Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC050503-1 Detail

Title: Grandparent Switchnet 56.
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC050503-1 Completed
Originator: Van Dusen, Janean
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Van Dusen, Janean
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Switchnet 56 will be grandfathered in all 14 Qwest in-region states on 15/2003 with a sunset date of 12/31/2004.

Expected Deliverable:

Grandfathered in all 14 Qwest in-region states on 8/15/2003 with a sunset date of 12/31/2004

Date Action Description
5/5/2003 CR Received 
5/5/2003 CR Acknowledged 
5/5/2003 Clarification Meeting 
5/21/2003 Presented at CMP Meeting 
6/3/2003 Input Meeting 
6/18/2003 Discussed at CMP Meeting 
7/16/2003 CR Discussed at CMP Monthly Meeting 
8/21/2003 Discussed at CMP Meeting 
9/17/2003 Sep CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
10/15/2003 Oct CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
11/10/2003 PROD.11.10.03.F.xxxxx.ResaleGeneral_V35 
11/19/2003 Nov CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
12/8/2003 PROD.12.08.03.F.01130.FNL_RESALEGENERALV35 
12/17/2003 Dec CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
1/21/2003 Jan CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 

Project Meetings

CMP Meeting 1/21/04 - Janean VanDusen – Qwest advised that this CR was implemented December 15, 2003. The CLECs agreed to change this CR to Completed Status.

CMP Meeting 12/17/03 - Janean VanDusen – Qwest advised Wyoming has been implemented. All other states have an implementation date of December 15, 2003. The CR will move to CLEC Test status.

CMP Meeting 11-19-03 Janean VanDusen – Qwest advised Wyoming has been implemented. All other states have an implementation date of December 15, 2003. The CR will remain in Development status.

CMP Meeting 10-15-03 Janean VanDusen – Qwest advised Wyoming was implemented 8-15-03. All other states are planned for 12-15-03. This CR will remain in Development Status.

CMP Meeting 9-17-03 Janean VanDusen advised this is applicable for all states. Wyoming was implemented 8-15-03 and all other states are targeted for 12/15/03.

CMP Meeting 08-20-03

Van Dusen-Qwest stated that Wyoming had implemented on 8/15 and the other states would implement in 10/15.


CMP Meeting 07-16-03

Van Dusen-Qwest stated that Wyoming would implement on 8/15 and the other states would implement in October.

=========================================== CMP Meeting 06-18-03

Van Dusen-Qwest stated that the implementation for Wyoming was on schedule and the other states were on track for October. She recommended that that CR move to Development. ================================================ 05-21-03 - CMP Meeting

Van Dusen-Qwest presented the CR and stated that she was modifying the description of change to add all 14 Qwest in-region states. She suggested an input meeting on June 3 at 11 AM MT.


Input Meeting – 06-03-03

Attendees Matt White – Qwest Janean Van Dusen – Qwest Skip Olson – Qwest Barb Newton – Qwest Richard Journey – Qwest Mallory Paxton – Qwest Dalene Fuqua – Qwest Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon

White-Qwest welcomed the attendees, described the purpose of the meeting and asked Van Dusen-Qwest to describe the CRs. Van Dusen-Qwest described the CRs.


Johnson-Eschelon asked if this CR would follow the same format as the previous grandfathering CRs. Fuqua-Qwest and Newton-Qwest stated that it would.


Johnson-Eschelon asked if grandfathering and grandparenting the same and if they were different from retiring. Van Dusen-Qwest stated that grandfathering and grandparenting were synonymous and that they did not mean the same thing as retiring. Johnson-Eschelon asked if only new customers would be impacted. Van Dusen-Qwest stated that was correct.


Johnson-Eschelon asked what switchnet 56 was. Olson-Qwest stated that it was digital data just like ISDN. He explained that switchnet can only run at 58 kbps and that there is a lack of demand for this product.

========================================================== CMP Meeting 05-21-03

Information Current as of 1/11/2021