Wholesale: Products & Services

Collocation Space Reports

Collocation Space Denial Report

The Collocation Space Denial Report is a list of CenturyLink Central Offices (COs) where a CLEC has requested collocation space. However, in these COs, usable space was filled to capacity for the type of collocation service requested. Alternative Collocation options and services are offered to the CLEC based on the available usable space in the specified CO. If CenturyLink is experiencing conditions where out of space circumstances apply, it will be noted on this report.

The information in this report is only accurate as of the issue date. This report is updated ten (10) calendar days after identifying an out of space condition and within ten (10) calendar days of the date that space becomes available. For updates to this report, refer back to this site.

Download the Collocation Space Denial Report - 08/12/16

Collocation Space Exhaust Report

The Collocation Space Exhaust Report is a list of CenturyLink Central Offices (COs) where space for physical collocation has been exhausted. A CO is considered full when there is no space to place one standard bay of equipment for cageless collocation. Applications for collocation space may be submitted for all CenturyLink CO buildings, including those in this report. Posting of the COs on the list may be triggered by a CenturyLink request, a CenturyLink affiliate request or a CLEC request for space.

The information in this report is only accurate as of the issue date. This report is updated ten (10) calendar days after identifying an out of space condition and within ten (10) calendar days of the date that space becomes available. For updates to this report, refer back to this site.

Download the Space Exhaust Report - 02/14/17

Outside Plant (OSP) Space

Collocation within outside plant structures, such as cabinets, is typically possible using available space, bolt on adjuncts, and/ or the use of adjacent structures. If you have questions about exhaust or denial of space at specific CenturyLink owned/leased outside plant structures, please contact your Service Manager. For assistance in determining if there is sufficient space, power, or heat dissipation for the type of collocation you are considering, or if such arrangements require the collocator to obtain any easement, license or other occupancy rights which may be necessary or appropriate, please visit http://www.centurylink.com/wholesale/pcat/collocation.html.

At the present time, there are no outside plant structures where space is exhausted or has been denied. If structures are identified where space is exhausted, or where collocation has been denied, the structure will be identified here.