessary. As the circumstances warrant, the WSD Tier 2 process specialist will advise the call handling centers (Tier 0, Tier 1 and Tier 2 at each center) and the Service Manager (Tier 3) of the information pertinent to ongoing resolution of the trouble.the system trouble via the external Event notification website found at URL:



When Call Center Database and IT Trouble Tickets are open regarding the same trouble, the IT and WSD organizations will communicate the system trouble via the external Event notification website found at URL:



12.9 Communications

When IT Trouble Tickets are open regarding system trouble, the IT and WSD organizations will communicate as follows. The WSD Tier 2 Process Specialists will be informed of the status of IT Trouble Tickets through ITWSHD system Event Notifications. Additionally, WSD Tier 2 has direct contact with the ITWSHD as a participant on the Resolution Team, as necessary. As the circumstances warrant, the WSD Tier 2 process specialist will advise the call handling centers (Tier 0, Tier 1 and Tier 2 at each center) and the Service Manager (Tier 3) of the System trouble and information pertinent to ongoing resolution of the trouble will be made available via the external Event notification website found at URL:


Date Action Description
4/13/2006 CR submitted 
4/17/2006 CR acknowledged 
5/17/2006 Discussed in the May CMP Product Process Meeting 
5/17/2006 Status changed to Presented 
5/18/2006 Communicator Issued - CMPR.05.18.06.F.03958.CMP_Event_NotificationTrial 
6/21/2006 Discussed in the June CMP Product Process Meeting 
7/19/2006 Discussed in the July CMP Meeting Product Process Meeting 
8/4/2006 CMPR.08.04.06.F.04105.CMP_Vote_Required 
8/16/2006 Discussed in the August CMP Meeting Product Process Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package 
8/16/2006 Status changed to completed 
8/28/2006 CMPR.08.22.06.F.04147.ExceptionVoteDisposition 
9/18/2006 PROS.09.18.06.F.04202.CMPDocChange_EventNotice 

Project Meetings

8/16/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was discussed in the July CMP Meeting and that the vote was to be conducted in this meeting. Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that Qwest would like to eliminate the duplicate work that is being performed when Event Notifications are submitted by eliminating the need for an escalation ticket to be created. She said that a vote of ‘Yes’ will indicate a preference that when Call Center Database and IT Trouble Tickets are open regarding the same trouble, the IT and WSD organizations will communicate the system trouble via the external Event Notification Website. She said that a vote of ‘No’ will indicate a preference that the existing process will not change. She asked if there were any questions. Lynn stated that Section 2.1 of the CMP Document states that incorporating a change into the Change Management Process requires unanimous agreement using the voting process. She said that the standard for quorum on this vote is 7 and has been achieved. She stated that 5 votes were received via e-mail and all 5 were yes. She asked if everyone who hasn’t voted and would like to do so, to cast their vote. Comcast-Y (e-mail vote) Eschelon-Y (e-mail vote) Network PTS-Y (e-mail vote) Sprint Nextel-Y (e-mail vote) Qwest Corporation-Y (e-mail vote) Verizon Business-Y AT&T-Y Covad-Y Integra-Y Mcleod-Y XO Communications-Y Time Warner-Y

Lynn Stecklein-Qwest stated that this request passed with unanimous vote and said that, if there were no objections, would be implemented with a Level 1 notice. There were no objections.

7/19/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was presented by Ellen McArthur (Qwest) in the May CMP Meeting. He said that this request was issued to eliminate the duplicate work that is being performed when Event Notifications are submitted. Mark said that in the May CMP Meeting a proposal was made that Qwest conduct a 30 day trial on this change. In the June CMP Meeting Qwest agreed to meet internally to discuss Eschelons comments/suggestion to the redline document and to gather more information from the trial. Ellen McArthur-Qwest stated that we did review the comments sent by Eschelon and did include their suggestion to Section 12.9 CMP Document as follows:

12.9 Communications When IT Trouble Tickets are open regarding system trouble, the IT and WSD organizations will communicate as follows. The WSD Tier 2 Process Specialists will be informed of the status of IT Trouble Tickets through ITWSHD system Event Notifications. Additionally, WSD Tier 2 has direct contact with the ITWSHD as a participant on the Resolution Team, as necessary. As the circumstances warrant, the WSD Tier 2 process specialist will advise the call handling centers (Tier 0, Tier 1 and Tier 2 at each center) and the Service Manager (Tier 3) of the System trouble and information pertinent to ongoing resolution of the trouble will be made available via the external Event notification website found at URL: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/systems/eventnotifications?pageSize=10&sortField=TICKETNUMBER&sortOrder=ASC&pageNum=1

Mark Coyne-Qwest asked if there were any questions or objections to this change in the language. There were no objections. Mark said that we will move forward with the vote in the August CMP Meeting. Laurie Fredricksen-Integra stated that when you click on the link mentioned in the red-line document, the link is not valid. Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that we will check on the URL.

NOTE: The correct URL is: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/systems/eventnotifications

6/21/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this CR was presented by Ellen McArthur (Qwest) in the May CMP Meeting. He said that this request was issued to eliminate the duplicate work that is being performed when Event Notifications are submitted. Mark said that in the May CMP Meeting a proposal was made that Qwest conduct a 30 day trial on this change and that the vote would be taken in this meeting. Mark said that we pulled data on the trial and found no cases where an Event Notification was opened where an escalation ticket would have been created. Mark said that based on the inconclusive information and data from the trial and the comments received from Eschelon on the redlined language; we would like to defer the vote until the July meeting. Mark said that we would like to meet internally to discuss Eschelons comments and to gather more information from the trial. He asked if anyone had any objection on deferring until the July Meeting. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon stated that she had no problem in deferring the vote until July and asked if Qwest would be reviewing Eschelons comments on the redline language. Mark Coyne-Qwest said that we would review Eschelons comments on the redline language and that we will go back and revisit the results of the trial with the Process SMEs and provide a readout in July.

Announcement Date: May 18, 2006 Start Date: May 18, 2006 End Date: June 21, 2006 Document Number CMPR.05.18.06.F.03958.CMPEventNotificationTrial Notification Category: Change Management Notification Target Audience - CLECs, Resellers Subject: CMP - Change Management Trial Event Notification process Associated CR Number or System Release Number: Qwest CR #PC041306-1CM Associated with Change Request # PC041306-1CM, Qwest would like to eliminate the duplicate work that is being performed when Event Notifications are submitted. Qwest is proposing to eliminate the need for an escalation ticket to be created along with the issuance of an internal Multi Channel Communicator (MCC) when an Event Notification is required. An external website is available to review all Event Notifications. That website is at URL http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/systems/productionsupport.html. During the monthly CMP meeting on May 17, 2006, as part of the discussion on this CR, it was agreed that Qwest would conduct a trial of this process prior to the CMP vote to modify the Change Management Process document with this revised process. Effective today, May 18, 2006, Qwest will be conducting this trial to discontinue creating an escalation ticket along with the issuance of an internal Multi Channel Communicator (MCC) when an Event Notification is created. This trial and the subsequent long term change only impact internal Qwest processes; it does not impact service to Qwest customers. Qwest will be performing this trial through June 21, 2006. As identified in the May monthly meeting, the results of the trial will be relayed and vote on the implementation of this CR will occur during the June monthly CMP meeting. Additional information on this CR can be found at URL http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/changerequest.html. The Change Management Process document is located at URL http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/index.html. If you have any questions on this trial or the Change Request, please submit them through CMPCR@qwest.com


Qwest Corporation

5/17/06 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Ellen McArthur - Qwest reviewed the current process when an Event Notification is sent to the CLECs. She said that the notice includes the escalation number and the MCC is sent. Ellen said that approximately 1 1/2 years ago an external website was developed and became available to the CLECs to review Event Notifications and updates. Ellen said that an audit was completed over a 6 month period and that we have determined that we are no longer receiving escalation calls on Event Notifications and would like to discontinue creating the escalation ticket and issuing the MCC.

Jill Martain - Qwest asked if there were any questions and said that the vote for this request would be conducted in the June Product/Process CMP Meeting.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon said that when they call the Systems Help Desk and hit the system prompt there is an internal process to determine where the call needs to go. Bonnie said that the escalation people need to be aware of the workaround if there is one.

Ellen McArthur - Qwest said that those processes will not change.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon asked what happens if Qwest sends an Event Notification that requires a workaround and the workaround is used and Qwest rejects the order in error.

Ellen McArthur - Qwest stated that the process is to ensure the PMR ticket is also included on the LSR. She said that if the LSR is rejected in error, the LSR should be pulled to see the ticket number in the remarks and to verify that the workaround was used that was identified by Qwest.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon asked if the other CLECs were ok with this.

Kim Isaacs - Eschelon said that she was a little concerned and asked if they would continue to get e-mail notifiers.

Ellen McArthur - Qwest said yes.

Jill Martain - Qwest said that today Qwest sends the MCC that is a duplicate of the ticket and a duplication of efforts. She said that when the LSR is submitted the current process instructs Qwest to look at the Event Notification Website. She said that the MCC is sent to the order typists and when they see the ticket number is the remarks they will look at the External website to see what is going out. She said that this CR is to eliminate redundancies and the CLECs should not see anything different.

Kim Isaacs - Eschelon said that the e-mails cause an instant reaction by the CLECs (5/25/06 Comment to minutes received from Eschelon) and expressed a concern that the CLECs would be working with information that the CSIE and Qwest Centers did not have readily available to them.

Jill Martain - Qwest said if we conducted the vote in June, and the votes was yes, Qwest could issue a Level 1 notice, and the CR will go into CLEC Test to determine if the new process is working before the CR is closed. Jill said that she was hesitant to implement a trial based on the CMP language but that we could trial this process and tweak it if need be, or worst case, issue a Level 1 notice to revert back to the old process and then revisit.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon said that a trial was a good recommendation. She said that with a trial, if a negative impact to the CLECs is identified during the trial, Qwest would be willing to work with them on any training issues or revert back to the old process (5/25/06 Comment to minutes received from Eschelon) Eschelon would be ok with the change if Qwest is willing to retract the change if there is a negative impact to the CLECs.

Jill Martain - Qwest said that we need to vote before the CMP Document can be changed. She said that if the vote turns out unanimous, a Level 1 notice will be sent to change the process immediately.

Kim Isaacs - Eschelon asked if this discussion could be noted.

Jill Martain - Qwest said that this discussion will be noted in the meeting minutes.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon asked if this change requires a vote to change the CMP Document.

Jill Martain - Qwest said yes and that we could trial this process with the understanding that it would be outside of the CMP Document and still take the vote in June.

Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon said that she would be more comfortable with the trial since the vote is a binding decision in the CMP Document.

Jill Martain - Qwest asked if other participants are comfortable with this direction.

Eschelon, Integra and Time Warner were ok with this proposal. There were no objections.

Susan Lorence - Qwest stated that we would send out a CMP trial notice to communicate to those not in attendance at this meeting.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021