How to manage devices with Secure WiFi

Secure WiFi is ending

Secure WiFi will be discontinued on all CenturyLink modems at the end of August 2024. Look for an email from CenturyLink for exact dates. 

Secure WiFi puts you in the driver's seat of your network. Access Secure WiFi features from the My CenturyLink website or app. 

You can do some of these same things from the modem settings website.

Access Secure WiFi in the app

To access the Secure WiFi tools in the app, click on the Internet box from your home screen. Alternately, you can click on My Services on the menu at the bottom of every screen. Both options are shown in the first image below.

home screen on the app showing the internet section
Internet screen showing connected devices

On the Internet screen, scroll down to find a list of connected devices after the list of WiFi networks, as shown on the image above.

You can sort the list of connected devices to view by network connection or device type.


Click on whichever device you'd like to manage.

Manage devices

You can do a few things with the individual devices connected to your network:

  • Rename device - Select "Edit" next to the device name

  • Identify the type of device - Select "Edit" next to device type

  • Pause or unpause device - Select "Pause access" or "Resume access" at the top of the screen

  • Assign device to a group - Scroll down to the Assigned Device Group section and select "Device not assigned to a group." The next screen will allow you to add the device to a group, or if the device is already in a group, you can tap on the group name to manage it.
screenshot from app showing Device Details
screenshot from app showing the Assign Group screen

Create and manage groups

You can get to your groups two different ways:

1. The Internet screen displays a Device Groups section below the list of connected devices. From this section, you can click on an existing group to manage it, pause all groups, or create a group. 

2. Any Device Details screen will show an option to add the device to a group or manage groups, as shown in the image above.

screenshot from app showing the Device Groups section of the Internet screen

Option 1 to access Device Groups

screenshot from app showing Device Details

Option 2 for accessing Device Groups

There are four options with any group on your network:

  1. Pause or unpause internet access for all devices in the group
  2. Add or remove devices 
  3. Manage individual devices
  4. Schedule access time for a group
screenshot from app showing the Group Details screen
screenshot from app showing Assigned Devices for a group

Block web content

You can block websites based on their content for any group of devices connected to your network. Select the group you want to manage, then scroll down on the Group Details screen to find the Block Web Content section. Select "Manage blocked content."

  1. Select the content categories you want to block for this group. Tap the category again to unblock it.
  2. Tap the "Save" button.


All devices in this group will have the same web content permissions until you change them. 

screenshot from app showing Block Web Content section of Group Details screen
screenshot from app showing Block Web Content screen

Schedule access time

You can create schedules to control internet access for a group of devices. The schedule is for the times that access is allowed, and the group will not have access outside the scheduled times.

Go to the Group Details screen and tap on "Manage access schedule."

Add a new schedule:

1. Tap on "Add a schedule" at the top of the Schedule Access screen.

2. Select the days of the week you want to allow internet access for this group. 

3. Select the start and end times to allow access on those days.

4. Tap "Save."


You can also edit or delete an existing schedule by tapping the pencil or the trash can.

screenshot from app showing Scheduled Access Time section of Group Details screen
screenshot from app showing Access Schedule screen
screenshot from app showing Schedule options

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