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Open Product/Process CR PC072204-1 Detail

Title: Clarification of wording for CLEC to CLEC Connections
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC072204-1 Withdrawn
Provisioning Collocation, CLEC to CLEC Connection PCAT
Originator: Nelson, Steve
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Nelson, Steve
CR PM: Andreen, Doug

Description Of Change

Clarification of wording of documents relating to CLEC to CLEC Connections. Qwest believes CLEC to CLEC Cross Connect product is offered on a common ICDF frame only and CLEC has responsibility to design and regenerate. CLEC Community believes previous CR committed Qwest to design and regenerate.

Expected Deliverable:

CLEC facing meetings with Qwest will explore and hopefully reach agreement on this issue.

Date Action Description
7/22/2004 CR Received 
7/21/2004 July CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
8/18/2004 August CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
8/27/2004 Qwest initiated notice CMPR.08.27.04.F.02007.Ad-hoc_Meetings 
9/2/2004 Qwest initiated notice CMPR.09.02.04.F.02029.CLEC/CLEC_Connect_Agenda 
9/16/2004 Qwest initiated notice CMPR.09.16.04.F.02056.Cancld_Ad-hoc_Meetings 
9/16/2004 September CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
1/31/2006 Status changed to Pending Withdrawal 
2/15/2006 Discussed at the February Prod/Proc CMP Meeting 
2/15/2006 Status changed to Withdrawn 

Project Meetings

2/15/06 Product Process CMP Meeting

Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR had been in Deferred status for awhile and stated that Qwest would like to withdraw the CR. This CR moves to Withdrawal status.

9/16/04 CMP Meeting Minutes Mark Nickell reported that an ad-hoc call was held and it was mutually agreed to suspend CMP meetings until the current dispute resolution activities conclude in Colorado. Covad and Eschelon agreed. Bonnie Johnson added that the people involved in the call would not be able to do anything outside of the dispute resolution process and this is the reason to cease the calls. The CR will move to Deferred Status.

- Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes PC072204-1 Clarification of wording CLEC to CLEC Connections CMP Product & Process September 9, 2004 1-877-521-8688, Conference ID 1456160# 12:30 a.m. 2:00 a.m. Mountain Time


The purpose of this ad-hoc call was to provide background on the CR and to set the stage for future meetings.

List of Attendees: John Berard Covad Jen Arnold U S Link Bonnie Johnson Eschelon Karen Clauson, Eschelon Paul Hansen, Eschelon Emily Baird, POP Telecom Mona Glover, DSET Paul Garneau, Sovereign Telecommunications Tommy Thompson, Qwest Communications Cindy Kalakis, Qwest Communications Evelyn Montez, Qwest Communications Jamal Boudhaouia, Qwest Communications Mike Norman, Qwest Communications Steve Nelson, Qwest Communications Doug Andreen, Qwest Communications


The meeting began with Qwest making introductions and welcoming all attendees.

Steve Nelson summarized meeting norms by saying please allow only one conversation at a time, turn off cell phones and pagers, speak to be understood, and if you have trouble being heard press the # key a couple of times to get his attention. Steve said this is the first of three meetings and is designed to provide background information on the CR that will be helpful in the meetings to follow. He also said comments are welcome and that Qwest would take action items as we proceed.

Steve went through the current level 4 CR (sent as an attachment to the agenda) reading the title and description. There were no questions. Steve further explained that this was originally submitted as a level 2 change, however the CLEC community thought it should be a level 4.

Jamal Boudhaouia gave the history of the Eschelon CR PC120301-4 (sent as an attachment to the agenda) dealing with this topic. This CR was submitted on November 3, 2001 and completed on April 17, 2002. Karen Clauson said Eschelon still maintains opinions expressed during the last series of meetings on this topic.

Tommy Thompson spoke on the current SGAT language. Since this was not sent as an attachment Tommy agreed he would forward to Doug Andreen who would distribute to all attendees. He said he would send the version that is applicable to all states except Washington and Arizona. He will send the specific wording for those two states also. There was conversation around the definition of “CLEC premises” in the document. It was agreed that the definition extends beyond COs to cover all buildings or similar structures that house Network facilities, owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Qwest. It was also pointed out that one of the differences between the CLECs and Qwest is CLEC to CLEC direct connections. Karen Clauson stated that this is far from the only difference between Eschelon and Qwest concerning the CLEC-to-CLEC issue.

Karen asked the purpose of SGAT language in a CMP meeting and how the current discussion relates to negotiations that are going on between Qwest and Eschelon.

Steve said the SGAT is background since the current PCAT refers to the SGAT. He said nothing on the agenda today should affect negotiations. Karen asked how we are going to resolve in this forum since Eschelon is in negotiations and Covad is in arbitration on this issue. There was much discussion around this and Karen said that in reference to the PCAT, Eschelon’s position has not changed in that Eschelon submitted a CR (PC120301-4) and that Eschelon believes this is what we are operating under.

Steve answered that after this call Qwest would ask the CLECs to restate their position. Steve said after the meeting Qwest will gather comments and see if there is any movement in Qwest’s position. Steve said there may or may not be a change considering the position that arbitration has taken and how Qwest will respond.

Steve reviewed the current PCAT language. There were no questions. He said that in the redlined PCAT he tried to separate the CLEC to CLEC Direct connections from Cross Connections. He proceeded through the remainder of the redlined document. There were no questions.

Karen Clauson asked since we know there are major differences, how do you see us proceeding. Steve answered for the CLECs to send Qwest an annotated version of the PCAT and go from there. Karen added with the negotiations and arbitrations going forward if it would be a better use of time to let those finalize before continuing these meetings. It was agreed that these meetings would be suspended until arbitrations and negotiations have finalized. Tommy will not forward copies of the SGAT but Doug will publish minutes and cancel the other two meetings already scheduled.

The meeting was then adjourned.

8/18/04 CMP Meeting Steve Nelson presented the CR saying that the CR was previously communicated via a Level 2 notice but based on a CLEC facing call and CLEC comments it was withdrawn. Qwest believes that CLECs have the responsibility to design and regenerate CLEC to CLEC connections on a common ICDF frame. The CLECs believe it is a Qwest responsibility. Steve said that this CR will require a good amount of work since it will involve looking at FCC documents etc. He added that this is a sincere effort to move through this issue collaboratively to reach agreement. The CR will be moved to Presented status.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021