How to cancel CenturyLink service

Thinking of canceling your service? Sometimes an account change or service fix is a better option than canceling. 

If you are sure you need to cancel, here's how. A leased modem must be returned within 30 days of service cancellation.

Common situations that don't require service cancellation

If you want to lower your bill, we may be able to help. Long-time customers can often get a new promotion or better rate for services. Chat with us to go over your options.

Instead of canceling and then setting up new service, transfer your current service to your new address. Moving is also a great time to find out about any new promotions or discounts that are available.

You can put a vacation hold on your account. to pause your home phone and/or internet services at a reduced rate until you're back. This option allows you to keep your phone number and modem,  and to continue using your CenturyLink email.

If you're having home phone or internet service issues, we offer many ways to get troubleshooting and repair help. 

Troubleshoot slow internet

Troubleshoot WiFi

Internet speed hub

Troubleshoot home phone line

Need to cancel your service? Here's how.

Some customers are able to cancel service online. Sign in to My CenturyLink and scroll to the bottom of the home page. If you are eligible to cancel your service online, you'll see that option, as shown in the screenshot. 

Example image only

screenshot from My CenturyLink showing "Cancel Service" button

If you don't see this option in My CenturyLink, it means you have an account type that can't be canceled online. In this case, please chat with us to cancel. 

Special notes about canceling service

Here are some additional tips for canceling service:
  • Modem return  – If you are leasing a CenturyLink modem/router, you will need to return your modem within 30 days after canceling service to avoid an equipment charge of up to $200. 

  • Bundled services – If some or all of your services are part of a bundle and you cancel one service, it may alter your bundle discounts.
  • AutoPay – If you use AutoPay, learn how canceling your service affects your automatic payments.

  • TV service – Because DIRECTV or DISH manage satellite television subscriptions, you must contact them directly to cancel your television service. 

  • Deposit – If you paid a deposit when you set up your CenturyLink service, your deposit plus any interest will be applied to your final balance. We'll send you a closing bill by mail that shows any outstanding balance owed or credit due.

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