If your payment is declined, please submit another payment right away.
Whether we contacted you about a declined payment or you learn about it first, the first thing to do is to chat with us to tell us you're submitting another payment.
Next, choose how you'd like to submit your payment:
We charge a re-processing fee when a payment is declined. The fee varies from $10 to $25 per incident, depending on your location.
When a payment is declined, there's also a good chance that it will be late. In that case, you will also be charged a late fee, ranging from $5 to a percentage of the amount due.
If your bill gets too far past due, your service could get disconnected. To avoid any interruptions, contact us so we can help you get your account straightened out and make any necessary payment arrangements.
The top three reasons payments don't go through are:
If you're not sure why your payment was declined, consider these questions.
Payment method: | Possible problems: |
Credit or debit card |
Check |
AutoPay |
Income-qualifying households can get federal and state assistance with phone and internet service. Learn more about these programs.
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