Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR041805-01 Detail

Title: CEMR: Expand the Number of Characters Allowed in the Non Design Customer Narrative Field
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR041805-01 Denied
-   5/ Maintenance & Repair Resale, UNE-P, Products where repair tickets are opened as Non-Design Tickets
Originator: Isaacs, Kim
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
Currently, CEMR only allows 102 characters in the customer narrative for non-design tickets while CEMR allows 255 characters in the customer narrative for design tickets. The customer narrative is the section a Qwest’s requires a CLEC to use to clearly explain the trouble the customer is experiencing. A CLEC often requires more than 102 characters to give a complete description of the trouble and other details (for example, additional telephone numbers experiencing the same trouble or additional access information) Qwest requires to resolve the end user customer’s repair issue. The character limitation requires the CLEC to remove vowels and words when opening the ticket in CEMR, which can potentially make the narrative confusing and vague. The inability to enter a clear and concise description on non-design tickets can cause Qwest to take inaccurate action on the ticket which can delay the repair process and cost Qwest and the CLEC unnecessary resources. In addition, the CLEC may choose not to use CEMR to report the trouble to Qwest. Eschelon requests that Qwest expand the number of characters allowed in the Non-Design Customer Narrative field to the same number of characters Qwest allows for design tickets (255 characters).

Expected Deliverable:

Expand the number of character allowed in the CEMR Non-Design Customer Narrative Field to the same number of characters Qwest allows for design tickets.

Status History

Date Action Description
4/18/2005 CR Submitted  
4/19/2005 CR Acknowledged  
4/21/2005 Clarification Meeting Scheduled Meeting Scheduled for April 25, 2005 
4/25/2005 Clarification Meeting Held See Project Meetings Section for Meeting Minutes. 
5/18/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the May Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment B 
6/10/2005 Status Changed Status Changed to Denied 
6/15/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the June Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 

Project Meetings

June 15, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jim Recker-Qwest stated that Eschelon’s request is to expand the number of characters in the non design narrative field. Jim stated that Qwest did investigate this request and noted that the changes to CEMR would also impact many downstream systems and data bases. Jim stated that based on the cost of this effort, over $4 Million to update the systems, Qwest is respectfully denying this change request. Jim stated that this would also have helped Qwest but Qwest cannot justify the cost to implement the change. There were no comments or questions. This CR will close in Denied status.

-- May 18, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon presented the CR and stated that it is requesting to expand the ability of characters for the non-designed customer narratives field. Bonnie stated that not having this ability can cause Qwest to take the wrong or unnecessary action. Bonnie noted that the Clarification Call had been held and that Qwest understands the request. There were no questions or comments. This CR moves to Presented status.

-- April 25, 2005 Clarification Meeting Attendees: Kim Isaacs-Eschelon, Angela Stewart-Qwest, Jim Recker-Qwest, Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest, Cathy Garcia-Qwest, Shon Higer-Qwest, John Beattie-Qwest

Review Requested (Description of) Change: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest reviewed the CR Title and Description.

Kim Isaacs-Eschelon stated that the business need for this request is that currently there could be a delay in the repair process due to miscommunication. Kim stated that Eschelon would appreciate more room for narrative. Shon Higer-Qwest stated that the request is clear and noted that he had no questions. Cathy Garcia-Qwest stated hat she also understood the request. Jim Recker-Qwest asked if the CLEC test results were contained in the narrative as well. Cathy Garcia-Qwest stated yes. Jim Recker-Qwest asked if Eschelon was requesting the test results in the narrative. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon said yes and noted that this may also help with other items such as the line test only initiative and with the closing of tickets. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest asked if there any other questions or comments in regard o this Change Request. There were none.

Confirmed Impacted Area(s): Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest confirmed that this Change Request was for Maintenance & Repair.

Confirmed Impacted Interfaces: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest confirmed that this CR was for CEMR.

Confirmed Impacted Products: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest asked t confirm that this CR is for Resale, UNE-P; Non-Designed Products. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon stated that it is also for CTX21 and any product where repair tickets are opened as non-designed tickets.

Establish Action Plan & Resolution Time Frame: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that this CR is due for presentation at the May 18th CMP Meeting and that the Qwest response is due on June 14th.

CenturyLink Response


TO: Kim Isaacs, Eschelon

SUBJECT: SCR041805-01 CEMR: Expand the Number of Characters Allowed in the Non-Design Customer Narrative Field

Description of Change: Currently, CEMR only allows 102 characters in the customer narrative for non-design tickets while CEMR allows 255 characters in the customer narrative for design tickets. The customer narrative is the section Qwest’s requires a CLEC to use to clearly explain the trouble the customer is experiencing. A CLEC often requires more than 102 characters to give a complete description of the trouble and other details (for example, additional telephone numbers experiencing the same trouble or additional access information) Qwest requires to resolve the end user customer’s repair issue. The character limitation requires the CLEC to remove vowels and words when opening the ticket in CEMR, which can potentially make the narrative confusing and vague. The inability to enter a clear and concise description on non-design tickets can cause Qwest to take inaccurate action on the ticket which can delay the repair process and cost Qwest and the CLEC unnecessary resources. In addition, the CLEC may choose not to use CEMR to report the trouble to Qwest. Eschelon requests that Qwest expand the number of characters allowed in the Non-Design Customer Narrative field to the same number of characters Qwest allows for design tickets (255 characters).

Expected Deliverable: Expand the number of character allowed in the CEMR Non-Design Customer Narrative Field to the same number of characters Qwest allows for design tickets.

Qwest Response: The Customer Electronic Maintenance & Repair (CEMR) application is a web interface that allows for interaction with the Qwest downstream applications and databases. Any changes to CEMR will have a direct impact on these downstream applications and databases. Therefore when evaluating this change request for CEMR, Qwest must also evaluate the impact on all the downstream applications and databases that are impacted for non-designed services.

Qwest has evaluated the impacts on CEMR and on the downstream applications and databases. Qwest has submitted the proposed changes to its vendor community (Telcordia, Tekmark) that control the downstream applications and databases. The total costs from the vendors and Qwest’s IT are estimated to be $4 Million.

It is also important to note that Design Service tickets interface with different downstream applications and databases and therefore have different capabilities and requirements.

Due to the costs to implement this change request, Qwest respectfully denies SCR041805-01 based on the grounds that it is not economically feasible.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021