Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR071603-01 Detail

Title: Virtual Customer Service Record for Resale POTS and UNE P Services
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR071603-01 Completed
3075 - 5125   3/15 Pre-Ordering, Ordering Resale, UNE-P, , Centrex 21
Originator: Pent, Anne
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Thompson, Jeff
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
This candidate would provide a change to the CSRQ transaction in IMA. Today, when a CLEC requests a Customer Service Record (CSR), IMA returns a CSR that reflects the current state of the customer’s account. With this candidate, when a CLEC requests a CSR, IMA will return a CSR that reflects the current state of the customer’s account, updated with any pending orders that have reached a completed status but have not yet posted to billing. This change would be applicable for Resale and UNE-P POTS services, excluding CENTREX. This change would be applicable to both GUI and EDI interfaces.

Status History

Date Action Description
7/16/2003 CR Acknowledged  
7/16/2003 CR Submitted  
7/16/2003 Clarification Meeting Scheduled  
7/16/2003 Clarification Meeting Held  
7/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the July CMP Systems Meeting - See July Systems CMP Distribution Package - Attachment F 
7/22/2003 Status Changed Status changed to pending prioritization 
8/14/2003 Draft Response Issued  
8/21/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at August CMP Monthly Meeting - See August Systems CMP Distribution Package - Attachment C 
9/2/2003 Release Ranking 15.0 Prioritization- Ranked #13 out of 57 
9/29/2003 Release Ranking 15.0 Revised Prioritization, due to Late Adder - Ranked #14 out of 58 
11/20/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at November Monthly CMP Meeting - See Attachment O 
11/20/2003 Status Changed Status changed to Packaged 
2/17/2004 Qwest CR Review Meeting IMA 15.0 high level walk-through 
4/19/2004 Status Changed Status Changed to CLEC Test due to the Deployment of the IMA 15.0 Release 
4/22/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April Monthly CMP Meeting - See attachment G 
5/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G 
6/30/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June CMP systems Meeting - See June Systems Distribution Package - Attachment G 
8/31/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August CMP Systems Meeting - See Distribution Package - Attachment G 
9/16/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September CMP Systems Meeting - See Distribution Package - Attachment G 

Project Meetings

9/16/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was completed in the 15.0 release. The CLEC Community agreed that this CR could be closed. 8/22/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was implemented in 15.0 and would remain in CLEC Test.

7/22/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this was implemented in 15.0 and would remain in CLEC Test.

6/17/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated this CR will remain in CLEC Test for another month per the request of Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T. 5/20/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Liz Balvin/MCI stated that this candidate was supposed to accommodate for about 50% or the orders and 100% after the 16.0 release. Liz asked if Qwest validated the percentage of orders impacted. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the orders are posting cleaner and that we have seen an improvement in the backend systems. Connie said that she did not know the percentage or orders but that we are monitoring very closely. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if any issues had been identified. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that we found a couple of minor issues that we patched. Connie said that we are moving forward for full scope and that Centrex is not part of this request. This CR will remain in CLEC Test.

4/22/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was just deployed in the IMA 15.0 Release and will remain open for another month.

There were no questions or comments.

This CR remains in CLEC Test.

3/19/04 CMP Systems Meeting Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR is deploying on April 19, 2004, in the IMA 15.0 Release. There were no questions or comments.

MEETING MINUTES - February 17, 2004 Hi-Level Walk Through of IMA 15.0 Committed CR's

Attendees: Anne Robberson-Process Analyst (Qwest), Curt Anderson- IT Systems Analyst (Qwest), Diane Burt-Systems Analyst (AT&T), Donna Osborne-Miller - Carrier Relations Manager (AT&T), Dusti Bastian-Process Analyst (Qwest), Ellen McArthur-Process Analyst (Qwest), Hank Martinez-IT Systems Analyst (Qwest), James McCluskey-ILEC Manager (Accenture), John Daugherty-Product Management (AT&T), John Gallegos-IT Manager (Qwest), Kathy Miller-Process Manager (Qwest), Kim Isaacs- ILEC Relations Process Analyst (Eschelon), Kyle Kirves-IT Analyst (Qwest), Linda Miles-Process Manager (Qwest), Lori Langston-Process Manager (Qwest), Marie Acceno-Systems Analyst (AT&T), Nancy Denny-IT Analyst (Qwest), Nicole James-IT Analyst (Qwest), Pat Bratetic-Process Manager (Qwest), Phyllis Burt-Systems Analyst (AT&T), Randy Owen-IT Manager (Qwest), Shon Higer-Process Analyst (Qwest), Shonna Pasionek-IT Analyst (Qwest), Stephanie Prull-EDI Business Analyst (Eschelon), Susie Wells-Product/Process Analyst (Qwest) Meeting Facilitator: Nancy Denny (Qwest)

Purpose: High-level walk-through of the CRs that are committed in the IMA 15.0 Release.

Supporting Documents: Qwest Notification: SYST.02.13.04.F.01366.IMAEDI15.0Cand&DocWkth Documentation containing 15.0 Candidate Summaries: February 17, 2004, attached to notification CRs can be found in the Qwest Wholesale Change Request Interactive Report located at: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/changerequest.html


Shon Higer provided the overview based on the document that accompanied the agenda.

Kim: Will the VCSR be running a batch on the day that the order completes? Shon Higer Qwest (Shon): This will run in real time. It will not be a batch. Stephanie: Will disconnects show as valid? Today we see pending disconnects. Shon: You may see it if it is actually pending. That is, pending in Qwest’s service order processor. Stephanie: So it won’t affect pending, but it won’t show when completed either. Phyllis: Normally, the AN can change on billing completion. How does this impact VCSR? Can the actual TN be part of the account number change by the time you get to billing? Shon: We pull it from the service order. Where do you see the billing change? Phyllis: When I do a migration, the cuscode gets reassigned. When I do a TN reserve, I don’t know if a new install or change. The CSR can change again. Shon: There is the potential is for the cuscode to change when going to CRIS. Potential for cuscode to change. Phyllis: What about the TN? Shon: I can’t think of an example. John: AN should not change. Phyllis: When we receive the SOC, is the CSR then available? Today, from AT&T’s perspective, we get our posted to be billed, etc. I can release an order once I receive the SOC. I don’t have to wait for billing completion. Is that still the case? Shon: Yes. Phyllis: No pending order issues? Shon: No.

11/20/03 CMP Systems Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that Centrex 21 would be included in the scope. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said that is great. This action item will be closed.

8/21/03 CMP Systems Meeting Jeff Thompson/Qwest noted that he now works in improving ordering systems for Qwest. Jeff stated that one of the things we would like to do is implement the Virtual CSR. Jeff said that if there are pending orders in the pipeline, the Virtual CSR would take pending orders that are in a ‘CP’ status and update the CSR that will be displayed to the rep. The rep. will then be able to construct the order with an updated CSR that will reflect the pending orders. We are asking that this CR be considered for the 15.0 IMA Release as a way to improve ordering processes.

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this was Qwest’s highest priority.

Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked what the level of effort was for this request.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated that the LOE is 3075 to 5125 hours.

Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked if the recap functionally will work with the Virtual CSR.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated yes.

Liz Balvin/MCI asked if the request was for EDI and GUI.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated yes.

Liz Balvin/MCI asked if Qwest had any plans to provide complete address info on the CSR.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated that the existing CSR would be updated with whatever activity is there. Qwest considers it a very solid candidate for improving the ordering process.

Monica Avila/Vartec asked how long the information would stay on the CSR.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that the order would actually post on the CSR in one to three days.

Monica Avila/Vartec asked if a customer was recently converted 25 days ago would this conversion be on the CSR.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated that the information would be on the existing CSR.

Liz Balvin/MCI asked which customer code would be displayed.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated that we would be duplicating CRIS logic and that the correct customer code for the completed order will be displayed.

Stephanie Prull/McLeod asked if the CSR would time out after a period of time.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that if the order errors out we would correct manually and the CSR would display what was returned.

Liz Balvin/MCI asked if the LOE of 5100 hours was for wholesale only.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that yes the 5100 hours are for the IMA portion. He also stated that if this gets voted high enough we will also have to do back-end work.

Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon summarized that the cost is to how it relates to IMA only and not any back-end systems.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said yes.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest reviewed what will happen with a Qwest to CLEC conversion. The order to convert the activity will show the account as converted.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest noted that Centrex 21 will not be included as part of this request. He said that for now, we are only looking at what we consider the simple products (UNE-P, Resale). Jeff further stated that once we implement UNE-P and Resale, if it achieves the benefits we anticipate we can look at expanding products.

Liz Balvin/MCI asked about timeline improvement.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that the minute the order completes, you will have access.

Stephanie Prull/McLeod asked if the CSR will look like any other CSR or will there be an indicator of some type to flag the Virtual CSR.

Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that we would like some input on that question. Some of the internal discussions we have had indicate that we may want to color code the changes on the CSR for the GUI. Jeff stated that as we work requirements we could talk more about how the CLECs would like to see the changes. Jeff also said that when we discuss EDI we would have to be more creative.

Kit Thomte/Qwest stated this request is pending prioritization for the IMA 15.0 release.

7/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that Jeff Thompson/Qwest was involved in the submission of this request. Jeff’s new job is to determine solutions for Wholesale Customers. Connie said that when you have service orders that have completed but have not yet posted to the CSR, the virtual CSR would provide this information. John Berard/Covad asked if this was applicable to completed pending orders. Connie Winston/Qwest stated yes. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked if the virtual CSR would have the updated customer code. Connie Winston/Qwest said yes, assuming a pending order caused a customer codes change. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked how error resolution (9116) plays into this. Connie Winston/Qwest said if we could not resolve the error it would be shown on the order and would be very rare and a minor risk. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said thank you. Alan Flanigan/Time Warner asked which CSRs this applies to and could it apply to resale. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that she will take an action item to check and would not be for all products like Centrex. John Berard/Covad asked if we are changing from resale to UNE facility based such as a Loop would, we still see the CSR even if we no longer own it. Connie Winston/Qwest said that Qwest maintains the CSR for the Loop by Circuit ID. UBL is not included in this effort. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that the Products impacted are Resale and UNE-P and asked if there was potential for Centrex 21 to added to this request since Centrex has it’s own CSR. Connie Winston/Qwest said that we would check into that. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said that she would appreciate it. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that we do not have the LOE yet and will provide in the August CMP Systems meeting. We think it is exciting and will be a good thing. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said that they really appreciate Qwest bringing this forward before you LOE so that we could provide input into the CR. Connie Winston/Qwest said that was our intention.

CenturyLink Response

REVISED RESPONSE August 15, 2003

RE: SCR071603-01

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR071603-01. Based upon the scope of this CR as agreed to in the Clarification Meeting (held July 16, 2003) Qwest is able to provide an estimated Level of Effort (LOE) of 3075 to 5125 hours for this IMA Change Request and SATE impacts of 1800 to 2200 hours.

At the August Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Any clarifications and/or modifications identified at that time will be incorporated into Qwest’s further evaluation of this Change Request.

This Change Request is eligible for the IMA 15.0 Prioritization.

Sincerely, Qwest

DRAFT RESPONSE August 13, 2003 RE: SCR071603-01

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of this Change Request.. Based upon research that has been conducted following the Clarification meeting (held July 16, 2003) Qwest is still examining the issue. Qwest will continue to research the problem and provide an updated response at the August Systems CMP Meeting.

At the August Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021