Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR061703-03IG Detail

Title: Western Region to Provide Dollar Amount Associated to USOC for Other Charges & Credits (OC&C)
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR061703-03IG Completed
700 - 1400   11/ Billing UBL, UNE Loop, UNE-P
Originator: Larson, Jami
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
This is a Telecordia CABS BOS Industry Guideline request.

Currently, western region does not provide the dollar amount at the USOC level in the OC&C Section of the bill. For the unbundled summary accounts in the BOS format, the amount will be populated in the BOS record. The amount provided will be directly related to the USOC. 10-30-20 and 10-30-21 records will be provided if the USOC is present.

This effort will be applied to all bill formats.

Status History

Date Action Description
6/17/2003 CR Submitted  
6/18/2003 CR Acknowledged  
6/20/2003 Clarification Meeting Held  
7/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at July Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see July Systems CMP Distribution Package -- Attachment D 
8/21/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see August Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
9/18/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see September Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I. 
10/16/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see October Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
2/19/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the February Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachments H & J 
3/18/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the March Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the March Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment J 
3/31/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Voicemail message left for John Berard, requesting availability for a meeting to discuss request from 3/18/04 CMP Meeting 
4/5/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Email sent to John Berard/Covad requesting availability for a meeting. 
4/9/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Email sent to John Berard/Covad requesting meeting availability. 
4/22/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see April Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
5/4/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Voicemail left for John Berard, Covad, Requesting Status 
5/11/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Email Sent to Covad Requesting Status 
5/12/2004 Info Received From CLEC Received Covad's Availability for Meeting 
5/12/2004 Qwest CR Review Meeting Meeting Scheduled for May 18, 2004 to discuss Manual process Request 
5/18/2004 Qwest CR Review Meeting May 18, 2004 Meeting is to be Rescheduled 
5/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see May Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
11/17/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the November Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the November Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
11/19/2004 Communicator Issued SYST.11.19.04.F.02323.CRISJanTechSpecsRelNotes 
12/15/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the December Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
12/17/2004 Communicator Issued SYST.12.17.04.F.02387.CRIS.JanRelFinalRelNot 
1/19/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the January Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment K 
1/31/2005 Communicator Issued SYST.01.31.05.F02511.CRISJanRelFinalNotice 
2/16/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see February Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 
3/16/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the March Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see March Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 

Project Meetings

March 16, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon stated that this CR could be closed.

-- February 16, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR was deployed on January 31st and that Qwest would like to close the CR. Kathy Stichter-Eschelon stated Eschelon would like to keep this CR in CLEC Test for bill validation. Jill Martain-Qwest stated that the CR would remain in CLEC Test.

January 19, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR is still on target for the January 31, 2005 implementation date.

- December 17, 2004 Communicator Excerpt: Announcement Date: December 17, 2004 Effective Date: Immediately Notification Number: SYST.12.17.04.F.02387.CRISJanRelFinalRelNot Notification Category: Systems Notification Target Audience: CLECs, Resellers Subject: CMP- CRIS January , final notification posting Associated CRs #: Qwest CMP SCR061703-03, CLEC CMP SCR 5043176

In conjunction with the CRIS system release targeted for implementation on January 31, 2005, Qwest will make no changes to its CRIS technical specifications. The CRIS system is changing to reflect the following CMP CRs, but the change does not have an impact on the technical specifications.

Summary of Change: CMP SCR061703-03, CMP SCR 5043176 Today, Western CRIS provides the NRC USOC description but does not always provide the NRC USOC with the dollar amount in the Service Order Activity section of the bill for RSID and ZCID accounts. Western CRIS will now provide the NRC USOC along with the NRC USOC description and Dollar Amount in the Service Order Activity section of the bill for all RSID and ZCID accounts. This will be displayed on the CRIS bill and the appropriate BOS record. The NRC USOC will appear on all bill media including EDI and ASCII. Multiple NRC USOCs are not to be bulked.

Comment Response: Qwest did not receive any comments during the review cycle.

-- December 15, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was scheduled and then was related to 5043176. Connie said that complexities were identified which caused the date to change. Connie then noted that the January should not slip. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked if Qwest was confident that the date would not slip because all the problems have been identified and fixed. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that we believe we have found the code to fix and have upgraded the test case. Connie said that we feel confident that the date will not slip. John Berard/Covad asked what the implementation date was. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest said that the implementation is January 31, 2005. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this action item will be closed.

November 19, 2004 Communicator Excerpt: Announcement Date: November 19, 2004 Effective Date: Immediately Notification Number: SYST.11.19.04.F.02323.CRISJanTechSpecsRelNotes Notification Category: Systems Notification Target Audience: CLECs, Resellers Subject: CMP- Systems Document In Review January CRIS Release-Draft Technical Specifications Associated CRs #: Qwest CMP SCR061703-03, CLEC CMP SCR 5043176

In conjunction with the CRIS system release targeted for implementation on January 31, 2005, Qwest will make no changes to its CRIS technical specifications. The CRIS system is changing to reflect the following CMP CRs, but the change does not have an impact on the technical specifications.

This notice will be posted to the Qwest Wholesale Document Review site.

Summary of Change: CMP SCR061703-03, CMP SCR 5043176 Today, Western CRIS provides the NRC USOC description but does not always provide the NRC USOC with the dollar amount in the Service Order Activity section of the bill for RSID and ZCID accounts. Western CRIS will now provide the NRC USOC along with the NRC USOC description and Dollar Amount in the Service Order Activity section of the bill for all RSID and ZCID accounts. This will be displayed on the CRIS bill and the appropriate BOS record. The NRC USOC will appear on all bill media including EDI and ASCII. Multiple NRC USOCs are not to be bulked.

-- November 17, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the targeted implementation date for this request is 1/31/05.

July 22, 2004 John Berard/Covad advised that Covad no longer requests a manual process to be developed.

July 9, 2004 Email Received from John Berard: Peggy, We are still reviewing this internally. I should have an answer for you next week. John Berard Director - Operations - ILEC Change Mgt

-- July 9, 2004 Email Sent from Qwest to John Berard: John, Did you decide against the manual process?

-- June 24, 2004 Email Sent to John Berard at Covad: Good Afternoon John, Have you made a decision regarding the manual process request? Please see information below. This is the email that I handed you in the June 17th Systems CMP Meeting, for your review. Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems

-- June 17, 2004: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest gave copy of the email that was sent on May 26th to John Berard. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest asked Covad if, based on the information in the email, if he still had a need for the requested interim manual process. John Berard/Covad stated that he would review the email and get a response back to me.

June 8, 2004 Email Sent to Covad: Hi John, Any response to the email below?

Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM-Systems

May 26, 2004 Email Sent to Covad: Hi John,

We met internally to discuss how the manual process might look like in preparation with our meeting with you. I was asked to provide you with some information and to request some information, prior to our call (not yet scheduled).


- The FOC that Qwest provides currently contains the service order information/USOCs. The FOC can be used for validation. - Additional service order details can be obtained from the PSON. PSONs do need to be subscribed to via a call to the Help Desk. The PSON includes information form the Listing, Bill, Control, Traffic, and Service & Equipment Sections of the Service Order. - The bill that you currently receive does have the dollar amount, from the service order, so validation can currently occur. - The targeted implementation date for this CR is December 4, 2004. - In our internal discussions, we have so far been unable to determine how a manual process could be implemented for this CR. Our initial internal discussions have determined that if a manual process can be developed, it would be a very large effort that would require a large amount of time to develop and implement. This CR would most likely be implemented before any manual process could be developed and implemented. Questions:

- This Change Request is specifically for the 10-30-20 and 10-30-21 files. Does Covad receive and use these record types? - Will you please advise me of what your specific business need is for the manual process. This will help in our researching if a manual process could be developed prior to this CR being implemented. - Based on the information that I have provided above, does Covad still want to pursue a manual process? If this is something that you would still like to pursue, please let me know what your specific business need is. We can then take another look at any possible solution for a manual process and schedule a call with you to discuss. Thanks John, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems


May 18, 2004 Meeting to be rescheduled.

May 12, 2004 Email Sent to John Berard, Covad: John, I have scheduled the call to discuss your manual process request for SCR061703-03IG Western Region to Provide Dollar Amount Associated to USOC for Other Charges & Credits (OC&C).

Call Details are: DATE: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 TIME: 11:00 a.m. MT CALL-IN #: 1-877-564-8688, 8571927

Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM-Systems

-- May 12, 2004 Email Received from Covad: Peggy: I have the following times available: This week: Friday between 10AM and 12Noon MST Next week: Monday between 10AM and 12 Noon MST Tuesday between 10:30AM to 2PM MST John Berard Director - Operations - ILEC Change Mgt

May 11, 2004 Email Sent to John Berard/Covad: John, Regarding the email below, are you still interested in a manual process? If you are, please send me your meeting availability so I can schedule a meeting to discuss. If you would like to withdraw your request, please advise. Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM-Systems

-- May 4, 2004 Qwest left voicemail message for John Berard asking if he is still interested in a manual process and asking for availability for a meeting to discuss.

-- April 22, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that this Action Item remains open. Peggy stated that the meeting with John Berard (Covad) is pending. Peggy stated that the meeting is needed in order to determine exactly what Covad needs in a manual solution. Mike Zulevic/Covad stated that he has no information.

April 9, 2004 Email Sent to John Berard at Covad: Good Afternoon John, This email is to check on status of the email below. Will you provide me with several options of your availability. I will then schedule a meeting to discuss your request. If you would like to withdraw your request, please advise. Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems

- April 5, 2004 Email Sent to John Berard/Covad: John, This email is a follow-up to the voicemail message that I left for you last week regarding the CMP CR for ‘Western Region to Provide Dollar Amount Associated to USOC for Other Charges & Credits (OC&C)’ During the March Systems CMP Meeting, you asked that a manual process be developed for SCR061703-03IG, until the CR was implemented. Qwest would like to discuss this request with you. Please advise me of your availability for a meeting, I will get it scheduled, and will send you the call details. Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM -- Systems

March 31, 2004 Voicemail left for John Berard/Covad requesting availability for meeting.

-- March 18, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: John Berard/Covad stated that Covad submitted a CR in May and it rolled into this CR, SCR061703-03IG. John stated that a manual process is needed. An Action Item was created for this issue.

-- February 19, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion Excerpt (Attachments H & J): Judy Schultz/Qwest stated that she wanted to provide an update to the funding approval process that was discussed in the January CMP Systems Meeting. Judy referred everyone to Attachment J in the Distribution Package. She stated that all CRs are being re-evaluated and must be approved. Judy said that CRs could not be scheduled without approval. Judy noted that the status of this CR is that it is being reviewed at the Qwest CEO level.

-- October 16, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the targeted implementation date for this CR is June 21, 2004. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the CR has been revised with the information and noted that there was not an increase in the Level of Effort. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked that after implementation, the billmate files would show the correct information for the Western Region. Connie Winston/Qwest responded yes.

-- September 18, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that the fix for trouble ticket 44886 would display with this CR. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that this effort would apply to all bill formats. Lynn noted that the CR would be revised with that information. There were no additional comments or questions. This Action Item is closed.

-- August 21, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that PC051403-2 is related to this CR but that it is a different request. Lynn noted that the Product/Process CR is asking for zone information, which will require systems work, so she would like the Product/Process CR to be crossed over to Systems. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the resolution of the trouble ticket for Better OCC Invoices might take care of these CRs. Connie stated there would be a read-out at the September Systems CMP Meeting. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that the CRs description talks about CABS BOS and asked if it would also update Billmate. Kerri Waldner/Qwest stated that it is only impacting CABS BOS. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that the Level of Effort for this CR is 700 to 1400 hours. There were no other questions or comments.

- July 17, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest reviewed the CR description and stated that this CR is currently in evaluation and at this time looks to be a very large effort. Qwest is continuing to evaluate possible solutions. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked what is meant by dollar amount. Jami Larson/Qwest stated that it would be the fractional amount. John Berard/Covad stated that Covad has a Product/Process CR that is asking to address USOCs and stated that it could be related to this CR. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that we would look into that possibility. There were no other questions or comments. This CR remains in Evaluation status.

-- June 20, 2003 Clarification: CR Description: Currently, western region does not provide the dollar amount at the USOC level in the OC&C Section of the bill. For the unbundled summary accounts in the BOS format, the amount will be populated in the BOS record. The amount provided will be directly related to the USOC. 10-30-20 and 10-30-21 records will be provided if the USOC is present. Impacted Interfaces: Wholesale Billing Impacted Products: UBL, UNE Loop, UNE-P Action Plan: CR will be presented at the July Systems CMP Meeting.

CenturyLink Response


July 21, 2003

RE: SCR061703-03IG Western Region to Provide Dollar Amount Associated to USOC for Other Charges & Credits (OC&C)

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR061703-03IG. Based upon the scope of this CR as agreed to in the Clarification Meeting (held June 20, 2003) Qwest is able to provide an estimated Level of Effort (LOE) of 700 to 1400 hours for this Wholesale Billing Interface Change Request.

At the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Any clarifications and/or modifications identified at that time will be incorporated into Qwest’s further evaluation of this Change Request. Qwest will review release schedules and development timetables for the scheduling of Change Request SCR062703-03IG.

Sincerely, Qwest


July 9, 2003

RE: SCR061703-03IG Western Region to Provide Dollar Amount Associated to USOC for Other Charges & Credits (OC&C)

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR061703-03IG. Based upon research that has been conducted following the Clarification Meeting (held June 20, 2003) Qwest is still examining the issue. Qwest will continue to research the problem and provide an updated response at the next Systems CMP Meeting.

At the July Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received at the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021