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Open Product/Process CR PC050703-4 Detail

Title: DC Power Changes
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC050703-4 Completed
Product Prerequisites Collocation DC Power
Originator: Campbell, Ben
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Campbell, Ben
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Qwest will be implementing a DC Power Reading process , DC Power Restoration Process and adding clarifying information about DC Power rates and DC Power Reduction process.

Expected Deliverable

June 2003

Date Action Description
5/7/2003 CR Submitted 
5/8/2003 CR Acknowledged 
5/13/2003 Scheduled Clarification Call for 5/15 
5/15/2003 Held Clarification Call 
5/21/2003 May CMP Meeting Minutes will be posted to the database 
5/28/2003 Sent out notification to hold CLEC input meeting on June 5 at 1:00 mst 
6/5/2003 Held CLEC input meeting 
6/18/2003 June P/P CMP meeting mintues will be posted to the database 
7/16/2003 July P/P CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
8/20/2003 August P/P CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
9/17/2003 Sep CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
10/1/2003 Sent out Notification for CLEC ad hoc meeting to review DC Power questions from Eschelon - ad hoc meeting scheduled for 10/8/2003 
10/8/2003 Held CLEC Ad Hoc meeting. Agreed to schedule another meeting to finish discussion. Meeting planned for 10-20-03. 
10/15/2003 Oct CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
10/20/2003 Held Ad Hoc Meeting to review DC Power questions 
11/18/2003 PROD.11.18.03.F.01069.ColloGeneralV17 notification update published 
11/19/2003 Nov CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
12/9/2003 PROD.12.09.03.F.01133.FNL_COLLOGENERALV17 
12/17/2003 Dec CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 
1/21/2003 Jan CMP meeting minutes will be posted to the database 

Project Meetings

January 21, 2004 CMP Meeting Cindy Macy – Qwest reported that this CR was implemented December 24, 2003. The CLECs agreed to change this CR to Completed Status.

December 17, 2003 CMP Meeting notes Cindy Macy – Qwest reported that this CR has an implementation date of December 24 and no additional comments were received. This CR will stay in CLEC Test status.

November 19, 2003 CMP Meeting Ben Campbell – Qwest advised the PCAT was released on November 18, 2003. Implementation is scheduled for January 2, 2004. This is an optional offering that the CLEC can opt into. This CR will move to CLEC Test.

DC Power PC050703-6 Ad Hoc Meeting October 20, 2003 10:30 – 12:00 MT

In attendance: Lori Mendoza – Allegiance Mary Ann Wyborg – Qwest Liz Balvin – MCI Lydia Braze – ATT Paul Hanser – Eschelon Bill Fellman – Qwest Julie Skidmore – Qwest Steve Nelson – Qwest Sue Lamb – Digital Easy Chair Stacy Miesenhiemer – Sprint Curtis Ashton – Qwest Kim Issacs – Eschelon Ben Campbell – Qwest Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon Bill Markert – Eschelon Bob Alex – Qwest Cindy Macy - Qwest

Cindy Macy – Qwest explained the purpose of today’s call is to address any outstanding questions on DC Power and to have Steve Nelson – Qwest share the process for measuring power and Qwest’s intent regarding how to implement this CR.

Steve Nelson – Qwest advised that Qwest would offer this process as optional to the CLECs. An Amendment will be available for the CLECs to participate in, if they choose.

Curtis Ashton – Qwest discussed how power is measured. Paul Hanser-Eschelon shared their concern that the time of day when power is measured will impact the reading. Steve Nelson – Qwest explained the plan is to measure between normal business hours (8-5). This time depicts normal usage. Bonnie Johnson – Eschelon advised that there could be negative impacts depending if the CLECs have business or residence end users. Curtis Ashton – Qwest explained his experience shows that variance is 15-16% from peak to non-peak hours. Ben Campbell – Qwest recapped that this process will be an optional process and only applies to 61+ amps. Paul Hanser – Eschelon suggested that Qwest measure power at a CLEC suggested time. Lori Mendoza – Allegiance explained to Paul if you order two 40 amp feeds, it would not be measured. These are billed individually.

Steve Nelson – Qwest advised he checked with Cost Dockets and determined that this level of specificity was not discussed in State Hearings. Rates were filed and no questions came up.

Steve Nelson – Qwest recapped that an Amendment will be done, we will measure capacity 61+ amps. The process for 60 amps and below is 50% imputed rate. If you want changes to the 60 amp and below process a CR would need to be issued.

Cindy Macy – Qwest asked each CLEC if they had additional questions. Each CLEC confirmed they did not have additional questions. Eschelon advised they do not have additional questions, but they are not in agreement with this process.

Next Steps: Provide status at November CMP meeting Update the process based on the discussion from the Ad Hoc Meetings Build the Amendment Notify on the process

If the CLEC wants to participate in this process they would contact their Service Manager or negotiate to opt into the process or negotiate different terms.

October 15, 2003 CMP Meeting Ben Campbell – Qwest advised that Qwest held a meeting last week to review questions about the process. The team did not get through all of the questions and another meeting is scheduled for October 20 from 10:30 – 12:00 MT. Qwest will address the additional questions during that meeting. Qwest put the implementation on hold until we complete the ad hoc calls with the CLECs. Bonnie Johnson – Eshcelon thanked Qwest for delaying the implementation. This CR will remain in Development Status.

- CLEC Ad Hoc Meeting PC050703-4 DC Power October 8, 2003

In attendance; Bill Markert Eschelon Brent Debrock Cbeyond Lydia Braze ATT Michelle Brandt ATT Bill Fellman Qwest Liz Balvin MCI Lori Mendoza Allegiance Steve Nelson Qwest Bonnie Johnson Eschelon Julie Pickar US Link Pam Lehrke Hickory Tech Kim Issacs Eschelon Stacy Meisenheimer Sprint Celia Westfall Sprint Janet Leonard Qwest Sue Lamb Digital Easy Chair Curtis Ashton Qwest Lance 180 Communications

Cindy Macy Qwest opened the call and advised that the purpose of the call is to review questions that were sent in from the CLECs.

Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon advised the CR was not clear so it is difficult to comment on documentation when you do not understand what the CR is doing. Bonnie advised comments don’t impact whether Qwest will unilaterally impose the change, but how do we know what to comment on. Bonnie advised she sent in her comments the day of the September CMP meeting. She would have preferred to hold this meeting during the comment cycle or earlier than it was scheduled. Maybe next time the meeting could be held earlier.

Steve Nelson – Qwest assured the CLEC Community that Qwest is not about unilaterally imposing this process on the CLECs. Qwest has the CLEC’s interest in mind. Steve assured Bonnie that Qwest would update documentation if needed.

Bonnie said she didn’t want this to turn into the DS1 Capable Loop issue. If the CLECs are paying one rate on 10-22 and a new rate on 10-23 then it should go through a tariff change. Steve stated, that this is an existing process for measuring greater than 61 amps usage. This is an attempt to increase the percentage of reading taken in order that CLEC can pay for the DC Power they are using rather then ordered amps.

General discussion took place as follows:

Ben explained this process applies to 61+ amps and higher. Qwest is not measuring 60 amps or less. The process for 60 amps or less is not changing. The process for 61+ amps is what this update is addressing.

Paul Hansen-Eschelon asked why couldn’t Qwest charge for actual usage if under 60 amps. Ben Campbell-Qwest advised that Qwest does not have the meters available to measure the usage. Steve Nelson Qwest advised it would cost Qwest a considerable amount to add the meters. The cost models for less than 60 amps are based on ½ the rate. This was filed in Cost Dockets for each state.

Brent Cbeyond asked if they have ordered a 40 amp feed and they are using 40 amps, will they still be billed at 50% the rate? Steve Nelson Qwest advised yes, the current billing for 60 amps or less is not changing.

Discussion occurred regarding the combined rate element in ND/Oregon and SD. Bill Markert asked if the combined rate equals capacity. Steve Nelson advised yes, in these three states there is not a stand alone DC usage rate element.

Bill Markert asked if there was mention in cost dockets with how Qwest measures the rates? Steve Nelson Qwest advised he would check on cost docket and see if this was discussed. Bonnie clarified and Steve agreed that Qwest is going to implement a measuring plan that we have approved. This CR communicates the current measuring plan we have had in place for years and commits to an improved process to taking the measurements and updating the billing.

Questions were asked about if the non-recurring rate would be adjusted. Steve advised no, that the non-recurring rate is based on cost docket models. Lori Mendoza-Allegiance verified that Qwest agreed to disagree that we should not decrease our non recurring rates as these rates have been approved by cost dockets. This process change does not impact non-recurring rates.

Lance-180 Communications verified that Qwest is not changing rates or billing procedures. Steve confirmed we are not changing rates. This process improves our measurement process for actual DC power usage.

The group did not have enough time to answer all the questions. Agreement was reached to schedule another ad hoc call. Cindy Macy-Qwest agreed she would schedule the next call as soon as possible. There is a 5-day meeting notification timeline.

September 17, 2003 Benjamin Campbell – Qwest advised the document is available for review. Benjamin explained the high level process and changes made for power reading and reduction. Bonnie requested for Qwest to hold another CLEC Input meeting as she has some questions that she would like answered. Bonnie advised this appears to be a CR that is being used to change rates. Bonnie agreed she would send her questions to Qwest and Cindy Macy would schedule another CLEC meeting to provide answers to the questions.

August 20, 2003 Cindy Macy-Qwest advised the document is completed and the Documentation team is reviewing it. It should be available soon. Sharon VanMeter asked what level this will be. Cindy Macy-Qwest advised this is a Level 4 update.

July 16, 2003 CMP Monthly Meeting Cindy Macy-Qwest advised that Ben is in progress of updating the PCAT and anticipates it will be available for review in the next couple of weeks. This process will be available for review and comments cycle via the Notification process.

June 18, 2003 Monthly Meeting minutes Cindy Macy – Qwest advised there was a CLEC input meeting held on June 5 and attendance and participation was good. Ben Campbell is currently working on developing the updates to the process and will provide status next month. Sharon VanMeter asked if there would be other CLEC meetings and Qwest replied only if needed. Otherwise the documentation will go through the normal comment cycle. The CLECs agreed to move this CR to Development.

6/5/03 CLEC Input Meeting 1:00 - 2:00 mst

Ben Campbell - Qwest Cindy Macy - Qwest Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon Pam Zimmerman - US Link Liz Balvin - MCI Jen Arnold - US Link Brent Debrock - CBeyond Tom - US Link Mike Zulevic - Covad (we spoke with him later due to the delay in the call starting)

Ben Campbell reviewed the CR. Ben explained some of the changes include: Identifying the individual rate element and decscribe those in more detail. Update and add language in DC Power Restoration. Update DC Power Monitoring Creat 1 downloadable PCAT document, instead of one per function DC Power Rates - Difference between usage and power capacity DC Power reading, reductions, cancellations and restorations

Brent Cbeyond asked if we are considering charging on a per use basis. Ben advised yes, we would monitor and charge on a use basis. The monitoring can be done on the BDFB boards on 61 amps or above, except in MN where it is 60 amps or above.

Bonnie - Eschelon asked is this will have any impact on pricing. Ben advised no as this is cost docket driven.

Brent asked if this change would include existing power? Ben advised yes, accounts will be converted over automattically.

Ben advised he will provide status at the June CMP Meeting. There were no further questions.

5/21/03 May CMP Meeting Minutes Cindy Macy – Qwest reviewed this CR for Ben Campbell. The CLECs requested to have an input meeting to discuss this CR in more detail and provide input to the process. Cindy will schedule an input meeting targeting the 2nd week in June.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021