Wholesale: Products & Services

Explanations For Reading Results Reports Charts

The following are explanations of key components of the Excel spreadsheet reported for CenturyLink QC state-specific performance results:


Reporting month of data


State designation is in an abbreviated format (i.e. CO = Colorado) All state designations are postal abbreviations.    States that are not under contract, or where there is no data, will not be listed on the reports

PID Category

PID Group of the Measurement reported


3 – 4 character Performance Indicator Definition Abbreviation (PID)

PID Title

Performance Indicator Definition expanded title in Exhibit B

Product Category

Product where applicable or additional defining detail from Performance Indicator Definition in Exhibit B; e.g. In the PO-1 measurement, where pre-order query/response transaction time intervals are measured, the Product Category column specifies which time interval is being reported.


PID  standard from Exhibit B – Either parity, parity by design, benchmark  or diagnostic .


Applicable fixed benchmark standard for the PID from Exhibit B if applicable

CLEC Num. or Numerator

The quantity meeting the criteria described in the performance indicator definition for the numerator of the formula for the measurement, dealing with services CenturyLink QC provides to CLEC(s). NOTE: for parity by design metrics there is no ability to identify CLEC specific numerator so this column is blank.

CLEC Denom. or Denominator

The sample size or number of events contributing to the measurement, as defined in the PID for the denominator in the formula, dealing with services CenturyLink provides to CLEC(s). NOTE: for parity by design metrics there is no ability to identify CLEC specific denominator so this column is blank.

CLEC Result or Result

The outcome of executing the formula calculation defined in the PID to represent the specified dimension of service performance provided to CLEC(s). NOTE: for parity by design metrics the result3 displayed in this column is the result of combined retail and wholesale activity for this measurement.

CLEC Std. Dev

The CLEC standard statistical parameter representing the degree of variability of performance in the PID-specified dimension of the service (e.g., installation or repair) for the events measured in accordance with the PID. Standard deviations are generally reported where statistical methods will be used to evaluate the comparisons between performance for CLECs and for retail.


The quantity meeting the criteria described in the performance indicator definition (PID) for the numerator of the formula for the measurement, dealing with services CenturyLink QC provides to retail  customers or, as specified, to "itself" (e.g., for network components used in providing retail service, as stated in the PID).  NOTE: for parity by design metrics there is no ability to identify CTL-Q specific numerator so this column is blank. When there is no retail comparative for a metric this column is blank..


The sample size or number of events contributing to the measurement, as defined in the PID for the denominator in the formula, dealing with services CenturyLink QC provides to retail customers or, as specified, to "itself" (e.g., for network components used in providing retail service, as stated in the PID).  NOTE: for parity by design metrics there is no ability to identify CTL-Q specific denominator so this column is blank. When there is no retail comparative for a metric this column is blank.

CTL-Q Result

The outcome of executing the formula calculation defined in the PID to represent the specified dimension of service performance provided to retail customers.  NOTE: for parity by design metrics there is no ability to identify CTL-Q specific result so this column is blank. When there is no retail comparative for a metric this column is blank.

CTL-Q Std. Dev

The CTL-Q standard statistical parameter representing the degree of variability of performance in the PID-specified dimension of the service (e.g., installation or repair) for the events measured in accordance with the PID. Standard deviations are generally reported where statistical methods will be used to evaluate the comparisons between performance for CLECs and for retail.  NOTE: When there is no retail comparative for a metric this column is blank.

Modified Z-Score

This is either a modified z-score, based on the ILEC variance, for the difference between CLEC and retail results reported in the table, calculated using standard statistical methods, or, if a permutation or exact proportions test is run on the data, it is the z-score equivalent of the calculated p-value for the statistical test.

Parity Score

A numeric indication of whether the reported difference in results is statistically significant based on the z-score and a critical value.  Often, the critical value is 1.645, but in certain instances a different critical value is used, as specified in the PAP .  A positive Parity Score means the result is statistically significant and, if the critical value is 1.645, statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level.  A negative Parity Score means the result is not statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level, if the appropriate critical value is 1.645 


Where there is no retail comparison reported, the spreadsheet only reports the result representing the service performance as provided to CLEC(s).

If a month or measurement is not shown on the spreadsheet, it means that there was no activity to be reported under the specified measurement in the reporting month.

N/A in the benchmark column means the standard for the measurement is parity, parity by design, or diagnostic.

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