If your payment is late, you'll be charged late fees. These range from a flat $5 fee to a percentage of the amount due, or possibly both — depending on what services you have and your location.
There are so many ways that late fees are calculated, we cannot show them all here. Late fees vary based on the services you have and where you live.
To find the late fee information specific to your services and your location, please visit our CenturyLink Tariffs Library.
To avoid late fees, your payment must be received and processed by the date listed on your bill. The fastest way to process your payment is by paying online or through our automated phone system. If you prefer to mail your payment we recommend sending it 7-10 days prior to your due date. You can find your due date on the first page of your bill or by signing in to My CenturyLink.
AutoPay is a great way to avoid late fees. When you enroll, your bill is paid automatically each month from your preferred payment method.
If you're concerned you won't be able to pay your full bill by the due date, payment arrangements might be the right choice for you. You can use our online payment plan tool, or you can chat with us.
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