Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC090303-1 Detail

Title: Grandparenting of specific LAN Switching Service (LSS) USOCs
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC090303-1 Completed
Provisioning Resale
Originator: Van Dusen, Janean
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Van Dusen, Janean
CR PM: Sanchez-Steinke, Linda

Description Of Change

The following list of USOCs will be grandparented as of 11/10/2003 and relocated in the FCC tariff to section 8.10:

LAN Links

Ethernet, 10 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5LCX

- 12 Months DLUC1

- 36 Months DLUC3

- 60 Months DLUC5

Ethernet, 10 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5LCP

- 12 Months DPUC1

- 36 Months DPUC3

- 60 Months DPUC5

Fast Ethernet, 45 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5L1X

- 12 Months DLU11

- 36 Months DLU13

- 60 Months DLU15

Fast Ethernet, 45 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5L1P

- 12 Months DPU11

- 36 Months DPU13

- 60 Months DPU15

Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5L2X

- 12 Months DLU21

- 36 Months DLU23

- 60 Months DLU25

Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination

- Monthly D5L2P

- 12 Months DPU21

- 36 Months DPU23

- 60 Months DPU25

Expected Deliverable:

Grandparenting will be effective 11/10/2003

Date Action Description
9/3/2003 CR Submitted 
9/4/2003 CR Acknowledged 
9/17/2003 September CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
9/26/2003 Held Ad Hoc input meeting 
10/8/2003 Qwest sent Product Notice, PROD.10.08.03.F.03576.GrandparentingLAN, proposed effective date 11/11/03 
10/15/2003 October CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
10/27/2003 Qwest sent final notification, PROD.10.27.03.F.03904.FNL_GrandparentingLAN, effective date 11/11/03 
11/19/2003 November CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
12/17/2003 December CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 

Project Meetings

12/17/03 December CMP Meeting Janean Van Dusen said that the PCAT changes were effective 11/11/03 and suggested this CR be moved to Completed status. This CR will move to Completed status.

11/19/03 November CMP Meeting Janean Van Dusen with Qwest said that the changes were effective 11/11/03 and would like to move this CR to CLEC test. This CR will be moved to CLEC Test.

10/15/03 October CMP Meeting Janean Van Dusen with Qwest said there was an ad hoc meeting held on 9/26 for input to this CR. Qwest is on track for implementation 11/11/03. This CR will be moved to Development Status.

Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes PC090303-1 "Grandparenting of specific LAN Switching Service (LSS) USOCs" CMP Product & Process September 26, 2003 1-877-572-8687, Conference ID 3393947# 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time


At the September CMP Meeting, participants agreed to hold a conference call to discuss Qwest submitted CR PC090303-1, Grandparenting of specific LAN Switching Service (LSS) USOCs. The following is the write-up of the discussion.

List of Attendees: Donna Osborne-Miller - AT&T Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon Kim Isaacs - Eschelon Janean Van Dusen - Qwest Connie Davidson - Qwest Linda Sanchez-Steinke - Qwest


The meeting began with Qwest making introductions and welcoming all attendees. Linda Sanchez-Steinke with Qwest explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss CR PC090303-1.

Janean reviewed the CR and said that specific LAN Switching Service (LSS) USOCs will be grandparented on 11/10/03. These USOCs will not be available to order as new service but will be available for conversions. Connie Davidson with Qwest said the FCC filing will be effective on 11/11/03 because the FCC is unable to take the Filing on a Monday.

Qwest asked if there were any additional questions. No questions were asked.

09/17/03 September CMP Meeting Janean Van Dusen with Qwest presented this CR. There will be an ad hoc meeting on 9/26 for input to this CR. Liz Balvin with MCI asked if there tariffs will be filed with new rates. Janean answered yes. This CR will move to Presented Status.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021