Wholesale: Products & Services

Line Sharing/Shared Loop Product

Course Description

This self-directed, web-based course provides an overview of the Line Sharing/Shared Loop product. Line Sharing, also known as Shared Loop, provides you with the opportunity to offer end-users advanced data services over the existing copper loop that provides the end-users analog voice-grade (POTS) service. It does this by using the frequency range above the voice band of the copper loop. The POTS service must be provided to the end-user by CenturyLink™.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this training course, you will be able to:

  • Define the Line Sharing/Shared Loop Product
  • Describe Line Sharing pricing
  • Describe Line Sharing requirements
  • Explain the benefits of Line Sharing
  • Describe the ordering process
  • Describe the provisioning process
  • Locate the Service Interval Guidelines (SIG) and other resources pertaining to Line Sharing



The target audience for the training is primarily CLECs and External Customers, but the training is available to anyone that would like an overview of the subject. We believe this training will assist you in gaining a better understanding of the product and processes, and will allow you to be more effective in working with the CenturyLink Sales and Service Team.

Course Length

This course takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

Course Registration
