Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC100610-1CM Detail

Title: REVISED 01/11/11 Change to CMP document ITHD update to provide consistency on name (REMOVED proposed change in hours)
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC100610-1CM Completed
Originator: Coyne, Mark
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Coyne, Mark
CR PM: Lorence, Susan

Description Of Change

Qwest is proposing updates to the CMP document associated with the ITHD – to correct the hours of operation and provide consistency on the name used to refer to the Wholesale Systems IT Help Desk.

Revision 01/11/11: CR was updated to no longer include the ITHD change in hours. See meeting minutes for discussion.

The proposed implementation date is 11/30/10.

Date Action Description
10/6/2010 CR Submitted CR Submitted 
10/8/2010 CR Acknowledged CR Acknowledged 
10/20/2010 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D & E in the Distribution Package 
10/20/2010 Status Changed Status Changed to Presented 
10/29/2010 Info Received From CLEC See Project Meeting for detail. 
11/4/2010 Info Sent to CLEC See Project Meetings for specific emails sent to and received from Integra. 
11/17/2010 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the November Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D & E in the Distribution Package 
12/15/2010 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D & E in the Distribution Package 
1/12/2011 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.MEET.01.12.11.F.08731.CMP_Vote_Required 
1/19/2011 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D & E in the Distribution Package 
2/9/2011 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.MEET.02.09.11.F.08826.CMP_Vote_Required_WSHD 
2/16/2011 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment D & E in the Distribution Package 
2/23/2011 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.MEET.02.23.11.F.08871.CMPVoteDisposition 
3/16/2011 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the March Prod/Proc CMP Meeting - See Attachment E in the Distribution Package 
3/16/2011 Status Changed Status changed to Completed 
3/15/2011 Communicator Issued See notice number PROS.MISC.03.15.11.F.08941.CMPDocChng_WSHDandURLs 

Project Meetings

3/16/11 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest said we took a vote on these changes in last months meeting. A Level 1 notice was sent out March 15, 2011 and the CMP document was updated. Mark said we would like to propose that these CRs be moved to a Completed status. Mark asked if there are any objections and there were none.

2/16/11 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest said we would like to take a vote on these changes today. Mark said due to some concerns from one of the CLECs, the Customer Contact PCAT changes that were made have been separated from this change and will be retracted. Those PCAT language changes will be addressed at a different point in time. Susan Lorence will now walk us through the voting process for this change and then we will conduct the vote.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said we have not had a CMP vote in quite some time and said the redlined updates to the CMP document are in your monthly distribution package. The redline updates only include the name change from the ITWSHD to the WSHD. Susan said the vote notice was distributed to the CLEC community on February 9, 2011 and then reviewed the voting process and voter requirements included in Section 17.0 of the CMP document. Susan also reviewed the process to establish quorum provided in Section 17.4.1 of the CMP document and said the required quorum of six had been met. Susan reminded everyone what a vote of Yes and No meant as listed on the Voting Ballot and asked if there were any questions before the vote was conducted. There were none.

The results of the vote were: Qwest, Mark Coyne, voted yes. By email Comcast, Brenda Bloemke, voted yes. By email AT&T, Peter Cole, voted yes. Integra, Bonnie Johnson, voted yes based on Qwest’s commitment to retract the Customer Contact updates. PAETEC – Julia Redman-Carter voted yes based on Qwest’s commitment to retract the Customer Contact updates Sprint – Jeff Sonnier votes yes. Charter Communication – Kathy Troughton votes yes Midcontinent – Emily Pedersen votes yes

Synchronous – Jeanne Kulesa abstained from voting. Neustar – Mindy Chapman votes yes though results are not applicable. See below.

Susan Lorence – Qwest asked if there was anyone else that wanted to participate in the vote.

Jeff Sonnier - Sprint said there were a couple of vendors that had been polled and said if they are not classified as CLECs, should they be given the opportunity to vote.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated that was true.

Mindy Chapman – Neustar indicated the answer has previously been no.

Brenda Bloemke – Comcast indicated she had the same question.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated so that would have been Synchronous and Neustar that will be listed as abstain. Susan said she had counted them in quorum but it was still reached without their number. The vote was unanimous. Susan said we appreciate everybody working through this change and that we will be making these updates to the CMP document. She request that the update to the CMP doc be made via a Level 1 notice within the next week.

Mark Coyne – Qwest asked if there are any objections to that. There were none.

1/19/11 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated this CR will be addressed in Attachment E.

ATTACHMENT E Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that the first CR is the change related to the IT Help Desk updates, the second CR has to do with corrections to urls in the CMP document and that an updated red-lined document was included in the package. Mark said based on discussion in the December meeting, we removed the change in hours and kept the wording associated with the IT Tiers as it was. He said the primary change is the change from the IT Help Desk to the Wholesale Systems Help Desk and that the vote notice for these changes went out on January 12, 2011. Mark said we would now like to take a vote on those proposed changes and Susan would walk through that process.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said before we do that, she thought she had made it clear that Integra would not agree to a language change regarding the Tiers and was surprised to still see those wording changes.

Mark Coyne – Qwest relayed the changes to Tiers was simply a clean up of the language. Mark said we had put some Tier language back in based on previous discussion in the November CMP.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated this was the same document from the December meeting except that the hours change was removed. Susan said in the last meeting, we had reviewed some of the wording changes specifically in section 12.4.1 in the second paragraph. The language update is making it clear between the WSHD tiers and the Wholesale Service Delivery group and their tiers. Susan said they are very minor wording changes, that is all.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she did not agree the changes are minor and would go back and look at the meeting minutes but thought that she was clear about no changes in hours or Tiers due to upcoming changes. Bonnie pointed to specific language changes in 12.3 and 12.4.1 and said they were not minor. She said she agrees with the name change but would vote no on the change to Tiers.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said the Tiers wording changes were to remove redundancy of the use Tier 1 and 2 but that the Tiers remain in place.

Susan Lorence – Qwest suggested going through each paragraph since representatives from the WSHD were on the call and we could identify where specific concerns are.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra indicated we did that before but there may be new information.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said he thought we were on the same page at the conclusion of last month’s meeting.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she thought so too and that she thought had been clear about not changing anything related to Tiers due to upcoming system work in the next several years. She did not want to limit CLECs access to IT Tiers and the expertise of this group.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said we had not changed that within the WSHD so we would walkthrough to address where the specific concerns are.

Susan Lorence – Qwest started with section 12.2 of the red line and said it was just a name change. In section 12.3, the first, second and third changes are also name changes. Susan said the next change in that paragraph was a correction related to a change that we made about a year and a half ago. The SME group is the CSIE, and that we had made the change under section 12.8.1 when we combined Tier 1 and Tier 2 to be the CSIE, the Coaches and the Team Leaders and the Process Specialists but that we had not addressed it here that this particular Tier was also combined. Susan said the previous reference to Tier 2 or 3 was to the Service Manager and the Senior Service Manager and this is to make it refer to the SMEs in Tier 1.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said it should say proper subject matter expert also known as the CSIE.

Susan Lorence – Qwest suggested we add ‘also known as WSD Tier 1’. This change was not a reference to WSHD tiers. This change is a sync up. There was discussion about what WSD stands for which is Wholesale Service Delivery as defined in section 12.8.1 and a review of the WSD Tier 1 descriptions occurred. After further discussion, Bonnie Johnson and Kim Isaacs – Integra said they would agree to the changes in 12.3.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said the next changes in section 12.3 were name changes.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said there were no questions until 12.4.1.

Susan Lorence – Qwest then reviewed the second paragraph in 12.4.1 where we changed ITWSHD to WSHD and we did not take out the Tier but put in parentheses IT to be clear it is not the Wholesale Service Delivery. Susan reviewed the next change to add “appropriate resource including” and said it was to show it includes Tier 2 or 3 for resolution and asked if there were concerns about that change?

Bonnie Johnson – Integra reviewed what it used to say and asked who else would that be? Bonnie said to put the “appropriate resources or additional resources” at the end but she wanted to show it would go to Tier 1 and Tier 2 first that is making some determination. She did not want to add a layer.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said by saying to the appropriate resource, it included Tier 2 or Tier 3.

Mark Coyne – Qwest asked what Integra wanted to see.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra to leave it like it is ‘will refer the ticket to the IT Tier 2 or 3’ and that she was fine to add ‘who may engage additional resources for resolution’.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said OK and moved to the next sentence where the change was to call out the Resolution team which would be a whole team of resources including database folks, Tier 2 or Tier 3, or any number of WSD SME resources.

Julia Redman-Carter – PAETEC asked what about saying ‘the IT resolution team’ and putting Tier 2 and 3 to show they are key and then any additional resources in parentheses.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said we think we did just what Julia said: the IT resolution team including IT Tier 2 or 3.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she did not agree and said the point is that Tier 2 and 3 is the resolution team and if it includes others, that is fine. She said the current language puts a layer in between Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Mark Coyne – Qwest asked is the layer the Resolution team?

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said it says the Tier 2 or 3 Resolution Team and if you want to add other departments to include other resources in the team in parentheses, she was ok with that.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said we get the idea. We thought we were making it clearer. Qwest will regroup with the Help Desk to determine whether to propose changes. Susan reviewed the next couple proposed changes in that paragraph and said she assumed Integra would not agree.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said yes it appears you are putting a layer in between the Tiers.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said the intent was to give a name to the Resolution Team; it was not to add additional layers. Susan said it did not make sense to continue the review and that we would take this feedback and meet with the Help Desk.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said now that she understood the intent, define what the Resolution Team is first and then the other changes might not be needed.

Julia Redman-Carter – PAETEC agreed. If you can clean it up in the front part, identify what the Resolution Team is but the important aspect that we wanted to capture was the idea that the Tier 1 and 2 or the Tier folks are the primary folks that need to be there. If they bring other partners on the Resolution Team that is fine but the Tier 1 and 2 are important. So when you keep say including the Tier 1 or 2 or 3 it looks like they are not the primary focus and that they could be left out.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra agreed.

Julia Redman-Carter – PAETEC said it sounds like the “appropriate resource” is important and they will include the Tier folks but that she prefers the Tier 1 and 2 are the primary focus who may bring others who help make up the Resolution Team.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that we will take this back and sit down with Help Desk and see whether or not it makes sense to define the term up front the first time it is used or to try to re-craft this language further.

Susan Lorence – Qwest asked since there were other CLECs on the phone, did any other CLEC other than Integra or PAETEC have any concerns about this language. Susan said we had received a number of votes online and there was no indication that there was any concern so that for those who had not spoke, were they any concerns.

Liz Tierney – Covad said she had the same concerns.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said as Qwest is drafting the changes, to give them a call to get language that could be voted on.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said based on the discussion, we will skip the voting and hopefully vote next month. Mark asked if there were any other questions or comments before moving on. There were none.

12/15/10 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated this was addressed in Attachment E.

ATTACHMENT E Mark Coyne – Qwest said this CR was reviewed a couple of months ago and there were some concerns on some of the changes. He said we reviewed it briefly last month but want to go back through it today to see if we can get agreement on the changes. Mark reviewed the three items that Qwest is proposing: 1) The name change from the IT Systems Help Desk to the WSHD. 2) The proposed change to eliminate the Tiers within the WSHD. 3) Hours of availability change for the WSHD. Regarding the first item, the name change, Mark said he believes we had concurrence on that last month. Mark asked if there were any objections there? There were none. Mark indicated on the second item associated with WSHD Tiers, there was concern expressed in regard to the elimination of those Tiers. Mark said we have put references to Tiers back in so WSHD Tiers will continue to appear in the document. Mark said in regard to the third item, WSHD hours of availability, Qwest has compiled some data associated with calls into the WSHD over the past two years and that he wanted to review that to show why Qwest was proposing the change and provide Qwest’s perspective in terms of making the most efficient use of our resources.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she wanted to say something before going through the history. Bonnie said Integra would not vote to agree to any change in hours in the WSHD and that it was not based on history but it was the anticipation of an increase in future systems changes as a result of the merger; Integra would not agree to limit or reduce the hours of availability. Bonnie said she has asked for historical data in the past but that historical data does not really come into play for Integra’s basis for not agreeing to reduce the WSHD hours.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said we are trying to show that most activity that occurs with the WSHD is during certain hours of the day as seen in the data so that everybody can see what Qwest is proposing in terms of reducing the hours of availability. Mark said the reduction is hours is not significant and when viewed in regard to the data, it does not make sense to have resources sitting when there is no activity. Mark then reviewed the WSHD data related to the hours as currently documented in the CMP document, Monday thru Friday, being 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Looking at the 2009 data, the latest call was at 7:01 pm in August 2009. For 2010, the latest call was again in August at 6:34 pm. The proposed WSHD change is to move from 8:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark said in terms of Saturday coverage, the current hours are 7:00 am to 3:00 pm and Qwest is proposing a change of 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. In 2009, the WSHD only had one call in October that came in at 12:27 pm. In 2010, the latest call was at 1:00 pm. Mark asked if other CLECs have questions or concerns about the proposed change. There were none.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated we would typically let folks consider the new changes and then take a vote in January but that it sounds as though based on Bonnie’s comment they would be voting no on this change in hours. Mark said the Customer Contact document already reflects the hours we are proposing to change in the CMP document; it was updated earlier this year in the January/February timeframe. Mark said we are trying to synch up the two documents. If we cannot make the change to reduce the hours in the CMP document, we would like to propose using the existing call out process for the WSHD for that half hour difference and that we would document that in the Customer Contact PCAT so that it is clear for that half hour difference. Mark asked if that would be acceptable to the CLECs.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she would like to check internally if Integra has used that call out process to determine if it worked and that she was not familiar with it. Bonnie asked when someone dialed the number whether someone answered the phone.

Joni Kelly – Qwest described how the call out process works. Joni said the call-in number is the same 800 number and the call goes to a recording which provides the hours of operation and that you can leave a message. Once the message is left, a person is paged and that person calls the CLEC back.

Susan Lorence – Qwest confirmed that the Qwest proposal is that for the hours that are different between the CMP document and Customer Contact, we would show that for that half hour Monday through Friday and for each hour at the front end and back end on Saturday, we would just use the WSHD call out process. That short window is the only time we are talking about.

Joni Kelly – Qwest indicated that was correct.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra asked the intent of the call out process and when is available. Is the call out process always available outside of the normal WSHD hours.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said outside the normal WSHD hours, the call out process is in effect. If a customer were to call in at 8:30 pm Monday through Friday or at 5 pm on Saturday, it would default to the call out process.

Joni Kelly – Qwest indicated that was correct.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said again she wanted to do some research and that it takes a unanimous vote to change the CMP document. Bonnie said it may be something that can be agreed to on an interim basis but if activity increases outside the hours of the data provided, based on some set criteria, was Qwest willing to negotiate.

Mark Coyne – Qwest asked if you were saying on a temporary basis.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra indicated if something is agreed to on an interim basis but that if during the half hour Monday thru Friday or the Saturday hours they did not get a call back in a timely manner, if they determined that they need to have somebody answer the phone or if data shows more systems changes as a result of merger activity, the CMP hours would be reinstated.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said he thought that could be agreed to if in turn we could also continue to look at the data going forward with the merger and that if the data continues to support the current trend, would Integra also reconsider those hours based on resource availability. Mark said it was a two way street. We could look at the hours on an interim basis as long as Integra would agree to look at it also based on the data.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said she would take that back. She said they try to be reasonable but this requires a change to the CMP document which requires a unanimous vote. Bonnie said Qwest changed the PCATs which violates CMP and it should have been considered before making the change.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated the proposal is to correct the PCAT to reflect what is in CMP and to use the WSHD call out process. Mark said he is willing to continue to review the data and see whether in the next year and half or so following the merger if resources need to be there for those hours.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said that Qwest had acknowledged that the change in the WSHD hours had been made before we had made the appropriate CMP notification through the Customer Contact PCAT update. Susan said she thought we had acknowledged that we were out of sync with the CMP document but at that time there were no concerns expressed when that had occurred. Susan said we were cleaning up the CMP document.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra questioned if the notice associated with the PCAT changes indicated that it was in conflict with the CMP documents.

Susan Lorence – Qwest said she thought we had actually talked about it in a CMP meeting but that she would go back and look at that and would confirm that she was not mistaken and would include that reference in the meeting minutes. (NOTE: See January 2010 CMP monthly meeting minutes http://wholesalecalendar.qwestapps.com/detail/230/2010-01-20; related notices are PROS.CNTS.01.19.10.F.07422.CustomerContactsV97, PROS.CNTS.01.28.10.F.07471.RETRACTIONCustContactV97, PROS.CNTS.02.19.10.F.07422.CustomerContactsV97, PROS.CNTS.03.11.10.F.07627.FNLCMPCustContactsV97. The change in WSHD hours was discussed in CMP; there was no indication it was out of synch with the CMP document.)

Bonnie Johnson – Integra indicated that it was not clear to Integra if that was the case. She said Integra would never have agreed to those PCAT changes if it had been in conflict with the CMP document and that was not clear. Bonnie said she would take it back to determine if using the call out process for those hours was acceptable but said if it is agreed to only on an interim basis, would Qwest agree to revisit it to determine if the process was working in six months. She said Qwest could propose the change again after any systems integration is complete down the road.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said we could look at it in six months and a year from both the CLEC and Qwest perspectives on what the volumes are. Mark said in the interim we can utilize the call out process and see if it can be effective for everyone. Mark said that Qwest was not aware of any concerns with the call-out process in the past and requested that after Integra completes their review, if they would let Qwest know so we can move forward with the other changes.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra indicated Qwest can move forward with the other changes, the WSHD name change and the change to put the Tiers back, but that Integra is not going to agree to change the CMP document.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said since there were different changes to the CMP document that the plan was to let everyone review this one last time and that we will take the official vote in the January CMP meeting. Mark said the changes to the CMP document will be the WSHD name change and that the wording related to the WSHD Tiers which will stay in the document and the WSHD hours will stay as they are in the document. Mark said at the point we hear from Integra that the callout process will work on an interim basis, we can proceed to make the Customer Contact PCAT updates so that document and the CMP document can be in sync again.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra asked if Qwest was going to make an update to the CMP document changes currently included in Attachment E and provide those for review and that is what the vote will be taken on.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that was correct.

Bonnie Johnson – Integra said that was perfect.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that we will be sending a revised document for review and asked if there were any other questions. There were none. Mark said in regard to the other change to the CMP document which was related to a correction of urls, we would hold off on that until we are able to wrap this other one up and send changes all at once.

11/17/10 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that he would hold off and address this in Attachment E.

ATTACHMENT E: Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that last month the CR was presented and we reviewed the redline of the document reflecting those changes. Mark said he thought everyone was fine with the name change IT Help Desk to Wholesale Systems Help Desk but that we did have some comments and concerns regarding the Tier Levels being removed as well as the hours of operation. Mark said we plan to have an ad hoc meeting after Thanksgiving to discuss those two changes in more detail and will share some of the data that we have been able to pull on our side.

11/4/10 Email sent to CLEC Integra: Thank you for your response. I will cancel the Ad hoc meeting notice that was to be distributed today then and reschedule the call for after Thanksgiving.

11/4/10 Email received from CLEC Integra: I am happy to listen to anything Qwest has to communicate on the matter but I wanted to let you know I have no questions. If you thought the intent of my email was to request an ad-hoc call I apologize as that was not my intent. I was merely giving you the courtesy of Integra’s position in the event you wanted to revise your changes. Again, Integra will not agree to any changes in the CMP document that limit the tier level structure or hours of operation for the Wholesale systems helpdesk.

As to the date of the call, I am in AZ for hearings on November 15th so I am not available. The only day I have until after Thanksgiving when I am not traveling to hearings is next Friday the 12th.

11/4/10 Email sent to CLEC Integra: I am setting up an ad hoc meeting for Monday, 11/15, to discuss the proposed CMP document updates associated with CR PC100610-1CM and the Wholesale Systems Help Desk. The meeting notice will be distributed today and I will be posting an agenda and revised redline update of Section 12.0 of the CMP document to the Wholesale calendar by end of day on Monday, 11/8.

10/29/10 Email info received from Integra: Kim described the changes Qwest is proposing and Integra has discussed these changes internally. Integra will not agree to any changes in the CMP document that limit the tier level structure or hours of operation for the Wholesale systems helpdesk. In addition, it is Integra’s expectation that all tiers are available to CLECs during the hours listed in the CMP document. Integra has attempted to discuss system issues with tier two and above during helpdesk hours and were told they were not available. Integra expects that this is due to the fact that those tiers may not located in the US. I also understand that Qwest has already changed its hours and is not in compliance with the hours in the CMP document. Qwest should change them back to remain in compliance with hours in the CMP document.

In the CenturyLink/Qwest merger proceedings, in which I am participating, CenturyLink and Qwest indicate that all Qwest system integration activity will be going through CMP. For example see Mr. Hunsucker of CenturyLink comments at the MN merger hearing. Mr. Hunsucker said: “The current Qwest CMP process and what we committed to here in Minnesota was that we would abide by the testing time frames outlined in the CMP if we were to move the Qwest system to a CenturyLink system,…” (See HRG. Tr. Vol 2B public, pg. 89 lines 8-11).

Having adequate support, especially at al time when the likelihood that the CMP system change request activity will significantly increase in the near future is critical.

10/20/10 Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that this is a new CR and has to do with updates to the CMP document. We will address this in Attachment E.

ATTACHMENT E: Mark Coyne – Qwest relayed that the Description of the CR indicates that Qwest is proposing updates to the CMP document associated with the ITHD – to correct the hours of operation and provide consistency on the name used to refer to the Wholesale Systems IT Help Desk. Mark also added that this is to align the CMP doc with the Customer Contact PCAT along and with what has been documented in Section 12.8.1 of CMP Document. Mark said we will go through the redline section by section and that for the most part, the change is from ITWSHD to WSHD. In Section 12.2 we are just changing the name – WSHD. In Section 12.3 again it is the name that is changing – WSHD. Down in the middle, we are eliminating Tier 2 or Tier 3 support as is referenced there.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if Qwest is aligning documents, where did the elimination of Tier 2 and 3 come from.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that Section 12.8.4 took place last year when we took out the Tier associated with the CSIE and coaches.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she thought that was the CSIE only and did not have anything to do with the Wholesale System Help Desk.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that there are two set of Tiers in the document: those that relate to the CSIE, Coaches and Service Management side and those that relate to the IT Help Desk and that he will point these out as we go along. They are two separate groups. The CSIE Tiers will stay in existence just as they are defined in 12.8.1 which we went through last year when we consolidated them last year. On the IT Help Desk side, they pretty much eliminated their Tiers and they just call them Resolution groups.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated that she thought that the IT Help Desk is a general term for the Tiers. If there is a SWAT or something, it is called the Resolution Team which is how it is referred to later in the document.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that Resolution Team still interfaces with the Tiers on the CSIE side so there are still Tiers there. Mark said the Tiers are not intermingling and that as we review the redline, the wording should clarify things. If not, we can come back and address it.

The question was asked is there really even a Tier 1 and why Qwest left that in.

Mark Coyne – Qwest said if the question is on the Help Desk side, no, there is not. Mark said that this is actually referencing the CSIE Tiers and is where it gets confusing. This is actually referring to the Wholesale Systems Help Desk getting assistance from the Subject Matter Expert also known as the Tier 1 on the business side. In Section 12.4, we have eliminated the Tier 1 for the IT Systems Help Desk.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated that we had planned on having Joni Kelly and Angie Cox from the IT Help Desk (WSHD) on but since they have not joined the call, we can take questions back to them. Susan said the WSHD had approved these changes.

Kim Isaacs – Integra relayed that the other Tier referenced the CSIE. With the IT one, Kim relayed we are truly eliminating the IT Tier structure for escalations with these language updates. Kim said it sounds like they have already done that but she did not know whether they had ever been notified of this. Kim questioned how escalations are handled and gave an example of working with Angie (WSHD) and what would happen if she wanted to call her boss.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated that when we met with Angie and Joni Kelly to review this change, we are definitely not eliminating the technical escalation process and that is not intended to be implied here. There is still always the option of escalation on the technical or the process side. Qwest is trying to simplify this language and show that the WSHD is really the main contact for the customer. The WSHD will work internally to resolve an issue and work with whoever they need to behind the scenes.

Kim Isaacs – Integra questioned whether they can escalate and who are they escalating to then?

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated if you want to escalate on the technical side, that is still posted on the IT Production support or the OSS Production Support page; those technical escalations and Tiers have not changed. The CSIE Tiers are also not changing. Qwest is just simplifying this language in the CMP document. Susan said if we need to think about rewording this and ensuring that there is still the capability to escalate, we can do that. Susan then walked through the changes to wording in Section 12.4.1, second paragraph. As each sentence was reviewed, she relayed there was no change to the customer. The changes are to how we refer internally to the appropriate resource within IT to resolve a problem. Susan said we are not trying to change how the customer interacts with the WSHD or to remove any escalation capability.

Mark Coyne – Qwest pointed to the end of Section 12.4.1 where it says “If the CLEC and Qwest cannot agree upon the work around solution, the CLEC can use either the Technical Escalation process or escalate to the WSD Tiers, as appropriate.” Mark said that this would still be in place as it is today.

Kim Isaacs – Integra indicated that she understands what Qwest is doing but has a concern that in the future the change could be construed that Tier 2 or Tier 3 don’t get on the phone and talk with the CLECs which is the problem. The concern was funneling everything through the WSHD to talk to Tier 2 and Tier 3 support. Kim said she was in that situation now with the LSR splitting tickets she has open and that she is working with Angie. It is just going back and forth and not getting anywhere.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that we are not eliminating or stopping who needs to communicate with whom at what level. Those conversations will still take place as appropriate.

Kim Isaacs – Integra indicated that this change could be construed that she cannot talk to Tier 2 and Tier 3.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that the IT Resolution Team along with the appropriate SMEs will develop a proposed work around and work collaboratively with the CLEC.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated that to address the concern in the second paragraph of removing “the ITWSHD with IT Tier 2 or 3 on the line, as appropriate” we could change the wording to say “with appropriate IT Tier representatives on the line as appropriate”. Susan said we can get with Joni Kelly and Angie Cox to get there concurrence.

Kim Isaacs – Integra indicated that she would have to go through all the changes to confirm what is happening but she thought that would be helpful.

Mark Coyne – Qwest asked whether we still needed to use the word Tier or could we just simply say the appropriate resources or SMEs because Qwest is trying to eliminate the Tier language on the IT side.

Susan Lorence – Qwest asked if that sounded ok to Kim.

Kim Isaacs – Integra indicated that she would have to think about why a double tier concept was introduced into CMP initially and whether it was appropriate to pull it out. She said she understood we are saying the processes don’t match what this is stating but that the Tiers were inserted for a reason and she wants to look at it.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that is fine and that the intent today was to get an overview of the red line changes and then have people review them and come back next month with questions. If there are no questions next month, we would go ahead and do the vote. Mark asked if we covered all the questions on Section 12.4.1 and said that section was probably the most complicated. Mark then reviewed Section 12.5 and 12.6 where we just eliminated the IT from the WSHD. Mark said Section 12.7 is the actual change in hours of operation for the WSHD which was notified earlier this year in February. The WSHD went from 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday through Friday to 6:00 am – 7:30 pm Monday through Friday. Saturday hours were from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm and changed to 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Mark said the notice went out February 19, 2010 on those hour changes for the WSHD. Mark said he could share that notice number if anyone wanted it. (See notice PROS.CNTS.02.19.10.F.07422.CustomerContactsV97.) Mark then reviewed the remaining changes which were making the change to WSHD.

Susan Lorence – Qwest indicated in Section 12.7 where it had the redline for the WSHD hours of operation, that change was not really to be included there but was just cut and pasted from the Customer Contact PCAT to make sure the times were correct. We are not proposing that would remain part of the redline.

Mark Coyne – Qwest indicated that it was just a reference and then asked if there were any additional comments. He asked everyone to review the change a little bit closer and that we will get back together next month and see if there are some additional questions and when we can go move forward with a vote.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021