Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC053112-1 Detail

Title: Standard Formatting of PTA Notifications
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC053112-1 Completed
Provider Test Notifications
Originator: Prull, Stephanie
Originator Company Name: Integra
Owner: Ocken, Kathy
CR PM: Lorence, Susan

Description Of Change

Integra is requesting that Centurylink create a process or procedure that will create a standard format with standardized information for the Provider Test Notifications. This includes all PTA Notices.

The notices should be delimited in a way that could be parsed by other applications or readers. The requested format is a colon delimited format with each data field on its own line.

The main field/data names should always be consistent if they are applicable to all the forms. I.E All notices say ‘PON Number’ for the CLEC PON associated to the email. Or ‘LEC/USW/CLINK Order Number’ for the Centurylink Service Order Number.

The field/data names that are applicable for the various forms should always be present and consistent even if they may not be applicable for that particular test result.

The content of the data should be consistent across all service centers and users filling in the forms. I.E. All Serial number formats are separated by a ‘.’ Or ‘/’ for an ECCKT. All Telephone numbers are separated by a ‘-‘ in the correct positions. CFA information should be in a consistent format.

The subject lines of the emails have a consistent and recognizable format. I.E. The subject includes the Carrier PON, the Type of Testing, and the Date of testing. PTA: SP-1234567-DS1,UBL - XDSL, 05162012

The header of the form will always be consistent. I.E. the header will always be USW(or appropriate name)/CLEC followed by the type of Testing. Also the names used will be consistent – Integra or Integra Telecom one or the other will always be used.

Yes/No Answers will be consistent in using the full word in all CAPS.

Non applicable fields will be consistently left blank or flagged as NA.

DESIRED DELIVERABLE: Centurylink will implement and enforce a procedure that creates a standardization that all CLECs will be able to rely on for easy reading or parsing of the notifications.

Date Action Description
6/1/2012 CR Acknowledged CR Acknowledged 
5/31/2012 CR Submitted CR Submitted 
6/11/2012 Clarification Meeting Held Meeting minutes to be available at http://wholesalecalendar.centurylinkapps.com/detail/371/2012-06-11 
6/20/2012 Status Changed CR Status changed to Presented 
6/27/2012 Status Changed Status changed to Development. 
6/20/2012 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at June ProdProc CMP Meeting – See Attachment C in the Distribution package 
7/18/2012 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at July ProdProc CMP Meeting – See Attachment C in the Distribution package 
8/17/2012 Communicator Issued See notice number PROD.INTE.08.17.12.F.10412.PTA_Notification_Standard 
8/15/2012 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at August ProdProc CMP Meeting – See Attachment C in the Distribution package 
9/7/2012 Communicator Issued See notice number PROD.INTE.09.07.12.F.10495.FNL_PTA_Notification_Std. 
9/24/2012 Status Changed Status changed to CLEC Test 
9/19/2012 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at September Product Process CMP Meeting – See Attachment C of the Product/Process Distribution package. 
10/17/2012 Status Changed Status changed to Completed. 
10/17/2012 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October ProdProc CMP Meeting – See Attachment C in the Distribution package.  

Project Meetings

10/17/12 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the final notification was sent on 9/7/12 with an effective date of 9/24/12. The CR is in CLEC Test. Mark said we would like to move the CR to Completed and asked if there were any questions. There were none.

09/19/12 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the level 4 initial notification was sent on 8/17/12 and the final notice was sent 9/7/12 with the planned effective date of 9/24/12; there were no CLEC comments. This CR would be revisited in October.

08/15/12 Product/Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne - CenturyLink relayed that last month we said the initial notice was planned for early August with a planned effective date of 9/17/12. Mark said instead the initial notice will go out on 8/17/12 with a planned effective date of 9/24/12.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink relayed that downloads have been created for the Unbundled Local Loop - General Information and the Unbundled Local Loop - 2-Wire or 4-Wire Analog Loop PCATs to provide the agreed upon format and an example of the PTA notices.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if there were any questions. There were none.

07/18/2012 CMP Prod/Proc Meeting Mark Coyne - CenturyLink recapped the Change Request and asked Kathy Ocken from CenturyLink to provide an update on the request.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink stated that the planned implementation date is September 17, 2012. CenturyLink will be able to meet most of the line items in the request however some are still in development. One of the items, “each data field on its on line”, may be affected when text wrapping occurs in specific readers. All other requirements seem to be managed.

Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that Steph Prull was not able to join the call, but asked for confirmation on the wrapping issue.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink stated that Outlook seemed to be the email reader that most commonly wrapped text, but other readers seemed to not have that issue.

Liz Tierney – Megapath Inc. asked for clarification that the information was there and that it was simply formatting when received by the CLEC.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink stated that it seemed as if Outlook was not recognizing a “carriage return”.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated that the Level 4 notification associated with this change would likely go out the early part of August for an effective date of September 17, 2012.

06/20/2012 CMP Prod/Proc Meeting Steph Prull – Integra presented the CR. Steph said PTA notices should have consistent information and be delimited in a way that could be parsed by other applications.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if there were any questions. There were none. He added that a clarification call was held June 11, 2012. CenturyLink is currently evaluating the CR.

06/11/12 Clarification Call Meeting Minutes Attendees: Steph Prull – Integra, Kim Isaacs – Integra, Laurie Roberson – Integra Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink, Ann Robberson – CenturyLink , Sue Leuschen - CenturyLink, Bob Mohr – CenturyLink, Mark Coyne -CenturyLink, John Hansen - CenturyLink, Susan Lorence - CenturyLink

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink took attendance and asked Steph Prull – Integra to give an overview of her Change Request (CR).

Steph Prull – Integra stated that Integra was looking for standardization of the PTA notifications sent from CenturyLink. Steph said important pieces of information that are needed in Integra systems are not always consistent or formatted in the same manner by CenturyLink. This change request asks for consistency and clarity with all notifications so that they will be easier to interpret.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink stated that she would like to go over each point in the CR so that CenturyLink would have a clear understanding of what Integra was proposing. The first line stated standard format. Susan stated that they are currently sent via E-mail and asked for confirmation that Integra was not asking for delivery in a different format.

Steph Prull – Integra said yes. Since the form was not an industry standard, email was fine but it needed to be consistent.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked for clarification regarding Integra’s request that this applies to “all PTA notices”, i.e., to which products they are referring.

Steph Prull – Integra stated DSL, Unbundled Loop, T-1 and any other products for which they receive a PTA notification.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said the CR requests that the notifications be delimited by a colon to allow parsing by other applications. She asked Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink if it was true that colon delimiters were used today.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink stated that was correct, that the colon separated the field name from the detail.

Steph Prull – Integra stated that Integra was fine with that but that they have found notices where that was not the case and that they wanted it consistent.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked about the CR line requesting that the main data field name be consistent if applicable to all forms, e.g., PON and the CenturyLink order number. This is a request to standardize the name.

Steph Prull – Integra stated it did not necessarily matter what the field names were as long as they were consistent and said as an example that they may see all three CenturyLink company names today.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked Steph to elaborate on the next part of the CR regarding that the field/data names that are applicable for the various forms should always be present and consistent.

Steph Prull – Integra said that every field should be included on a PTA notice. If there were twenty fields possible, Integra would like to see all twenty fields with each notice even if there is no data populated instead of missing fields if there is no data.

Kathy Ocken – CenturyLink asked if she were referring to the test results PTAs.

Steph Prull – Integra confirmed that it was the test results PTAs.

Sue Leuschen – CenturyLink asked if Integra wanted all fields provided even if there was no data associated with that field in a particular notification.

Steph Prull – Integra stated that she is requesting that the field be left blank or populated with “NA” on the fields that were not required and that she could send some examples if necessary. In some cases, the field is missing from the test results, or it would be blank or have “NA”. Steph said if all fields were present and populated in a consistent manner, it would be easier to interpret especially for people who are new to reading the results.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if Integra was looking for a single combined form or if they were looking for a standard per type of PTA?

Steph Prull – Integra confirmed that they are asking for a standard form per type of PTA; she said they are not looking for one form for everything. She said she is not particular whether it is blank or NA just that it is consistent.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked for any clarification regarding the CR Description line that addressed content of the data being consistent across all service centers and users filling in the forms.

Steph Prull – Integra confirmed that those familiar with formatting could figure it out no matter how it was presented but those new to the industry had trouble if the formatting was inconsistent and how to enter it into their systems. She said they have seen that the same CenturyLink person may not be consistent.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked for clarification regarding the CR Description that addressed subject lines of the emails.

Steph Prull – Integra stated that the subject lines are not consistent and that what she included were the most common set of information. They would like to see enough information to be able to determine where the notices should be sent internally in their company and that the subject be consistently formatted.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if these are the suggested fields and asked if Integra only wanted these fields.

Steph Prull – Integra confirmed that those are the only fields that Integra needs but that she is not against seeing more fields as long as CenturyLink lets them know. Her personal preference is that those three fields start the subject line and if additional information is included, any extra would be added to the end.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked for clarification regarding the CR Description that addressed the header will always be consistent. Susan asked how CenturyLink would know what appropriate Integra name that Integra would want there?

Steph Prull – Integra stated that it was not clear how the data was populated, if it were table driven or hand typed. Steph said if the SMEs could educate Integra as to what was used to populate, CenturyLink and Integra could work together to determine how this was addressed as long as consistency is considered. She said this field was not as important as some of the others.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said it was good that Integra was open on this requirement since this might be difficult from a CLEC standpoint.

Steph Prull – Integra said it would help for them to know where the data was coming from, they may be able to better address it.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink read the CR Description line requesting Yes/No Answers be consistently all caps.

Steph Prull – Integra said yes and that it would help when the data were to be parsed.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink stated that the last point on the CR Decsription, blank or NA, had already been addressed.

Steph Prull – Integra agreed that one or the other would be fine as long as it were consistent.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if there were any other questions. There were none. Susan said it sounds like CenturyLink understands what Integra is asking and detailed investigation would ensue. If necessary, additional calls may be requested to cover any uncertainties or potential solutions that need to be presented.

The call was concluded at 9:22 AM MT.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021