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Archived System CR SCR071106-01 Detail

Title: Increase Visibility to Dispatch
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR071106-01 Withdrawn
300 - 400   3/ Post order Products Eligible for a Dispatched Appointment
Originator: Martinez, Denise
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Coyne, Mark
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
Allow CLECs to check dispatch disposition through the IMA Post Order Status functionality. This eliminates the need to contact the Centers to obtain updated dispatch information on the due date. It also allows for current information to be available to the CLEC at the time of their query.


May 14, 2007

Status History

Date Action Description
7/11/2006 CR Submitted  
7/12/2006 CR Acknowledged  
7/13/2006 Clarification Meeting Held  
7/14/2006 Communicator Issued CMPR.07.14.06.F.04073.ExceptionRequest_PreMtg 
7/19/2006 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the July Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the July Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment F 
7/21/2006 Communicator Issued CMPR.07.21.06.F.04092.Exception_Request_Vote 
8/3/2006 Status Changed Status Changed to Pending Withdrawal, per Originator's Request 
8/4/2006 Communicator Issued CMPR.08.04.06.F.04107.Exception_Vote_Cancelled 
8/16/2006 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the August Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachments C & G 

Project Meetings

August 16, 2006 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that this Change Request was presented at the July CMP Meeting and is currently in Pending Withdrawal status. Denise Martinez-Qwest confirmed that Qwest would like to withdraw this CR. Denise stated that this CR was addressing the functionality of a real-time view of when work was to be completed. Denise stated that Qwest performed some additional analysis of what this would entail and determined that it would be extremely cumbersome to both Qwest and the CLEC Community; so Qwest looked for a better solution. Denise stated that the better solution is a new CR, SCR081506-01. Denise then presented that CR and noted that currently, the contacts average out to be about 20-minutes per call, for Qwest and CLEC personnel. Steph Prull-Eschelon asked if the new CR was for Status Updates or for SOSI. Denise Martinez-Qwest stated that it is for the Service Order Inquiry functionality and noted that it is a better way to go and that it will give clear, concise, real-time information. Laurie Fredricksen-Integra asked if the time would be based in the technicians load. Denise Martinez-Qwest said yes and noted that it could change as the day progresses. Denise stated that the time could move up or be pushed out. Denise recommended that the CLECs check that time periodically. Laurie Fredricksen-Integra asked if the information was loaded the night before the appointment or on the day of the appointment. Denise Martinez-Qwest stated that it would be loaded the night before and stated that the timeframes could change. Denise stated that the CLECs would want to start checking at 6:00 a.m. and then check throughout the day. Steph Prull-Eschelon asked if the time would be changed if the technician had to leave or if the order was jeop’d. Denise Martinez-Qwest stated that this functionality would only speak to the start time. Denise then stated that Qwest is looking at additional functionality that could be beneficial, in the future. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked if the back-end system being queried was WFA. Denise Martinez-Qwest said yes. Mark Coyne-Qwest stated that Qwest would be invoking the Late Adder Process for this Change Request, for inclusion in the IMA 21.0 Release, and would follow that process. This CR, SCR071106-01, moves to Withdrawn Status.

August 3, 2006 Email Received From CR Originator: Please withdraw the previously sent Increase Visibility to Dispatch CR that I sent on July 11. Denise S. Martinez Qwest

-- July 21, 2006 Email Received from Eschelon: I was unable to attend CMP earlier this week when Qwest presented this CR. Kim described to me the change and the additional functionality this CR will provide. I have some additional questions I was hoping you could answer. Qwest said it is making this change to be in parity with retail. Kim said the additional functionality will provide only any changes in the appt “window or range” of the dispatch appt. For example, it is my understanding that if the appt window is 9 am to 11 am, and the dispatch is delayed, the window may change from 9 am to 11 am to 11 am to 1 pm. So the only functionality it would provide is if the Qwest technician was running late, which is more than we have now, however, Kim communicated Qwest said CLECs will not have visibility to the dispatch information such as, pending dispatch, dispatched out on job, dispatch complete, etc. The question I have is, is this really parity to retail? Does retail truly only have visibility to the appointment range of time and not the actual dispatch status for any particular order? Thanks in advance. Bonnie Johnson Director Carrier Relations Eschelon Telecom Inc.

-- July 19, 2006 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Denise Martinez-Qwest presented the CR and noted that this request would eliminate the need to contact the Centers and stated that this new functionality would provide current detail at the time of the query. Denise stated that there would be 3 time elements; A, B, and C. A means the technician will arrive After this time. This is the earliest time the installer will arrive to begin work. B means the technician will arrive Before this time and is the latest time that the tech would arrive to begin work. C is when the work is expected to be Completed. Denise stated that the times are fluid and that they may change due to impacts to the workload for that day. Denise then noted that this change would provide flexibility and would provide the most up-to-date information. Cindy then asked for questions. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked to confirm that this would not indicate that the technician was en route. It would just be an idea of adjusting schedules. Denise Martinez-Qwest said yes and noted that this would be the same for Qwest Retail. Kim Isaacs-Eschelon asked where the data would be coming from. Denise Martinez-Qwest stated that it would be WFA data and would be the same data source for Qwest Retail. Denise then asked for questions. There were none. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that a Notice was sent on July 14th, to communicate that an Exception had been received. Peggy stated that the exception is for this CR to be included in the IMA 21.0 prioritization effort, currently scheduled for August. Peggy stated that as Denise (Martinez-Qwest) stated, this is a request for parity. Peggy provided the Level of effort, 300 – 400 hours. Peggy then stated that the Exception Vote was scheduled to be conducted on July 31st at 10:00 a.m. MT. Peggy noted that emailed votes could be submitted once the notice and ballot is received and up until the end of the vote meeting. Peggy noted that emailed votes can be submitted via the CMPCR mailbox. Peggy then stated that a vote of Yes would allow this CR to be included in the Prioritization of the IMA 21.0 Release. A vote of No would not allow this CR to be included in the prioritization of the IMA 21.0 Release. Peggy stated that the exception requires a unanimous decision in order to be granted. Peggy then asked if there were any questions regarding the upcoming vote. There were no questions or comments. Peggy then stated that the vote notification and ballot would be sent no later then Monday, July 24th.

July 13, 2006 Clarification: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest, Denise Martinez-Qwest Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest asked confirmed that this request is for any product eligible for a dispatched appointment. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest confirmed that this request is for IMA GUI and XML Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest noted that this CR would be a walk-on at the July 16th CMP Meeting, at the request of the originator, that the Exception Pre-Meeting would be part of the July CMP Meeting, and that the vote would be conducted after the July CMP Meeting and prior to the August CMP Meeting.

CenturyLink Response

Information Current as of 1/11/2021