Washington State Customer Notice

CenturyLink Files for Competitive Classification

Published January 12, 2024

Qwest Corporation, CenturyTel of Washington, CenturyTel of Interisland, CenturyTel of Cowiche, and United Telephone Company of the Northwest (collectively, “CenturyLink”) have asked the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) to approve a petition to classify CenturyLink as Competitive Telecommunications Companies. A telecommunications carrier and the services it provides can be classified as competitive when customers have reasonably available alternatives, and the company does not have a significant captive customer base.

Once a company or a service is competitively classified, the Commission generally ceases to regulate the relevant rates, contracts, or services. After competitive classification, the company’s rates will be governed by the free market. The WUTC, however, maintains an informal complaint process and may be able to assist customers in resolving complaints with a competitively classified company. However, if that informal process fails, customers may need to resort to market-based mechanisms, such as a lawsuit, to resolve disputes with the company. Our request would largely continue the level of regulatory flexibility CenturyLink already operates under through its existing Alternative Form of Regulation. The proposed effective date is June 1, 2024.

If you have questions or would like more information, you can write CenturyLink Government Affairs at 120 Lenora Street, 5th Floor Seattle, WA 98121, email the company at wacompetition@lumen.com, or visit www.CenturyLink.com/wacompetition.


If you have questions about the competitive classification process or want to provide comment on our proposal, contact the WUTC by email at comments@utc.wa.gov; U.S. mail at P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, Washington 98504-7250; by phone at 1-888-333-9882 (toll free): online at Submit a Comment (wa.gov); or fax at 1-360-586-1150. Please reference Docket UT-240029 in your comment. If you would like to comment to the WUTC on this proposal it is important for you to do so now, or you can present your comment at the WUTC’s Open Meeting where this item will be discussed.

For more information on when an open meeting will be held, contact the WUTC by any of the methods provided above. If you intend to listen or participate remotely during the open meeting, call 360-664-1234 at least a day before the open meeting for instructions and to sign in. You should also call this number if you plan to attend in person to verify that the case has not been rescheduled to a later open meeting date.

The Commission’s Street address is 621 Woodland Square Loop SE, Lacey, WA. The WUTC is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for participants with disabilities. If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in this open meeting, please contact the Commission at 1-888-333-9882 or email comments@utc.wa.gov.

Notice of Virtual Public Comment Hearings

Published March 27, 2024

CenturyLink Communications LLC d/b/a Lumen Technologies Group, Qwest Corporation, CenturyTel of Washington, CenturyTel of Interisland, CenturyTel of Cowiche, and United Telephone Company of the Northwest (collectively, “CenturyLink”) have asked the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) to approve a petition to classify CenturyLink as Competitive Telecommunications Companies. A telecommunications carrier and the services it provides can be classified as competitive when customers have reasonably available alternatives, and the company does not have a significant captive customer base.

CenturyLink currently operates under an Alternative Form of Regulation, a form of limited regulation, and is asking the WUTC to classify it as fully competitive and subject to even fewer regulations. CenturyLink’s petition would remove the current requirement for CenturyLink (after it obtains FCC approval) to obtain WUTC approval to discontinue or sell service in an area. CenturyLink proposes to create a class of approximately 800 customers who have only satellite and landline options for voice service. For discontinuing service to these “protected customers,” CenturyLink will need FCC and WUTC approval. CenturyLink agrees to continue maintaining public safety services such as routing 911 calls, to sell wholesale access to third party companies, and to not further alter non-recurring or monthly rates by geography.

After competitive classification, the company’s rates will be governed by the free market. The WUTC maintains an informal complaint process and may be able to assist customers in resolving complaints. However, if that informal process fails, customers will need to resolve disputes outside of WUTC processes to resolve disputes with the company.  If granted, the CenturyLink petition would largely continue the level of regulatory flexibility CenturyLink presently operates under through its existing Alternative Form of Regulation. The Commission must issue its decision about whether to grant CenturyLink’s petition by July 8, 2024.

Opportunity to Participate: Virtual Public Comment Hearing

The WUTC will hold Virtual Public Comment Hearings on May 16, 2024, and June 6, 2024.

You may participate in the Virtual Public Comment Hearings on:

May 16, 2024


Zoom: https://utc-wa-gov.zoom.us
Meeting ID: 885 2692 4207
Passcode: 232475


Phone: 1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 885 2692 4207
Passcode: 232475

June 6, 2024


Zoom: https://utc-wa-gov.zoom.us
Meeting ID: 837 9445 2775
Passcode: 577755


Phone: 1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID:837 9445 2775
Passcode: 577755

For more information on the Virtual Public Comment Hearings, contact the WUTC by any of the methods provided below. If you intend to listen or participate remotely during the Virtual Public Comment Hearings, call 1-888-333-9882 at least a day before the Hearing for instructions and to sign in. You should also call this number if you plan to attend in person to verify that the case has not been rescheduled to a different meeting date.


If you have questions about the competitive classification process or want to provide written comment on CenturyLink’s petition, contact the WUTC by any of the following methods:


Please reference Docket UT-240029 in your comment. If you would like to comment to the WUTC on this proposal it is important for you to do so now, or you can present comments at the WUTC’s Virtual Public Comment Hearings.


Residential and small business customers are collectively represented by the Public Counsel Unit of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office. Contact them at www.atg.wa.gov/utilities-regulated or by email at utility@atg.wa.gov.


The WUTC is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for participants with disabilities. If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in the Virtual Public Comment Hearings, please contact the Commission at 1-888-333-9882 or email comments@utc.wa.gov at least one week before the virtual public comment hearing.


If you have questions or would like more information about CenturyLink’s petition for competitive classification, you may write CenturyLink Government Affairs at 120 Lenora Street, 5th Floor Seattle, WA 98121, email the company at wacompetition@lumen.com, or visit Washington State Customer Notice | CenturyLink.