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Open Product/Process CR PC070105-1 Detail

Title: Remote Terminal/Feeder Distribution Interface with CLEC Presence Moves
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC070105-1 Completed
Originator: James, Nicole
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: James, Nicole
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy

Description Of Change

RT/FDI with CLEC Presence moves or relocation when requirements such as but not limited to road widening projects dictate that facility moves are necessary.

Date Action Description
7/1/2005 CR Submittred 
7/1/2005 CR Acknowledged 
7/20/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
7/29/2005 CMPR.07.29.05.F.03146.CLEC_Input_Meeting 
8/8/2005 CLEC Input Meeting held. 
8/17/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
9/20/2005 PROD.09.20.05.F.03279.FCP_Cross_Remote_Collo (Level 4) 
9/21/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
10/14/2005 PROD.10.14.05.F.03375.Final_Collo_FCP-Remote (Final Level 3) 
10/19/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
11/16/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 

Project Meetings

November 16, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this change was effective on October 31st and asked if there were any objections to closing the CR. There were no objections. This CR is Closed.

October 19, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the notice had been sent for this CR and that the CR would move to CLEC Test on October 31, 2005.

September 21, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that a notice was sent on September 19th with an effective date of October 31st and will remain in Development.

August 17, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR was walked-on last month and noted that the CLEC Input Meeting was held on August 8th. Jill stated that Qwest is moving forward with the development of this CR and stated that status would be changed to Development.

-- August 8, 2005 - CLEC Input Meeting Minutes Attendees: Jeff Yeager-Accenture, Rosalin Davis-MCI, Kim Isaacs-Eschelon, Nancy Thompson-Wisor, Paul Hanser-Eschelon, Lynn Haskins-Covad, Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest, Anthony Washington-Qwest, Jamal Boudhaouia-Qwest, Peggy Englert-Qwest, Heidi Moreland-Qwest

Discussion: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest reviewed the CRs Description and asked if Qwest had additional to add. Anthony Washington-Qwest stated that if it becomes necessary that facilities need to move, Qwest will work with the CLECs having a presence to make the the move in a timely & efficient manner, and will be done on an ICB (Individual Case Basis). This is a new process, in the event that a move becomes necessary. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked for the description of a CLEC presence and for Remote Terminal, Feeder Distribution Interface. Heidi Moreland-Qwest stated that CLECs collocate today, with a terminal or SCP. A CLEC is located with their own equipment but connects with Qwest. If a Remote Terminal needs to be moved and a CLEC is collocated, Qwest will coordinate the move due to the CLEC equipment also needing to be moved. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked if this process woul be done via the notification process. Heidi Moreland-Qwest stated that impacted CLECs would be notified via a letter. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked for the timeframe as to how much notice would be given Heidi Moreland-Qwest stated that advanced notice would be given because there is a lot of coordination that needs to occur with I.e. the highway department, etc., then stated that the impacted CLECs should get a minimum of 60-days notice. If it is an emergency, it could be a shorter timeframe. Heidi stated that these are ICB and that each situation could be different. Heidi stated that Qwest would inform the impacted CLECs as soon as Qwest knows. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked if there were any current plans for any Remote Terminal moves. Heidi Moreland-Qwest stated that there are none pending and that this new process is needed for when it does happen. Heidi stated that Qwest was being proactive. There were no other questions or comments. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that this CR was walked-on in July and that formal presentation would be made in the August Meeting. Peggy then noted that the normal process would be followed for this Product process CR.

-- July 20, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting discussion: Anthony Washington-Qwest reviewed the description of this CR. (Comments to minutes from Eschelon 7/27/05) Qwest will hold an adhoc call. Liz recapped asking if this process is being developed so Qwest can coordinate with CLECs to minimize down time. Anthony said yes. The CR will be moved to Presented Status.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021