Add and remove mobile and PC applications for a user

As an administrator, you can select the applications you want users to have access to and identify which devices (tablet, desk phone, mobile phone) they can use the applications with. You can also apply settings to shared devices. You can choose to add all applications at once for a user, or only certain ones; it's simple to add another application later or remove one when a user no longer needs it.

To add and remove mobile and PC applications for a user:

  1. Click the Mobile & PC Applications tab.
  1. In the Settings section, select or deselect checkboxes depending on whether the shared devices will ring separately or together:

    • To have all shared phones and applications ring when Click to Dial is used, select the Ring all shared devices and applications when Click to Dial Calls are received checkbox. For Click to Dial to work, a phone or application receives the Click to Dial (not an incoming call).

    • To have all shared devices and applications ring when group pages are received, select the Ring all shared devices and applications when group Pages are received checkbox.

    • The Ring all shared devices and applications when a call is parked on a line feature is currently not supported.
  1. In the Applications section, select or deselect checkboxes depending on the applications you want to assign to the user. (The numbers under each license indicates the number of licenses remaining out of the total number available. In our example, there are a total of six BroadTouch PC Client licenses, but only two  are available.)
  1. In the Application Add-ons section, select or deselect checkboxes depending on the application add-ons you want to assign to the user.

    You have access to the applications and application add-ons your organization purchased when your service was set up.
  1. Click Save.

Note:  You can also change mobile settings and PC applications from the Numbers tab.

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