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Archived System CR SCR073001-4 Detail

Title: Identification of CSR Customer Code
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR073001-4 Completed
-   1/9 IMA GUI All Products
Originator: Stichter, Kathy
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
When a CLEC looks in IMA for a CSR (Customer Service Record) at times they find more than 1 live account with different cus codes for the same TN. There is no way for the CLEC to determine which live account to use when issuing the LSR. This causes the CLEC to issue the LSR on the incorrect account. Therefore, causing flow through issues and ultimately delays in service provisioning, which becomes customer affecting.

Qwest Business Description:

Multiple live accounts with different cus codes for the same TN can be listed in a CSR. Determine which live account to use when issuing the LSR in order to eliminate using an incorrect account, causing flow through issues and delaying provisioning.

Status History

Date Action Description
7/30/2001 Info Sent to CLEC Sent updated CR to Lynne Powers, Kathleen Stichter and Stephen Sheahan 
7/30/2001 CR Submitted Received and logged. Status set to New - To be validated 
10/31/2001 Release Ranking Ranking for Release 10.0 occurred at October, 2001 CMP Meeting. SCR073001-4 ranked 4 
11/15/2001 Clarification Meeting Held Clarification meeting held with Eschelon - See Project Meeting minutes. 
11/26/2001 Info Sent to CLEC Provided a summary of the efforts underway to address this request to Eschelon. 
11/29/2001 CLEC Provided Information Eschelon provided additional examples of Multiple CSR - Forwarded to Monica Manning for investigation. 
1/8/2002 CLEC Provided Information Received additional SCR cus code examples from K Stichter 
1/8/2002 Status Changed Development - 9.0 
1/17/2002 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting CR # SCR073001-4 discussed during 10.0 Packaging Presentation; this CR is slated for delivery as part of 9.0 
2/25/2002 Status Changed SCR073001-4 status updated to 'CLEC Test' based upon 2/25/02 implementation of IMA 9.0 
3/21/2002 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting SCR073001-4 discussed March Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package March CMP - Attachment E 
3/22/2002 Status Changed Status updated from 'CLEC Test' to 'Completed' 

Project Meetings

11/15/01 Clarification Meeting Attendees: Kathy Stichter, Bonnie Johnson, Lynn Stecklein, Gerry Mohatt, Monica Manning, J J Bradley The purpose of this meeting was to determine if Eschelon agreed that this CR could be closed. Kathy and Bonnie felt that if Qwest could research existing UR's associated with this request and communicate the results of the findings we may be able to close. Following are the findings provided by Monica Manning. UR 2439 BOSS Status of Blank (deployed 10-13-01) - BOSS input files to IMA have been modified to provide an account status of "Final" when an account is disconnected, and an account status of "Blank" when an account is new with no current billing record. This allows IMA to filter out Final accounts.

UR 1433/CR 18889 CSR Match Rework (deployed 11-17-01) - IMA will not return CSRs with a 'FINAL' account status during Pre-Order Review. If all of the found accounts are in 'FINAL' status, an error message will be returned with 'No active account found'.

UR 1433/CR 25362 BPL eliminate CSRs in FINAL from Multi-Match response (deployed 7.0 timeframe) - Accounts with a Final status have been eliminated from a multi-match CSR response.

UR 2295/CR 28259 CSR Disconnect Flag (scheduled 9.0) - IMA GUI and EDI will be modified so that Co-Providers will know if a CSR in a 'LIVE' status is pending disconnection. An 'Account Descriptor ' field will be added to the IMA GUI next to the Line Status on Review Full or Partial CSR Response screens and CSR Multi Match screen. In addition, the 'Account Descriptor field will be added to the EDI CSR Response Administrative section and Listed Name and Address section of Multi Match section of the CSR mapping. The Account Descriptor field will provide an indicator of "DISC" for an account that is pending disconnection.

UR 2797 Edit for closing info on CSR (not targeted) - IMA will reject LSRs submitted for accounts that are pending disconnection. Dependent on UR 2295.

According to Change Request SCR073001-04, Eschelon wants to be able to determine which live account to use, when more than one live account with different cus codes for the same TN is returned for a Review CSR Query. With the work that has already been completed, Final accounts are not returned in the CSR Response. With the implementation of the CSR Disconnect Flag CR in 9.0, IMA will provide a "DISC" account descriptor for accounts that are pending disconnect. This will allow the CLECs to select the appropriate live account for LSR submission. Beyond 9.0, IMA will implement editing to reject LSRs with an account number that is pending disconnection. All of these changes will ensure that the CLEC selects the correct Account Number.

As long as the aforementioned work satisfies Eschelon, I think SCR073001-4 can be closed.

11/29/01 - Eschelon provided additional examples of multiple CSR's - forwarded to Monica Manning for investigation

CenturyLink Response

Following is a summary of the work being done to address the above request:

UR 2439 BOSS Status of Blank (deployed 10-13-01) - BOSS input files to IMA have been modified to provide an account status of "Final" when an account is disconnected, and an account status of "Blank" when an account is new with no current billing record. This allows IMA to filter out Final accounts.

UR 1433/CR 18889 CSR Match Rework (deployed 11-17-01) - IMA will not return CSRs with a 'FINAL' account status during Pre-Order Review. If all of the found accounts are in 'FINAL' status, an error message will be returned with 'No active account found'.

UR 1433/CR 25362 BPL eliminate CSRs in FINAL from Multi-Match response (deployed 7.0 timeframe) - Accounts with a Final status have been eliminated from a multi-match CSR response.

UR 2295/CR 28259 CSR Disconnect Flag (scheduled 9.0) - IMA GUI and EDI will be modified so that Co-Providers will know if a CSR in a 'LIVE' status is pending disconnection. An 'Account Descriptor ' field will be added to the IMA GUI next to the Line Status on Review Full or Partial CSR Response screens and CSR Multi Match screen. In addition, the 'Account Descriptor field will be added to the EDI CSR Response Administrative section and Listed Name and Address section of Multi Match section of the CSR mapping. The Account Descriptor field will provide an indicator of "DISC" for an account that is pending disconnection.

UR 2797 Edit for closing info on CSR (not targeted) - IMA will reject LSRs submitted for accounts that are pending disconnection. Dependent on UR 2295.

According to Change Request SCR073001-04, Eschelon wants to be able to determine which live account to use, when more than one live account with different cus codes for the same TN is returned for a Review CSR Query. With the work that has already been completed, Final accounts are not returned in the CSR Response. With the implementation of the CSR Disconnect Flag CR in 9.0, IMA will provide a "DISC" account descriptor for accounts that are pending disconnect. This will allow the CLECs to select the appropriate live account for LSR submission. Beyond 9.0, IMA will implement editing to reject LSRs with an account number that is pending disconnection. All of these changes will ensure that the CLEC selects the correct Account Number.

As long as the aforementioned work satisfies Eschelon, I think SCR073001-4 can be closed.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021