Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC112503-2 Detail

Title: Adjustment Recognition
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC112503-2 Crossover
Originator: Stichter, Kathy
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Maynard, Elaine
CR PM: Sanchez-Steinke, Linda

Description Of Change

Currently Qwest adjustments appear with only the date that Qwest issued the adjustment, a description such as “credit adjustment” and the amount. When Eschelon submits a dispute, Qwest requires the bill date of the disputed amount, the USOC and/or the description of the disputed amount, the TN or CKT ID of the disputed amount and the amount in dispute. Qwest should return the same information (we supply) on its adjustments. Without the bill date, TN or CKT ID and USOC it is extremely time consuming and sometimes impossible to determine what Qwest is adjusting. Many times Eschelon has to contact Qwest for the needed information. Sometimes even Qwest can not determine what the adjustment was for. Eschelon requests that Qwest return the same information Eschelon supplies on its disputes i.e. the bill date, the USOC (or description, if a USOC is not applicable) and the TN or CKT ID on all adjusted amounts that appear on any of Qwest’s bills including the BillMate Adjustment file.

Expected Deliverables - Qwest will include all the information Eschelon supplies on a dispute i.e. the bill date, TN or CKT ID and USOC (or description) on all adjusted amounts that appear on any of Qwest’s bills including the BillMate Adjustment file.

Date Action Description
11/25/2003 CR Submitted 
11/26/2003 CR Acknowledged 
12/9/2003 Held Clarification Meeting 
12/17/2003 December CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
7/27/2009 Status Changed Status changed to Crossover 

Project Meetings

12/17/03 December CMP Meeting Kathy Stichter with Eschelon presented this CR. Kathy said that she submitted the CR because of problems figuring out adjustments on bills. Liz Balvin with MCI said MCI supports this CR and that they are unable to determine if adjustments are PAP payments or the result of a dispute. Kit Thomte with Qwest said we would like to cross over this CR to Systems because of billing system implications. Kathy Stichter agreed and this CR will be moved to Presented status and crossed over to Systems.

CLEC Change Request Clarification Meeting

2:00 p.m. (MDT) / Tuesday December 9, 2003

1-877-572-8687 3393947# PC112503-2 Adjustment Recognition


Kathy Stitcher, Eschelon John Gallegos, Qwest Brenda Kerr, Qwest Elaine Maynard, Qwest Peggy Esquibel-Reed, Qwest Linda Sanchez-Steinke, Qwest

Introduction of Attendees Qwest welcomed all attendees to the meeting.

Review Requested (Description of) Change Linda Sanchez-Steinke with Qwest read the description of change from the submitted change request; Currently Qwest adjustments appear with only the date that Qwest issued the adjustment, a description such as “credit adjustment” and the amount. When Eschelon submits a dispute, Qwest requires the bill date of the disputed amount, the USOC and/or the description of the disputed amount, the TN or CKT ID of the disputed amount and the amount in dispute. Qwest should return the same information (we supply) on its adjustments. Without the bill date, TN or CKT ID and USOC it is extremely time consuming and sometimes impossible to determine what Qwest is adjusting. Many times Eschelon has to contact Qwest for the needed information. Sometimes even Qwest can not determine what the adjustment was for. Eschelon requests that Qwest return the same information Eschelon supplies on its disputes i.e. the bill date, the USOC (or description, if a USOC is not applicable) and the TN or CKT ID on all adjusted amounts that appear on any of Qwest’s bills including the BillMate Adjustment file

Kathy Stitcher said that the reason the description of the disputed amount should be included is because toll usage types charges have no USOC associated with them. ; for instance toll usage type charges have no USOC associated with them. The last statement in the CR is mainly in connection with BillMate. The adjustment file should appear on all adjustments for bills. With maintenance and repair, TIC is a big problem and the billing reps lump a bunch of adjustments together rather than give the information item by item.

Elaine Maynard clarified that Eschelon is looking for the bill adjustments item by item rather than in a lump adjustment. Kathy Stitcher said that she usually knows what the adjustment will be ahead of time, however, when she looks at the bill it doesn’t match up. Kathy also said that she wasn’t sure if the CR should be Product & Process or Systems.

Brenda Kerr asked if the request is for all regions and states. Kathy responded yes.

Confirm Areas & Products Impacted Billing

Confirm Right Personnel Involved Correct Qwest personnel were involved in the clarification meeting

Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation Qwest will include all the information Eschelon supplies on a dispute i.e. the bill date, TN or CKT ID and USOC (or description) on all adjusted amounts that appear on any of Qwest’s bills including the BillMate Adjustment file.

Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests No dependent Systems Change Requests

Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) Eschelon will present this CR at the December meeting. Qwest will provide a response in January.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021