Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR041103-01EX Detail

Title: This exception CR seeks to allow a vote on a Late Adder outside of a CMP Meeting (Exception to 10.3.4). The Late Adder process is described in Section 5.2.1 and 10.3.4
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR041103-01EX Completed
-   3/
Originator: Osborne-Miller, Donna
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
This exception CR seeks to allow a vote on a Late Adder outside of a CMP Meeting (Exception to 10.3.4). The Late Adder process is described in Section 5.2.1 and 10.3.4

Desired outcome:

Exemption from the CMP process as described in CMP Document, Section 10.3.4. This will allow the vote for the Late Adder approval to take place at an ad hoc CMP Meeting, and not the Monthly CMP Meeting as described in Section 10.3.4.

See CR, (SCR032103-01, SCR040403-01), in the Systems Interactive Reports at


Status History

Date Action Description
4/11/2003 CR Acknowledged  
4/11/2003 CR Submitted  
4/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at April CMP Systems Meeting - See April Distribution Package Attach T 
4/23/2003 Status Changed Status changed to presented 

Project Meetings

4/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting Lynn Stecklein/Qwest asked if AT&T could present the other late adder. Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T reviewed the second CR that AT&T would like to have considered as a Late Adder. SCR040303-01 (System Generate LML for additional listing only changes) She reviewed the description of change. John Gallegos/Qwest stated that we are hoping to get the LOE soon and will provide to everyone upon receipt. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if with a late adder, do we re-prioritize Jim Maher/Qwest stated that we will send out instructions, but you insert where you want the late adder CR added, ex: between 10 and 11. You will not go back and re-prioritize you will clearly note where you want the CR to fall. The intent in re-design was so that the companies would not go back and re-do their prioritization. Jim read from Section 10.3 of the CMP document. Sue Stott/Qwest asked if we re-calculate. Randy Owen/Qwest noted that Qwest will adjust the point value assigned to whatever the CLEC chooses as their placement for the late adder. Sue Stott/Qwest said that what this does is allow you to insert the late adder CR into the current prioritized list. This is important because we have already begun working on the list as it is currently prioritized. Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T and we are going to vote on this. Lynn Stecklein/Qwest said that because of the submitted date of the CRs and the late adder request we had to ask AT&T to submit an exception. She reviewed the exception to the CMP document (Exception request to allow a vote on Late Adder CRs outside of a Monthly CMP Systems Meeting), she reviewed what a vote of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ will indicate. She also noted that there would be a meeting next Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 10:00 am MT to hold the vote. Jim Maher/Qwest said that there will be three votes, one for the exception, and one for each of the CRs being requested as late adders. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked if there needed to be a quorum. Laurel Nolan/Qwest said yes and we will calculate the quorum after this meeting. Typically, it has been around 5-6. Kit Thomte/Qwest re-capped what the separate votes would cover. Laurel Nolan/Qwest noted that when we have the vote, it’s just a yes or no vote. The CLECs will not be expected to provide their ranks at the meeting. Phyllis Burt/AT&T asked when will there be an outcome. Lynn Stecklein/Qwest said that at the latest, May 2nd, 2003. Lynn also told Phyllis that she could get the details on all that was discussed associated with the Exception and late adder CRs on the Wholesale Resources Website.

CenturyLink Response

Information Current as of 1/11/2021